Good Morning Peter,
I got it Monday afternoon and thanks for the fast & free delivery, very greatly appreciated! In just holding the box before opening it, I could feel my energy changing.
As I opened it and held it for awhile I knew I was going to love this experience – a happy calmness settled in.
It was a few hours before I could get out and go for a ride, when I sat in the car holding it, the sun was very bright in my eyes so I closed my eyes. All I could see was bright red through my eyelids, as I said the prayer out loud it all changed to gold. Deep rich gold and a relaxed soothing smile.
I’ve had some concerns about my starter but it started up nicely and within the first 15 mins. I could feel the engine running smoother than before. Traffic was smooth, lights were green and songs on the radio were about “love and happiness” and that is when I started laughing. Everything I did was fitting into the saying “better and better.”
I had four stores to go to, the harmony was happening everywhere like it was bumping into me –
my sun visor noticeably worked better,
I found everything I needed at the home improvement store and got a special unexpected discount,
I found a light socket that I needed that is saving me a “go to an electric lighting repair store” expense tomorrow morning –
my car lights stayed on when I locked the car walking away from it, that caught my attention because those lights stopped staying on a few or several years ago-
Didn’t find anything at the next store but I did have the opportunity to be kind to someone and lift their spirit-
then I noticed the dollar store and found what I needed for a lot less.
In the last store the harmony continued but the best part was backing out of my parking spot and thinking “why are you driving so slow?” as I stopped shifted gears and glanced back, I saw the reflection of my lights on the car that I just missed hitting. I had no idea it was there! Talk about gratitude!!
I did also notice that night driving was easier on my eyes as well. The gas gauge did not seem to move any but I could not give you numbers about miles per gallon.
My car is a 2003 Aztec – I love this car and it has always been a great car to drive and care for. Looking forward to my next ride!!