
Master Class Fear Blockages

Mientras estaba haciendo mi tarea para esta clase me di cuenta de 2 centros de miedo en mi cuerpo. Para mi gran sorpresa, cuando Peter iluminó mis centros de miedo, ¡me iluminé como un árbol de Navidad! Tenía varios de ellos encendidos y apagados en mi cuerpo físico. Observaba todas estas "luces" con incredulidad, ya que hasta ese momento no tenía ni idea de cuánto de mi vida estaba gobernada por el miedo. Al final de la clase, después de que Peter destrozara todos mis centros de miedo, me encontré en una oscuridad total. En esta oscuridad experimenté una profunda quietud y vastedad. Me encontraba en un espacio sin límites y sin sonido, ¡donde todo es posible!
Gracias Peter por esta poderosa experiencia que ha cambiado mi forma de ser en mi vida y mi forma de ver el mundo.

Ania Stang 19 de agosto de 2016

Algo está cambiando.....

Algo está cambiando. He tomado MC serie 1, MC serie 2 y ahora MC serie 3. Hemos completado los cursos de las 2 primeras semanas, Destino y Vida de MC serie 3. No es fácil de explicar... ¡no es como cuando recibí una llamada telefónica la mañana después de la clase de Creación Consciente y recibí $10,000 de un familiar para ayudarme con mis renovaciones! Esto es diferente. Esto es más emocional. Me siento mucho más ligera por dentro y más centrada mentalmente. Tengo más convicción para ocuparme de mí misma y de mis asuntos, de modo que pueda autorrealizarme más. La dificultad para mí es que no todo el mundo en mi vida se va a subir al tren conmigo. Y, sin embargo, puedo decir que si continúo con estas amistades que consumen mi vida diaria, sólo me estaré frenando a mí mismo. Si estos amigos pueden adaptarse a que yo sea más yo, les doy la bienvenida para que se queden en mi vida. Me doy cuenta de que inconscientemente he estado poniendo a los demás por delante de mí las 24 horas del día. Puede que no se note en el exterior, pero soy muy buena ayudando a los demás a sentirse bien consigo mismos y tomando decisiones a expensas de avanzar yo misma.

Sandra Barbato 18 de agosto de 2016

My HFA Experience

My HFA arrived on 8/18 and when I opened the box it was breathtaking and was quite surprised on the weight of the device. The next day I held the device to my solar plexus – read the instructions and connected the device to my car. I drove 25 minutes into the city, feelng alert and calm. I drove in the left lane at 75 mph and realized I was driving 2 car lengths behind the vehicle in front of me (as if there was an unseen cushion around my car) and not one vehicle cut in front of me – very unusual in the city and I was “in the flow”. The drive home was without an incident. I work nearby at a mall and noticed no problems pulling into a parking spot. The HFA has made a difference in my life and I look forward to my 3 hour trip mid September and my 10 hour trip in November with my dog (who gets anxiety while riding long trips). Thank you, Peter

Brenda Diehl agosto 16, 2016

Dog and fleas/ticks

So I was going to do a short YouTube vid for this but my dog took off upstairs before may still but for now…
Came to Missouri (known by many as misery state) for good reason, with my dog in 2010 from CO, had never used poison flea/tick crap on him as it wasn’t an issue in CO! Had to here and still took 50-60 ticks off my dog every spring/summer. In 2014 I met Peter and Aquaware 4, started using pet-flea &tick dropped by over 1/2 on ticks, no fleas, enter Aquaware 5 and this being one of the worst tick seasons ever, 1 tick this entire year and it wasn’t sucking blood when I found it, no poison crap at all just 9 layers of A-5 intents he drinks period and a good diet! I loved A-4 but I’m here to tell you folks A-5 blows the doors off of 4 hands down! Bless you Peter for another outstanding product! xoxo

Georgia agosto 15, 2016


The Aquaware 5 is wonderful…so much faster and easier to use.

kathryn dickinson agosto 15, 2016

Cold Sore

I’ve had a cold sore for days. Extremely painful..
Took out my laptop and turned on Aquaware for Virus and Herpes.
I was so happy when the pain was virtually gone in 15 minutes!

Aine Delaney agosto 14, 2016

Aquaware 5 custom intent ideas

Some custom intent ideas that have worked well to date include: a variety of tree and gem essences, sage essential oil, Ho’oponopono frequency, electrolyte balance and an emulated reflexology session. The forcefield intents continue to provide positive results everywhere. Many thanks!

Sarah Lewis agosto 14, 2016

HFA – It's Like Driving Around in a Protective Bubble

I looked forward to receiving my HFA and linking it to my Jeep because the NHTSA reports that 69 percent of all car accidents occur within a ten-mile radius from home and I do a lot of local, stop and go driving. Last night I needed to go out at 10PM to care for a dog whose family was away on a trip. My drive started just as a line of severe thunderstorms rolled through my area causing a flash flood warning to be issued, too. I found myself to be alert yet strangely calm as I drove the 15 miles I needed to travel through a torrential downpour that was accompanied by flashes of lightening and loud claps of thunder. I felt as if my Jeep knew what to do and I just needed to “stay out of its way”. But here’s where I truly experienced the magic which I attribute to the HFA. On my return trip home I saw the flashing lights of police vehicles which cordonded off a recent accident that had occurred on the opposite side of the road. As I passed and approached the next intersection (I had the green light), I saw a vehicle on my right going through their red light (the driver may have been distracted by the flashing lights from the accident I had just passed). As I prepared to take action to try to avoid colliding with this vehicle (and at the same time not cause an accident with another vehicle on this 2 lane road), the driver of the other car “woke up” and came to an abrupt stop just before I reached them and I was able to pass by the front of their vehicle (which was sticking out into the oncoming lane) without incident. Whew! All I can say is, I truly felt like there was a protective bubble surrounding myself and my Jeep last night.. I am so grateful for my HFA and I “won’t leave home” or drive without it!

Nancy Lovell agosto 12, 2016

HFA 1st trip

The day the HFA arrived, I was downstairs thought mail had already come, then a bit later, I felt it, and about 5 seconds later my sis texted me I had a pkg at top of stairs, I knew it was the HFA from the energy it was amazing! I went up and could feel this incredibly beautiful, peaceful type energy just coming from the box.
Once opened it took my breath away, it was gorgeous and I just held it next to my heart in awe! Then I had to take pics to put on FB:)!

That night I slept with it with astounding deep peaceful sleep. The next day I took it in a nice piece of material I love out to my car, activated it and just sat with it in car for a bit. About an hour later, took a trip to town….1st mind blowing thing (this doesn’t happen here) I get into middle of 4 lane ready to turn with traffic filling both lanes, 7 cars in the lane I needed moved over (seriously they don’t do this here) I of course acknowledge the whole thing with awe and appreciation!

Trip was the best ever, no upset with other drivers (saying in MO about drivers “you can’t fix stupid” (not mine but heard it back in 2010 when I got here, no issues, totally amazing.

Each stop was quick, easy and delightful plus not thinking it was very hot out, I bought frozen goods with no cooler or cold bags along, still had to stop by walk in appt with chiropractor, several cars in lot and waiting room. I walked in thinking week hope food doesn’t melt, signed in and was told to head on back….huh? In and out, no melt age and the most enjoyable trip to town I’ve had since being here!

I’m in awe, amazed (well not to amazed Peter created it) but still it’s truly a new way to travel! Once again Peter you’ve outdone yourself, & just imagine the possibilities here with commercial travel, buses, planes, trains and if everyone had one, oh my even driving in rush hour in Denver could be hhhmmmm tolerable, enjoyable do I dare say??? Excellent as always Mr gifted brilliant master I AM, YOU ARE!!! ? I love you so much and all you create!!

Georgia agosto 11, 2016

My HFA experience

8.6.16 I received the HFA, opened it, unwrapped the cellophane wrap and placed it back into the box.
8.7.16 I opened the box containing the HFA and linked the car and placed it between the front seats. I placed my intention on the car and drove to work. The car vibrated terriblyand swerved to the left. I was surprised. I thought to myself that something must be assessing my car issues. I was thinking hard and concentrating on every issue my car had. I parked my car and went to work.
Flashback: My car vibrated and swerved to the left due to some worn out ball and socket parts. They were expensive to repair. As a result from using force to keep the car from swerving, my small bone on the inner sides of my thumbs jutted out. It was painful. My inner elbows started hurting too.
Current time: 8.7.16 My drive home was smooth, no vibration & very little swerving to the left!
I’m so happy to have purchased the HFA! I feel my 2003 Hyundai is good as new!
Thanks Peter! I don’t know how you do it. You’re a genius!

Elizabeth Avery agosto 8, 2016
