I used Aquaware on a canker sore, not really expecting anything to happen. And lo and behold, within 15 minutes, it was gone. My dad was very skeptical (if not disbelieving) at first, but I programmed a QLS session for critical thinking, focus, retention etc. for him to use during work. I was pleasantly surprised when he told me it was assisting him to focus and put him in a “in the zone” state. Now he asks for his “brain water”.
abril 24, 2015
- Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
- ADN Cristal Alter
- HFA Ansuz Pendulum
- Generador de fuerza HFA
- HFA Mini
- HFA Mini V2
- HFA Orion
- HFA Palladian
- HFA Plus
- HFA Plus V2
- HFA Sirius
- Viajero HFA
- Oasis Celestial Chakra Sacro Botella de Agua
- Rosa de los vientos Mirra
- Primera fase
- Escudos Q
- Quantum Esto
- Somnum Machina
- Resonador Terra
- La esfera de los deseos
- La Esfera de los Deseos Negra
- Botella de agua TheSourxe
- Altar del Árbol del Conocimiento
- Trio of Life Amulets
- Vita Navitas