
Dottiedee Glass, Topeka

Hi Friends,
Last November 1 I met a friend who plays the guitar. He played and sang some songs to me. This was about the last time he was able to play as he had rheumatoid arthritis in his wrist making it too painful to play. It was hard for him to open doors and do many things that require flexibility of wrist. I received my Aquaware 4.0 December 6th. I started working with him. He has progressed during this time. Yesterday, I used some different intentions and this morning he got up better. He was able to drive easier, open doors and tonight on Skype he played his guitar for me!! Health is returning for him. We are so excited. He is getting better and better. Thank you Peter for our Aquaware 4.0.

marzo 21, 2015

withheld, Canada

Thank you a thousand times over Peter and it still doesn’t feel like enough!
I was in a state of grief, anxiety, depression, overwhelm and hopeless despair. Our family has a history of mental health issues and my reoccurring thoughts were scary. I had already been swallowing pills and potions all day , exercising, meditating, trying out different healers and energy methods for change. In short
doing everything I could to manage my emotions. It was like a full time job with no payday. I was not making any real progress, just getting through each day.
Then I had a session and WOW!
I felt a huge shift/transformation in my 1st session as if a weight had been lifted.
And it lasted. I continued with sessions because different things were coming up and I knew without a doubt now that you shift energy in a big way. I wanted more improvement and I now noticed my dependence on pills, potions and other strategies had reduced significantly. I take part in life. My motivation has increased. I’ve participated in things I haven’t done in years. Incessant worrying about health concerns diminished. I make plans take steps forward in the direction I want. I can feel total and true joy at the very core of my being. The scariest negative thought patterns are gone..not a glimmer. Nothing I’ve tried has been so effective in such a short period of time. Absolutely STELLAR RESULTS Peter. thank you once again!


marzo 20, 2015

Sylvia, Englewood Co USA

I’ve only been trying Lightbody for a week and I’ve already lost 2lbs and half an inch on my waist. I haven’t anything other than charge a bottle of water using inner beauty and then another in the afternoon with body toning. Amazing!!! I think I’m getting a nice side effect of awesome flying dreams. Those are my favorite.
Thanks Peter

marzo 19, 2015

Ania Stang, Holualoa, Hawaii

I got the LightBody 2.0 program a week ago hoping it will help me loose 8 lbs and maybe even break my strong addiction to wheat bread (that is how I gained this weight in a first place). I have struggled with this addiction for several months now without any meaningful success.
I used the LightBody 2.0 every day this past week charging my water, Kombucha tea or soup with 3-4 different intents (done separately) choosing the ones that resonated with me the most at that time. WOW!!!!!!!
I lost 6 lbs effortlessly. My shorts and pants fit me as they used to when I was at my ideal weight of 120. My craving for any kind of wheat products has vanished. Even an occasional craving for gluten free cake or chocolate is nonexistent. Only one dose of water charged with energy gave me enough of stamina and determination to finish a longstanding project with ease and joy. My appetite had normalized and I only eat what I need and always choose health options. I also used innerbeauty setting to charge all my skin products with an amazing effect. My completion looks fantastic and I glow in bliss. In the past week I have received many complements from complete strangers, but most importantly I simply feel amazing!
Thank you Peter for this powerful and impressive tool. It is very easy and fun to use on daily bases.

marzo 19, 2015

Joan Hansen, Denmark

Wow I´m one of those who have tried everything and for the first time have got really good results with the Aquaware 4.0. My food allergiers, which I have had for 20 years are gone. I have made intention water for my mother and her back pain is completely gone, This is amazing and i´m hooked 🙂

marzo 15, 2015

margaret, canada

I am enjoying my first few days of using the light body program . I used 7 empty glass Perrier bottles filled each one ran water prep ,user prep then set 1 intention into each of the 7 bottles. I have lost 1-2 pounds but the really fun thing I notice is just how beautiful I feel. Thanks Peter you make life so much fun. Blessings to all .

marzo 14, 2015

Carolyn, CA

I woke up one morning and when I moved to get out of bed, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen on the right side. The area continued to be sore although not so intense. The next night, I felt the same sharp pain again when turning over. I was pretty sure it was my appendix, and checked with my guidance (using a pendulum). I was told it there was bacteria in my appendix, which could lead to appendicitis. I used 4.0 “cleanse and rejuvenate-appendix” and the pain lessened that day and was completely gone within 4 days. I believe that this could have led to surgery if not for Aquaware. Thanks, Peter! This is a great gift to humanity,

marzo 13, 2015

anne, canada

I was taking a highway trip with a truck full of ladies last weekend, before leaving
I used the intention for a forcefield transportaion for protection. while on the highway while following a pickup with a fridge on the back my ever wise friend left that lane just in time as the door flew off the back of the truck. needless to say what a disaster that could have caused. We all must use and follow our wise intuition to use these intentions it might have saved our lives on that trip.

marzo 5, 2015

Helen, Devon UK

I hate speaking in public, however I had ‘allowed’ myself to be manipulated into a debating evening where I would be expected to do just that, and with a group of very big characters who take particular delight in being argumentative and point scoring. After spending the day feeling less than confident, just before the evil hour, on a whim I did a search on the AW4 intent list and found ‘Public Speaking’ in Human Potential. I only set the bar to 20% as I didn’t feel confident to go for more ;)…..But OMG what a night…..I just seemed to find my voice, everything came to me as I needed it and in fact I put my side so well I know I ruffled the feathers of others there….However as soon as it finished I thanked them for helping me to see all sides of the argument which diffused any bad feeling. I never would have had to confidence to do that either!! So many people have complimented me on my ‘killer question’s’ and ‘articulate reasoning’. I never knew I had it in me…..
I have been working mostly on health issues and I know only too well not to do too much in 1 day or set the % too high. (First hand, days in bed detoxing, we ever learn, eh?!) However I have found a distinct benefit from running SourxeIII along with the AW4 intent gives it that extra sparkle and shine, and boy does it make the water taste good…..

marzo 5, 2015

Dee, Kansas City, Missouri

To anyone who was fortunate enough to have found Aquaware!
I had extreme and incredible pain in my hands, shoulder, feet and even my shin. I could hardly walk and practically lost the use of my hands… there was no strength in them and my fingers were frozen in pain. I had never experienced anything like this, so as I researched what it could be, I charged my water with anything that had to do with joints, bones, pain, and general health, and also stopped consuming foods I noticed made the problem worse and recurring. I finally got significant relief with the achy joints intent. I’m typing this testimonial today 3/2/15 and yesterday I couldn’t even slide my finger across the mousepad on my computer because of pain. I’m practically back to normal and I’m able to perform normal activities again. I used no meds or pharmaceuticals, only the charged water. I’m incredibly grateful and thankful for Aquaware. I live alone, and I cannot express what it means to be able to perform the most basic of tasks for myself. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

marzo 2, 2015
