I am having some wonderful results with the Aquaware 3.1 since December 5th. I have been doing remote intuitive healing for some time. However, the Aquaware software has made a big difference in my time involved in working with my clients. I am most thankful. I decided to get the software because of a client in Iowa who I have not met, that has stage 4 cancer. December 5th he told them to pull the life support tubes and to let him go in his sleep that night. I did sessions on him most of that night, with the Aquaware and my process. He was amazed the next morning when he woke up that he was still on the planet. He had planned on going home from the hospital the 15th. However, during the night last night, his heart started racing and they couldn’t get it under control so he will not be going home for a while. When they pulled the tubes, he was not drinking so had no way of getting water in him. How does one send the Aquaware frequencies to one who isn’t taking in liquids? What can I do? It came to me to fill the room with more humidity and then to program the humidity. It may have worked since he was alive and some better the next morning. I have programmed the humidity for him since when he isn’t getting enough water down. He and his wife can tell when I am working on him. They can feel it. I have done a lot on both of them and on her daughter. Yesterday I talked with a gal with an ingrown toenail. She had just been to the doctor and he and deaden it and cut it out. Was in a lot of pain. I sent her 70 miles away the Toenail Health program and she could feel it as I was doing the program and when she drank the water, she was amazed at the lower pain level. Peter, then my mother, I love her dearly. Yet, in 1997 she disowned me and we haven’t spoken since except for a few minutes a few days before my daughter departed the planet. Not a loving conversation. She has been in a nursing home for the last 5-6 years and doesn’t know anyone, can’t walk or feed herself. I have done her 3-4 times since I got the software. My sister-in-law put on Facebook yesterday that my mother is better, she talked, she ate better and even drank water better then she has done in a long time. She even asked about my daughter as she didn’t know she has been gone for 6 years. My sister-in-law was most amazed. Of course, I am not in communication with them either except what people tell me. My brother has cancer and was on a $8,000 / mo pill for about a year and now on a $12,000 a month shot. We are not on speaking terms either, he lives across the street from my mother. I have not done any work on him as I am not sure what to do or just to let him live his journey they way he wants. I have all the people to work on that I can get done in a weeks time. Sunday I did around 70+ programs for a bunch of people. That is what caused me to order #4 yesterday. I am looking forward to doing 7 at once! Oh, yes, how do people get paid and how much do they get paid for sending frequencies across the nation? Oh Peter, just one more good note. My son has sold Fords for 11-12 years. This past December since I got Aquaware 3 was his best month ever. Can you guess why? ah ha He does know I have the software and that I do him some. He got a plaque for top internet sales person of the year! Looking forward to our time together. Peter, thank you so much for all your efforts in making this possible for us. One more question. In my work, I work on removing past life memories and programming from others and ancestors, is there a way to do that with the software? I also use a lot of Essential oils in my broadcasting, can this been done some way too? In case, you haven’t noticed, my post is longer than yours! You are appreciated. – Dottiedee