
Anonymous – United States

Hi Peter, I bought the Sourxe III on October 10. That same night when I called my elder son (in Los Angeles) he was on his way to the hospital as he was experiencing various symptoms which, he said, according to Doctor Online indicated some kidney problem. More alarming was that after running tests the physician found no problem with his kidneys but suspected Leukemia even though his blood work was not indicating any such. He has been asked to do a blood work again after a week. I used Sourxe III intending that any liquid he drinks throughout the day heals him completely of any ailment, aches or pains he may be experiencing. I also intended that every time he showers the water from the shower will make him calm, relaxed, harmonious and balanced (because he is usually very hyper and has been since childhood). I did not tell him I am doing this. I spoke to him just now and he is feeling much better. Not as weak as he was feeling that day, his lower back ache is considerable reduced. He then said that some other strange things are happening too. Like unknown people are contacting him from out of the blue for projects. He works on video and film post production. Needless to say I am crying with joy and gratitude! THANK YOU!!! BLESS YOU!!!

diciembre 15, 2014

Joan – United States

Peter I can’t tell you how excited I have been getting to use AW3.1. I have used it on myself, others, pets, plants and the environment with wonderful results. I have been able to use it and explain how it works for my 11 year old granddaughter. She did not completely understand the concept but it helped her anyway. I also showed her the pictures in Dr. Emoto’s book, of the water crystals. That is also helpful for anyone who wants to SEE the way water responds to us. Thank you so much, can’t wait for AW4 – Joan

diciembre 15, 2014

Sharon – United States

Hi Peter. Thank you so much for giving me the number to work with. Here are the results as promised. First as soon as I saw number I started to get nervous almost like my heart was going faster than it should. It was like that for two days. I don’t usually get nervous so it was a little strange. It was like the energy around me was vibrating faster than me. very odd feeling. The first day of the show I think I had one client when everyone else had people. The next day I got a little freaked as I had no one and everyone else was busy that maybe by doing the number I wasn’t supposed to or something. Then I wrote to you and of course you said just wait. It’s coming. A few other things happened and then bam it started. I didn’t stop well into the closing time and I could have read a lot more if time permitted. Next day it was a little slow and the same thing it was so busy I was turning people away and I was booked hours in advance as people were waiting. I gave out a lot of cards and information and people have been booking ever since. So thank you so much for giving me the number. I’m hoping I can still use it for water drinking as the intent is something I want to do with my business not just the fair. I tried to do it in a general sense. One thing that I observed and I thought that you might be able to use it is that the lady beside us was a direct ancestor (way back) of Lakshmi and her energy was just like magic anything she touched. I just thought that would be a good one to use as your “energy like” water magic. Just observing I know you have so much to put into it. Thank you so much and if there is anything else you need let me know. Can’t wait for 4 to come out. Count me in. Sharon

diciembre 15, 2014

Susan – Greenville, SC USA

Peter, I have had cysts on both hands above the thumbs..have been to hand doctor, was told I need surgery when I couldn’t take the pain any longer. I have used the Intent cysts but it really didn’t help. On my own I thought Aquaware couldn’t help till after the surgery. I have heard you say think outside the box but it never registered with me about my hands. I wrapped my hand with the intent cysts and arthritis and change it twice a day. The swelling is gone, the cyst are smaller and I have use of my whole hand. Peter thank you for all you do for me and my family Susan

diciembre 15, 2014

Peter W Schenk, New Fairfield, CT – USA

Peter Joseph is my son. I am not a gambler, but I am a sore loser. For the past five years, occasional visits to casinos have resulted in countless losses. Not a happy camper I am. About two weeks ago I again planned a visit to one of the nearby casinos, Harrah’s in Chester Pennsylvania. Before I left my house, I made an Intention of not loosing my whole bankroll, four hundred dollars. I asked that I could play a few hours and have fun. I like to play 3-card poker, no hassle with other players etc. I entered the casino and proceeded to sit down at a table, got on first base, right most seat was free. First hand I see an Ace, then a three, next a two. So now I have a straight, but did not see the suit. The dealer turns over his cards, and proceeds to check my three cards. I say: ‘go easy’, he gingerly turns over a straight-flush of diamond, paying 40 to 1. A Straight-Flush is not uncommon, but to make it on your first hand definitely is. Sometime after dinner the dealer got three Aces, a rare hand indeed. But guess who had the fourth ace? Moi. Paying 50 to one. Rare, yes, but after the Straight-Flush, rarer. I was not done yet, played another hour and got three nines, paying 30 to 1. Rare no, but with the initial Straight-Flush, then the fourth Ace, and now Trips, three nines, definitely not your usual casino session. Getting ready to leave, I joined my wife at the Penny slots. I played a machine next to her that she declared ‘dead’. I got another monster hit for a penny machine, all 7’s (see photo), paying $220, followed by another $270 dollar win. Business as usual, you say? Could happen to anyone? Could, but it happened to me after I made the intention to the glass of water, and won incredible hands. I wish you all the same luck!

diciembre 14, 2014

Anonymous, Planet Earth

I was suffering from bad throat infection for a couple of days, then I took some homeopathic medicine to cure it. That did not help.  Later that evening I checked my fever, it was 101.0, and my body felt drained of energy and I could not take it any more so I started TheSourxe III program, by the way 101 temperature was there to kill of virus in throat, it is body’s defense mechanism. So i started the TheSourxe III program created an intention to heal throat infection. As soon as water was all the way down my body started burning from some kind of heat, especially my face and head was frying in heat. I was not sure what was happening. then i put thermometer in my mouth and checked my temperature and it was 104.0. Then i thought to my self it is possibly TheSourxe III energy fulfilling my wish to get rid of throat infection. So about 30 min later  my temperature was like 96 degrees. The energy from the program has some kind of intelligence in it it knows how to fix the issue at hand, and also I will add that I felt some sort of cooling effect on my face and head like icy peppermint feel felt pleasurable and also whole body felt balanced within itself. I felt like I was enjoying living inside my body.

diciembre 14, 2014

Cigi, United States

Hello Peter: I purchased your Jim and Adoley Aquaware offer. I had some urgency in doing so. My partner was diagnosed with severe immune deficiency 10 years ago. He takes daily medication to control it. Still the doctors say they ‘don’t know how he’s alive’ because of the low numbers on his lab reports. While traveling, he ran out of the pills. He was unable to get the prescription refilled. He started getting extremely tired early in the day, looked terrible, and got cold sores. This was just just 10 days without the pills. That’s when I heard your program. I believed and order it. Without him knowing, I started using Perfect Health, while visioning him drinking and showering in the conditioned water. I NEVER actually saw the water he drank or bathed in. I just visioned seeing it. He just got back from his latest checkup. He had been without pills for 25 days. The doctor said his lab results are the best he’s ever had! He thinks it’s because he’s so focused and involved on his latest project. But I KNOW the tipping point was Aquaware. It’s no coincidence that the cold sores and tiredness started going away the day after I started using Perfect Health. It’s amazing. I’m so grateful to you and your work. I’m up to 90% Perfect Health for him now. How do I determine when to stop using the program, or at what level I should stop using it? Would you recommend muscle testing or intuitive knowing? Also, you should know I’m also getting spectacular results for me. Once I start manifesting what I’m working on for me, I’ll send you another message. Best regards.


diciembre 13, 2014

Margaret, United States

I do have an awesome testimony , one of my sons for quite awhile has had back issues in which he could hardly stand for any length of time. He lives in another city so I sent the intention that his water would receive the degenerative back condition /pain relief intention. We seldom talk but the other day over the phone I asked how his back had been. He told me it has improved a great deal and he was able to help more at home with his family. Lots more to tell,  thank you Peter.

diciembre 13, 2014

Kimberly Klein, Pennsylvania, USA

Hiya Peter, Wanted to touch base you and share my experiences a few weeks after the 2nd healing session. Kind of had unexpected twist. I’ve been looking for physical healing, but instead have had healing in the way of my heart opening up more, upliftment of my soul and emotions; my feelings, or I should say my empathic abilities have strengthened, and my journey time (messages from Spirit) have deepened. I can now look inside at the cells of my body and see them changing! Initially, St. Germaine was here helping, but now Metatron has a very strong presence. As usual, I’m the odd ball out,

diciembre 13, 2014

Robert Williams, Portland, OR, United States

I decided to give Navitus 2.0 a try just to “dip my toes in the water” and I’m excited to report higher energy throughout my day. It’s like a gentle caffeine but without the caffeine. Wow, I’m excited to try your other products.

diciembre 12, 2014
