The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Six

When we got closer to the mountain he said, “There’s some very powerful male energy on the top there.” I asked him who he thought it was. He said, “Nephi,” who you could say is the Mormon equivalent of Moses. Sometime later a very gifted intuitive named Mark said that it was indeed a male representative who could represent just about anybody. The details Mark gave were amazingly similar to Peter’s description.)

As Peter and I were moving up the mountain it became increasingly clear that it was a bizarre place. The physical manifestations were that all the cedar trees, at least 90% of them forming a type of circle around the hump, were burnt from the inside out, exactly the way lightning would do it, but it didn’t add up that lightning would have discriminately chosen a few hundred cedar trees to strike, and leave the other trees alone. I’m a trained advanced remote viewer, and I began to see in a remote viewing way that it was in fact lightning, but it was coming up from the ground, through the trees, and branching into the sky. And it wasn’t flashing, it was a standing “arc” of incredibly powerful electricity, like the mountain itself was some sort of a machine.

I pointed all that out to Peter, and he said that’s exactly what happened and is still happening. “This is a temple. You should see it.” We hiked between the “bulls” that I couldn’t see, but could feel, and continued on up. We stepped up onto this rock ledge that even for my conventional site could easily be a sort of lecture platform. Below the “platform” was rocky ground about ten feet below. We climbed down. We have a picture of the front of it. You see a split that would sort of be at the location of the third-eye between two half-buried eyes. Directly above that is the “platform.”

Peter went walking towards that split between the “eyes” and said, “This is an ancient mine.” Sweeping his hands around in the air, he said, “This rock face is covered with text of some kind.” We poked around a bit speaking in generalities of what he was seeing, saying still that there literally thousands of beings there. At a certain point, he said, “This is where I have to do my Rite of Passage.” At that moment I realized we’d left my hand-held recorder and staff in the truck. I offered to go get them and walked off.

As I walked, I realized I was walking on some very, very old road, so I stayed on it, sensing that I was actually walking a sort of corridor and stairs in the temple itself. I got the staff and the recorder from the truck and walked. I stopped, sensing that I’d reached some sort of entrance. At that moment I was beginning to sense very strongly that I was re-enacting something, that one of my selves, or even someone else, was superimposed over me. I felt a hood, and cloak, heavy cloth, and jewelry, things hanging from me, like maybe talismans and whatnot. The staff needed to be in my left hand, for example. I made my way up the mountain, literally feeling inescapably that I was Moses on my way up the mountain.

I walked the same road, followed it around to the face where Peter waited, and when I got there I said, “This is a road.” He said, “I know.” I said, “How old is it?” “I don’t know. Very old.”

I told him that I felt as though I were several people, and he said, “There are several people superimposed over you, Moses type people. Old prophets in the desert kind of thing.” I handed him the recorder and he asked if I would leave him alone. I went off a few hundred feet away and just let myself sense. It was hard to describe what I was sensing. When it felt time to rejoin him, I could see that he’d been emotional. Peter doesn’t cry – it’s just not in him, and it’s not that he hides his feelings. He just doesn’t have any reason to cry. But this time he did. That’s a story for another day. The result was a 25 minute recording, and as it related to me it spoke of a cache of gold inside the mountain. Later, Peter was to point out that the whole area was an alien base, below ground, giant, and that inside the mountain were artifacts, possibly alien also, some sort of technology. I indicated the valley below, and said “There’s something about this valley. There are things out there that seem man made.”

“The whole valley is an ancient burial ground. It’s incredible. Millions and millions of them. Anyway, this is where it all takes place.” “What?” “I don’t know. They won’t show me.” Speaking as Saint-Germain, he said, “You will bring a man here that will point out something you don’t know how to recognize.”

I did indeed later take a man out there, my old partner with the free-energy device. I was using his scalar wave gold detection gun while he got down on the ground and looked beneath the ledges you see as almost “brow ridges” in the photo I took. “Come here,” he said. “Check this out.” I got down on my belly and looked under the ledges. Pointing at this and that under the ledge, he said, “Do you see all that blackness?” “Yeah.” “Do you know what it is?”

I didn’t know. I thought it was black rock, and said so. He said, “Its soot, from a fire. This is very interesting. The way the Spaniards mined gold, and even the ancient natives, was they’d build fires to heat up the rock and then dump water on it to cause it to split. There was definitely some kind of mine here, maybe very old, maybe Spaniards, maybe both. This has been reburied. The most intriguing thing about that is that if there were nothing there, there wouldn’t be any reason to rebury it.”

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