The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Seven

Some four months later I was in a session with the same gifted intuitive previously mentioned and asked her about the temple. Without hesitation she said, “It’s there. It’s real. It’s not even in another dimension, but in this one, just hidden. It’s a temple for the manifestation of gold. That’s what it is, a Temple of Gold.” By the way, this woman is available to anybody who requires her service. Just put somewhere on the discussion board you’d like to call her and I’ll shoot you an email with her number and instructions.

Shortly after Peter’s visit, Pam was messing around with one of her crystals very late at night, and the thing just came alive, started glowing brilliant green in the dark of her room. Imagery started to pour out of it. She was crying. She called me and told me about it the next day. A couple of days after that, she called and said, “I forgot to tell you something about those visions that were coming out of the crystal. I saw blocks of gold, and some stairs leading down into the mountain. The mountain’s a sort of plain colored hill, not a lot of features around. Been a lot of lightning there or something. And the clouds opened up over the top of it. They were digging in the wrong place for the gold. It’s higher.” “Who was?” “I don’t know.” I asked her to please never forget ever again a detail such as that.

On our way back to the Salt Lake area, we were passing a mountain and Peter asked me what it was. I told him I didn’t know. He said, “That’s one of the main headquarters on Earth for the Reptilians.” This was not that much of a surprise since the Reptilians love (loved I should say) to work their hell through the religions – fundamentalists were easy pickings for them, and it is said that there is a vast underground network of tunnels and facilities that lead all the way from Salt Lake to the Four Corners Area. The evidence I have read is very compelling, but I didn’t need to read about the Reptilians themselves. I knew about them, had dealt with them, and they didn’t like having to deal with me. Our advanced remote viewing class also surprised them one day in the midst of their spurious operations.

At that moment he was shown that they were dying off, quickly, of a disease that was consuming them from the skin inward. A very painful, horrible way to die, and that the Council had used Peter to trigger the onset of this disease. It was their own doing, their own karma. This was the Cosmic way of bringing about equilibrium. There are some among them who did “grow” hearts, so to speak, and they are still here. But the Reptilians are a non-issue for any of you who care to know that.

Peter returned to Connecticut, and in subsequent telephone conversations more pieces were introducing themselves, such as that I was to obtain a GPS unit to record the latitude and longitude of the site, which I did. We started looking for clues and codes in those coordinates. In the meantime, Peter was prompted to check out some aerial photographs of the site and wound up sending me the link. While we were at the site he was getting vague impressions about a whale, a white whale, or maybe a whale and a white witch – couldn’t pin it down, and when Peter can’t pin it down it’s because it is being deliberately obscured by our Friends.

Also, They kept telling him that I’d see something in the photographs that he wasn’t, and they were indicating to him that I would also see a type of “X marks the spot.” Of course the Ascended Ones were blinding him to it so that I could be included in on the unfolding signs and be ever and ever more convinced of the reality of what we were being led to believe. I took one look at it and saw the White Whale. We were on the phone at the moment, both of us looking at the photograph, and I said, “Well, there’s your whale you were talking about down there.”

He exclaimed, “I forgot all about that! What else do you see?” and I told him about the bullseye. That is precisely where we were standing on and below the “platform” and where the half-buried face (half-way up the eyes) was.

Sometime before that, I was to go down there and dig. I went down with dowsing rods and a pendulum and checked out the area that read very strongly with the scalar wave gold detection gun. I dug and dug and dug. Rented a small jackhammer and dug some more. I was digging through solid rock. Did I expect to find anything? Not really. What was I doing? I was digging a hole. And as I was digging it I thought to myself, “Well, if they’re testing my resolve, they might as well give that up.” And then I got to thinking about the “Old Man and the Sea,” and the labor that is done for the love of the labor. And I was thinking about Captain Ahab and the Great White Whale, and then I was Captain Ahab, in pursuit of the nemesis. But nothing was going to stop me. Nothing. All this Captain Ahab and Moby Dick stuff came before I saw this aerial photo.

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