I have the wishing sphere mini and Quantum This from MDM. Both are so beautiful and supportive. They are truly eye candy.
The wishing sphere works as an amplifier of my intention for me. Besides taking my wishes, I often use mini to clear energy and low vibrational existences, e.g. virus on people and spaces.
Currently I am still working with Quantum This to manifest my goals. Not much to report yet. So far, QT brings beautiful energy during my mediations.
Ultimately, I want to honor the wizard, and the master mind besides these creations. Yes, it’s Peter! Peter brought the concept of honoring the space of physical and non-physical beings really expanded my connection to all things around me. Through that I received a new discovery of my reality, and a practical one. I am able to build relationships with my house, crystals, shower faucet, microwave, and many more by honoring their existence. This open up many possibilities and surprises for me. Thanks Peter for leading me into the magical side of the world.