

Peter, I wanted to share the latest of my Wishing Sphere magic! My daughter who is a single mom and working 3 jobs had signed up for a college course that cost $3000. I looked at my wishing sphere and thought why not? I wished for $3000 to come to her so she would not have the burden of an extra monthly payment to pay for her class. About a month later she called me with crazy exciting news!! One of her dear friends decided to write a check to my daughter’s college for $3000 from her mom’s estate to pay for her class!!! My mouth dropped and tears came rushing in! All I can say is WOW!!!!!

नवम्बर 1, 2023

Vita Navitas Wands for Healing

I knew they were for me as soon as I saw them. Wonderful wands for healing anything with Source energy. Beautiful craftsmanship. I love the tachyon crystals and the feel of the pure copper and silver. Amazing for chronic, long-standing conditions and releasing trauma, taking us back to perfection as we were created by Source.
Blessings to those who handcrafted my wands and to Peter for making them available with love and inspiration.
I\’m sure there is more to discover and enjoy.

नवम्बर 1, 2023

My life has completely changed for the better!

So where do I start I have finally found a job, that I actually love doing, where I’m seen and valued for my contributions, I enjoy getting up everyday and going & will be receiving a promotion as the office manager, im overall bringing in more money between my job and my clients, I have expanded as a person, spiritually, in my light work, business and have found wholeness, self love and respect for myself, I am sooo beautiful and integral part of the whole!
My relationships have greatly improved, especially with my mother!!
I just finished the attraction workshop and I am bringing in the true love of my life! A healthy, loving, supportive life partner, who is super sexy and my best friend, he is present and simply adores every aspect of me !.. I can feel it in my belly, hello Clairsent! 🌹
I’ll keep you guys posted on my progress!

नवम्बर 1, 2023

The Violet Flame 💜 Current

Eye was introduced to the website and the MDM minute thru a close spiritual soul mate. Upon recent we have reconnected. Furthermore I repeated several of the Violet Flame matras being totally open to the experience it needed to experience and express thru me. Seconds after repeating the mantra a current would litterly flow thru my being almost debilitating me but in a good way .its hard to explain. So I played around with it thinking this cannot be true..you know how many mantras I have said over the years and absolutely nothing happens. Lol but with stating and since saying the Violet Flame mantras and as I put my hand over the water jug I had near by it litterly paralyzed me again not in a fearful way. Its just that the frequency is so strong Its almost like eye can’t control it. Lol. I recently came across a picture my now ex husband took of me while living in Colorado at the time , and many years ago. It happened to be in my Facebook collection of pictures. Well it’s a picture of me sitting in the shadows on the rocks while streams of water are flowing. Now picture this .there is a Violet Light Ray’s shining upon me or directly on me …its purple 💜 hues of light are spectacular. I can’t make this up .I hope to share the picture with MDM to see for yourself. I love this and will continue to say the mantras to create the manifestation I so desire. Thanks a bunch.

Sincerely Agape Love in my heart for all of humanity and this entire planet.


नवम्बर 1, 2023

Not even 24 hours later!

Less than 24 hours after playing the attraction workshop, a replay… I woke up went to the gym & I heard my guides tell me ask a girl, from my gym, if she is looking for a roommate, by the time I made it home, it was a yes & its an actual house & they love cats, which was one of the things I wrote on my manifesting list, a place that would Pancho, the cat would love and be happy, amongst so many other things!
Sidenote guys were flying around me more than normal & I feel positive in a bigger way…
I also took note and considerd my mom, in a way I wasn’t able to before, there was still so much unforgiven & more money has come in!
Keep it coming universe, in my highest and best!!

नवम्बर 1, 2023

A Magic piece of Art

I think I was one of first people to purchase the Wishing Sphere. I was so excited to get it, that when it arrived ( very fast I might add) I was afraid to unbox it for a couple of days. I had placed it under my desk to protect it from the skeptics. During that time I could feel it’s presence in the room. The day I opened it up was a day I’ll never forget. I blessed each piece as I put it together. I am still connecting with it and making wishes daily. I will never part with it for anything.
Thank you Peter for this Magical piece of Art.

नवम्बर 1, 2023

Wishing wizard

There are many so called wishing machines, including the Radionics machines . These cost thousands of dollars. They require complicated instructions . Wishing Sphere is the crown jewel for making your wish come true . It’s affordable, potent and does not require any prior training. Peter has brought us an amazing tool . Try it yourself.

नवम्बर 1, 2023

The Wishing Sphere – where are you

When I first saw the Wishing Sphere I was intrigued. Hmmm..looks interesting and ancient wishing wells were part of my childhood “hope for magic”.
I threw some ancient Egyptian cards asking ‘what was the outcome of having one of these to play with’. Wow – peace love spirituality etc . within the 5 card reading. Very positive. I felt more and more connected over the coming week each time I looked at it. So with all the travel delays, I am now itching to have it turn up half way across the world. Trying to be patient, however, in a way I feel it is already here as each time I think of it a feeling of peace and quiet reassurance comes over me, despite all kinds of info given to me from postal service, as to how long till delivery.

नवम्बर 1, 2023

Wishes and Dreams Come True

While on a class earlier in the year with Peter Schenk I made a wish. Peter was talking about a sphere that he was holding in his hand that had the Flower of Life inside of it.. As he was describing it, my heart leapt in my throat. I want that, I have to have it. The energy felt amazing.
Fast forward to early May, a few friends asked me what I wanted for my birthday,
“The Wishing Sphere, of course!. They contributed and it arrived just after my birthday. That in itself was a big Wish!
Since then I’ve discovered that I sleep better when it’s on my night stand vs across the room. I have found that my meditation time has become so much easier and more focused. I have wished for inner peace and found such a sweet inner resonance. There are other wishes that have come to pass. I’ve lost 7lbs in the midst of birthday celebrations, who knew that wish would come true so fast.
I have made many wishes for others, for our planet, for healing…The Wishing Sphere has fueled my optimism and confidence in a positive future.
Oh, and I was given a new laptop seemingly out of the blue. My greenhouse is flourishing, a friend stopped by with a huge gift of seedlings and plants and life is flourishing around me.
I am so grateful for this powerful technology. Thank you, Peter Schenk.

नवम्बर 1, 2023

Just like that!

So I got my wishing sphere today, I followed the directions, I first made a wish for someone around me, particularly the person that has given me the most challenge.. then I said bring me the job that supports my sovereignty and my goals of moving out and providing for myself… Within the hour I got a psychic flash of where to go, I got up and I GOT THE JOB!!! I start Monday!!!
Thank you Peter!😘😘😘

नवम्बर 1, 2023
