
My New Companions

Peter always says the products do mind-boggling things. I had not experienced that until last week. After losing my husband two and a half years ago, my grief was so intense that everything became overwhelming. I then came across Peter and his products and decided to give them a go. I have had THE HFA MINI and THE I AM PRESENCE bracelet since December last year. I am less stressed and fearful of everything. I don’t have the constant sadness I had before. I guess they were healing my emotions. Thursday morning I spoke to them and thanked them for all they have done, then asked them to help with my finances. Later that morning I received two calls offering me work at two different companies for a two week’s period each. I was totally bowled over.
I am grateful to Peter and for the new products that I have, which I now call my companions.

Lessie HFA Mini and I AM bracelet अप्रैल 28, 2019

Life Transforming!

I attended all three workshops and I hesitated submitting a testimonial only because I don’t know if words can do justice to the transformation that occurred within me and to the world around me. All three workshops were very powerful, building on the prior one. Being new to energy work all I can say is WOW! I felt something change/shift within me, things that used to bother me (like being ultra sensitive) suddenly didn’t. I have always felt very alone in the world, like I didn’t belong and suddenly I felt a connection to everyone and everything. I don’t think I have ever been truly at peace in my life, but now there’s a calmness about me that is almost surreal. Receiving from the universe and from people has enabled me to give back tenfold. Everything in my life has changed, my corporate job was eliminated (a good thing). I had been involved in a very unhealthy relationship for three years to someone that was toxic and I never seemed to be able to break free, but now I am happy to report he is a thing of the past. I have been stuck in Texas for 12 years and finally the tides are changing and I will be moving within the next 3 months. Financially things had been a struggle, but now there always seems to be more than enough money to pay the bills and do the things I want to do in life and this is without my corporate job. Recently, I discovered what my purpose is in this life and all of the sudden, all of the trials and tribulations I have been through made sense. For so long, I felt confused, unfocussed, not sure where to go or what to do, now I have more clarity than I ever have had in my life. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings, because so far in just a few short months the transformation both on the inside and out is miraculous. Thank you Peter for what you do! I know it was no accident I stumbled across your work. -Jill

Jill Button Entreprenuer Receiving Workshops I, II, III अप्रैल 25, 2019

Blind spot and accident protection

My daily routine is to charge water on my tera resonator mini and programming it with Aquaware 5 programming which includes intuition enhancement and, claircognizance. I have an HFA v2 in my car. I wear an HFA mini and carry an HFA orion. My car does not have the new sensors for lane departure or blind spots and yet when a car is backing up almost hitting me in a parking lot these tools help protect me from being hit. The other day I almost collided with a car and my internal sensors boosted by utilizing all these products alerted me to a car in my blind spot and I pulled away in time without the other driver beeping at me to do so. At times I feel at one with my car when driving avoiding most potholes and often getting favorable traffic lights and flow. I still can get agitated but sometimes remarkably calm. It’s the power and blend of these 5 tools which helps my driving experience. I share with others about the HFA, but it’s really the blend of the HFA, HFA mini, HFA orion, aquaware 5 programming and charging my water while programming on the Tera resonator mini.

Lynn W HFA, HFA mini, Aquaware 5, HFA orion, Tera resonator अप्रैल 24, 2019

Sumnum Machina stop the mind chatter, I need to sleep through the night

I have had a really difficult time falling asleep my whole life. With myself and family members in Healthcare, mind chatter, robs me from a deep, restorative sleep. I purchased the Sumnum Machina when it first came out. I used the payment plan
which was great. I used my iPhone compass to find North, and asked the stones where they would like me to arrange them.
I am not really into crystals but it was an interesting process. I then said: ” I honor the space in which you exist” , according to the directions , and laid there, with the mind chatter. ” Did I do this? Did I do that? Blah, Blah, Blah. I also own the HFA a new way to travel. When the nuts are on the road, I said to the HFA, ” OKAY, I need your help, a little more today” Maybe 3 minutes later, the weavers, the trucks, the speeding suv’s , no longer matter. I know I’ve had it at least 2 winters. Soooooooooooooooo I said to my Sumnum Machina, ” AMP it up, I need to get to sleep please.”
I started to yawn, felt a “film thing surround me, ” and woke up at 6:30 am. A W E S O M E product . Love it. I am going to take it with me on vacation . It comes with a bag. Thank you so much Peter. My life is so much better, and healthier when I am rested.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ अप्रैल 21, 2019

Myrrh Compass Rose

I managed to get my Sister to purchase the Mryhh Compass Rose, though she was not on board with what it could possibly do. Well, I am here to share that the changes in her Home have been Great. From low vibration, house falling apart, land with no life……changed almost immediately. When you walk in the house, it now feels serene, enfolded in protective shield and calmness. The complete opposite from before. She went through a change in workplace, was let go, but with a nice compensation. It was a workplace of a energetic drainhole that she refused to leave, so Universe stepped in I guess 😉 and now she sees the difference. Thanks.

Prem Kaur Dallas,TX अप्रैल 21, 2019

Wish Fulfilling Gem…The Source V

It is two years now since I was fortunate enough to find The Source V and Peter’s brilliant inventions.
We have used this program every single day since then with such results!
We call it the Wish Fulfilling Gem as it seems to be able to bless and address any requests that are for the benefit for people animals and the planet :))
The most recent interesting story is from an elderly lady who lives alone and is often in pain. However we bless her water each week on her request and the pain is alleviated. She has such faith in it she says it tastes different after being charged. Last week she requested some elder flower flavour to be added like a cordial that she is fond of. I acquiesced and thought no more of it. Some ten minutes later she phoned me to say that it was delicious ! And she could really taste the elder flower.
She lives in another country and we do not see each other that often. It is amazing how this tool can help people, pets and the planet.
So many healing modalities have been accessed through The Source V.
Clearing energy from houses and land, environmental protection for forests and lakes which is tangible to see in the outburst of wildlife that takes up residence in these places.
The latest one is for the entire ocean system of our planet to protect all the creatures and clear any negative pollution. We await the results!
I notice how my energy is always uplifted no matter what the situation is when playing with The Source V.
We make flower remedies, gem essences, multiple layers of healing within remedies for people. All essential oils are charged for the highest frequency and highest good.
And of course all the house water is charged for highest structural alignment for all people and pets. I can go on and on and on.
Even the weather can come under the influence of The Source V.
The potential is limitless!
Of all the wonderful magic tools Peter has offered this, I feel is the Supreme Magician. Thank you so much!

Rahima Sayer अप्रैल 17, 2019

I still can go inside and hold the vision of unlimited possibilities

In the second RECEIVING WORKSHOP, at the moment of visualizing the infinite possibilities I had a vision of the universe that has stayed with me. I now can relax and connect with that experience whenever I want to feel it again.

Maria mom Spain अप्रैल 17, 2019

I saw the junk energy leaving

In the first RECEIVING WORKSHOP, at the time of flushing out the junk my arms were moving in circles and I could see in my minds eye how something like dirty muddy water was washing my energy and flushing away. It was super powerful.

Maria Mom Spain अप्रैल 17, 2019

I will always remember the ride after running the success program

I was doing the Akuaware trial for 5 days. I have resisted driving for my whole life. Since I got my license I had not used the car. 10 years after I got it (the license) I went back to driving school because I just was not confident enough to get the car alone. After that I started driving some times but always with my husband next to me and it was always a negative experience. This year my kid started a new school and I had to drive him there, but just did not have the courage, so I was spending 3 hours a day in public transport with my kid plus a baby. So I ran the “success” program in the Akuaware the day I had decided I just had to drive the car (previous week had done the route with companion several times, It was a 15 min. Drive). As soon as I got the two kids in the car this voice started to go through my head saying: “everything just works out for me”, “I’m doing it great” “ non stop all the way, at each crossing, each time I had to turn etc. I knew it was the program and I doubt I could have done it without your help. I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT RIDE. THANKS

Maria mom Spain अप्रैल 17, 2019

Great result with Marketing and business problem with Aquaware 5

A couple of months back I did an Advanced Features algorithm on Aquaware 5 for a friend of mine who was struggling in his business due to marketing inexperience. I wrote “Mr xxx is very wealthy selling his product all over the world all clients having fantastic results giving everyone great happiness and lush hair of original colour harm to none” . I used the technique a lady used on one of your youtube testimonials, which was along the lines of “ Read the quantum numeric number and state: this intention is flowing into me/xx, and my water, fully activating the manifestation in me/xx in all levels with consciousness now and forever, harm to none.” Well, he has just opened a factory in China producing his product as they think it’s amazing!!!! So how’s that for a result 😀

A user Self employed Aquaware 5 अप्रैल 11, 2019
