
Phase One and Terra Resonator combo

I purchased the phase one to help me learn to meditate. I have never been successful and really wanted to “get it”. I already had a TR that I had been using for awhile. When the phase one came, I tried it out and tried several different stones in the center and couldn’t feel any changes.
This morning i put the phase one in top of the TR and charged both of them at the same Time —- wow! I saw blue sparkles everywhere and my mind didn’t wonder. I will continue is to play with phase one with the TR as well as by itself. I know I really have a lot of old patterns and programming to break through.

Alicia, USA Phase one and terra resonator combo अप्रैल 11, 2019

Orion Review

Orion is beyond amazing! Yes, you do feel energy coming from it – all Peter’s products have that so it’s a given. I’m not surprised by any reviews that rave about that. Side note – I was playing with my pendulum above a pyramid and then had it over Orion and boy did it start moving in a vortex motion right above Orion. You move pendulum away from it and it stops. Put back and it starts vortexing again (is it a word?). Back to the review now. A little while after I received Orion there were talks about promotion for me after the position was removed 3 months ago. All of a sudden we were told by the client that position is back on. I asked Orion for a significant salary increase. I wanted 15K. Didn’t work out for me – but I did get 10K increase.. That part when Peter says be careful what you wish for: I got the promotion but with that came work hours change – I used to work from home in the morning and then going to the office for 4-5 hours in the afternoon/evening. Well that ended with 8:00 – 4:30 requirement. I was not happy with that and still not but was told to work the hours or pretty much look elsewhere..
It’s really bad traffic in DC area coming to work but I do connect Orion with my HFA travel asking for safe, smooth and quick commute. Most of the days I’m able to maneuver and find alternative routes.
There also other money that start coming in unexpectedly which always helps. I started paying off my debts quicker.
My intuition has improved – one day I got a feeling about a cat. I already have 3 cats so was not considering getting another. A week later I get another message/thought about a “Bengal cat”. I started searching and found Bengal on Craigslist 1 hour away from me. I didn’t act on it and waited till next day. I called the owner to speak with her and she said – out of all areas you are the 3rd person to contact me from Alexandria and she had someone already committed coming over in few hours. She called me back and said the guy backed out so if I’m interested I can come. I came back from her house with 2 cats that are brothers because I had instant connection. They turned out to be my soul family members from another lifetime – my children and I do feel that deep sense of love.
These two little 1 year old boys decided to escape by sliding window screen one day and jumping off it. I instantly asked Orion for help finding them and guiding them home. They were gone few hours and I was making flyers and posting lost ad on nextdoor after walking around the yard and neighbors to the left and right and calling them to no avail. So as I finished posting ad online I was guided to go back yard and call them again – all of a sudden I heard their myauing back. I was guided by their voices to the neighbors way down and had to find way to get into their yards at 12am but found each on separated but got them safely home.
Something else occurred that had deep impact on me: I’ve had issues with my partner of 10 years. We were supposed to get married for a while but something was not feeling right for me even though we have been trying to conceive for the last 2 years. I’ve been holding Orion or on me while doing morning activations. One of them to have a best loving relationship of all my lifetimes where I and my partner are loving, caring and respectful to each other. On March 2nd I found out by divine guidance that my fiancé had a short affair 8 months ago and was still communicating with the person from overseas in the last few months ( I overheard the phone conversation by coming home too early). I guess again – be careful what you wish for.. I wanted a pure loving relationship but instead I got an eye opener that the one I’m in is not it..
I also play around with having Orion in different positions when I’m sleeping – on the night stand, under the pillow, or in a pouch by my heart.
During the day it’s in my braw – but I did notice that it is getting darker or getting those green oxidation lines like you get with HFA mini when it is next to my skin in the braw.
I’m now asking Orion for clarity, ability to move forward, finding forgiveness (I was pretty angry for few weeks), loving myself deeply, happiness and a great amazing relationship that is nothing short of my best desires for myself. I needed time off and away so my boss offered to pay for my vacation!!! At first she was not but after I talked with Orion and said she will offer to pay she just told me that she added extra money to my paycheck! It is amazing how everything is working out very quickly. I’m still playing and learning as I go. Some things worked out beautifully. The others not so much as I hoped but in a way everything is in my best interest I’m sure. As I’m opened to new possibilities I’m pretty sure more things and changes are coming my way. Stay tuned.
P.S. Thank you Peter!!!! <3

Oksana B. Orion अप्रैल 10, 2019

Aquaware 5.1 Super I.Q

After using the super I.Q quantum intent on Aquaware 5.1; I noticed an almost instant understanding of a variety of subject manner. Other effects included increased synchronicity with information; as soon as I thought of what I wanted to learn a flood of resources seemed to align in my reality. Concepts and ideas that would have been a great effort to comprehend appeared as a stream of information flowing through my mind.

Franklin Pierce Famulski Graphic Designer Ontario Canada अप्रैल 10, 2019

feeling protected

I have really loved my Q shield, I’ve noticed it protects me from other people’s emotions. That isn’t to say I don’t read them just as much as I always have, they just don’t attach as easily. I really like your body codes I use them daily in centering myself and I use the water blessing all the time. No I havent been able to get all the products I want yet, they are on my bucket list. Thank you Peter for all you share

Karelian Zitting अप्रैल 10, 2019

Miracles box

I ordered my miracles box and had to wait maybe a month because it was on back order. I took the opportunity to write out intentions of what I wanted for various areas of my life. One of my intentions was to expand Fuller Into my gifts. The day the box arrived, (actually before it was inside my house) I won an activation to expand my spiritual gifts and abilities. I hadn’t even put my list in my box but the Universe heard them! I am still playing with the box and will update as I get more insights!

Alicia USA Miracles box अप्रैल 10, 2019

Beyond Wonderful

I have purchased a variety of Peter’s products (HFA products, Q Shield, I AM bracelets, Myrrh Compass Rose, Terra Resonator products, software) over the years, and they continue to exceed my expectations. I received my most recent delivery, and the quality, beauty, integrity and energy of Peter’s products is still beyond wonderful; a true fount of both practical use and inspiration.

Thank you Peter for all you do for us. You never cease to amaze me.

In Sincere Gratitude,

Cassandra Herrera n/a Texas अप्रैल 2, 2019

Awesome Product

I love the Miracles Box. I placed an intention to deepen the connection between myself and the woman I am in love with and it definitely seems to be working!

Thank you Christy and Peter for bringing this to us!


Face Creams on the Terra Resonator XL

I put an eye cream on the TR XL and there is DEFINITELY an improvement in it’s power to reduce the under eye creepy skin. I also placed a face moisturizer on the TR XL but was not able to actually notice a difference. To test this out, I would need to get another container of face moisturizer to put on one side of my face and put the charged moisturizer on the other side of my face. But undoubtedly it’s power is amped up I’m just not noticing it. I can test this later as I get closer to needing another moisturizer.

If I read an affirmation which I’m putting on the TR XL while holding my left hand on the TR XL (after honoring the space in which it exist), I can feel the energy flowing through my body and have the “feeling” that it is already so even before I place the paper on the TR XL. Thanks for this powerful device.

Diana Thele Texas Terra Resonator XL मार्च 29, 2019

Phase One

I was right on board with the phase one. I was immediately drawn to it. You dont need to ever meditate prior to using this. Ive tried different
stones. With this, I can actually see the energy come from any crystal Without it, I can’t. I have taken the crystal and looked at it in my hand
and not been able to see the energy. Its quite an awesome sight when ya can. With just a short time using the PHASE ONE, I feel energy shifts
whereas I wouldn’t without it. . So I find this actually magnifies the effect of any crystal you put in it. Again amazing. With just a few moments, does not need to be meditated for a long length of time to have this affect. Only a few minutes. So if your a busy person such as myself and find you dont have time. With this, a few short minutes and you’ll benefit and feel a huge difference. Thanks Peter!

Nancy Phase One मार्च 17, 2019

Bringing Me Back to the Light

I am beyond thankful for Peter Schenk’s incredible energy work! After a serious brain injury, I felt I was cast into a dark hole, but since working with Peter, my brain and life have been healing in amazing ways! Now I know not only will I make a full recovery, but I will become an even healthier, happier and more powerful individual due to my time with Peter. His work is a wonderful blessing, which I will always be deeply grateful for!

मार्च 1, 2019
