I have had my HFA for my car for two months now, and I cannot imagine now my travels without it. At first I was a little nervous about it and wished there was more detailed written information about it, including Peter’s research and his spiritual awakening. What realy helped me was the decision to connect with the amplifier on a more personal level. Even now I bring the HFA into the house from the car, hold it close to my body and talk to it adding my own intentions also. I call it my catalyst to the connection with the Pleiadians with whom I try to communicate on my own level. But, when I place my HFA back into my car (the pocket behind my seat) I repeat Peter’s intention: “I honor the space in which you exist”, Almost every time before driving I acknowledge my HFA thinking of it as a living form of God’s energy. My confidence immediately goes up and at the age of 73, I have noticed that my driving has become more daring and decisive which is hard to believe. Recently I have avoided a collision twice, and I have to give my thanks to the HFA. The first time I was yielding to a car which slowed down and flashed its lights at me. After a moment I realized that I did not have my lights on, and then following the car at a slower pace, suddenly a deer ran in front of my car, but I had no problem stopping in time. I thanked my HFA. The second time I just went through a major intersection on a green light when suddenly I had an intense feeling that something was not right and automatically slowed down. Just then a car which apparently was trying to get across the 4 lanes stopped suddenly half way in second and third lane, to avoid a collision with an oncoming car. I was in second lane and incredibly was able to stop in time and not hit it. I still cannot believe that there were no cars behind me….
Still, I do encounter the normal problems with traffic and parking spaces, but now they do not bother me, thank God. Originally I bought this HFA for my grandson but he did not want it or trust it, so I figured it was supposed to be for me. I had gladly accepted it knowing that there are no accidents, and I thank the universe and Peter for this beautiful gift!