
YES it works!!!!!

Ok yesterday I went to Rockwall to go to my thyroid docters appointment. Was up there the previous week and yesterday there was still a lot of roadwork. All the traffic and trying to get where I needed to go was stressing me. I polished and cleaned my mini that morning. I got where I needed to go to head home without too much trouble. Well when I got ready for bed and looked at my hfa mini I was shocked. I can wear it around the house and it doesn’t have to be cleaned for 4 or 5 days. Well after yesterday I looked at it and it was dirty so it was definitely working keeping that stress from all that traffic away from me. So thank you for this wonderful hfa. I now have proof that it is DEFINITELY working for me. THANK YOU again for all your wonderful products.

catherine hildebrand मार्च 22, 2017

HFA and HFA +

I first received my HFA  a few months ago and activated and placed this in my car. The next morning I accidentally slammed my forefinger in the car door which resulted in broken skin and lots of blood. I had to go to an appointment so after bandaging the throbbing and painful finger, I went back into the car to drive to the appointment. Within 30 seconds, this massive sense of calm came over me, my finger stopped bleeding and the throbbing ceased. Wow! I knew this to be emanating from the HFA. I kept the HFA plate near me and within 24hrs my finger had healed, broken skin as well. That was one heck of an introduction to the HFA plate.

Recently, I also received the HFA ++ down here in Australia, one for my Clinic and one for my daughter\’s home where there is quite a mixture of energies trying to gain access to the family including two little ones aged 6 months and 3yrs. I have been used to constantly clearing their fields as we move through significant energetic restructuring on a grander scale and the two little ones are subject to feeling all these changes and entities. It is one of the primary reasons I bought the HFA++ plate for them. It could often take me a long time to clear energies that arrived in their house through friends or unconscious/asleep family and visitors. These little ones are like radars and do not have the strength yet to protect themselves. I can truthfully say the difference, once they had adjusted to the zero point energies of the HFA +, has made a huge difference in their ability to stay centred and not wearing other people\’s lower energies.
I am grateful to have many wonderful tools in the toolkit in these highly energetic times.

Libby Gordon मार्च 22, 2017

Awesome Mini

I purchased my Mini in January 2017. It was delivered on a Wednesday. I could feel the energy right through the package. Opening it up was so awesome to see how beautiful it was. I linked myself to the mini immediately and put her in my pocket since the chain I ordered didn’t come yet. I remember Peter saying he had to clean his every other day. I kept checking mine daily and it was staying pretty clean. Well on Sunday my significant other, who is very sensitive, was going through a lot of stuff, a lot of releasing, etc… I just kept doing my thing and just left him be. Well, Monday morning I checked my Mini and it was very tarnished. I was shocked to see how badly tarnished it was and was in dyer need of a cleaning. It protected me from all that interfering energies that happened on Sunday. Thank you dear mini. Another time I was at our county’s beauty pagent in February, where my neice’s daughter was one of the little princesses performing. It was so fun to watch. My neices ex-husband was sitting right behind me. He always has such a heavy anger energy around him that I don’t like being around. It’s interesting. I didn’t even know he was sitting behind me until the intermission 1 hour and 1/2 into the program when I saw him going down the stairs. My neice asked me what I thought of his energy. I told her, I couldn’t even feel his negativity and that was fine with me. Isn’t that interesting. Everyday seems to run more smoothly wearing my mini. I would love to purchase the HFA for the home and office to have the energy more balanced for me, my significant other and our dog Bailey. What a benifit that would be. Love the HFA Mini. She’s become my best friend. We do everything together. Thank you, Peter for the HFA series. The HFA and HFA mini are awesome. Wouldn’t be without them.

Patricia Schmidt मार्च 9, 2017


I purchased my HFA in Sept of 2016. I lOVE my HFA. My gas milege went up a little. I feel more at ease and protected while driving. One day I had my dog, Bailey along. He is always so nervous and paces back and forth in the back seat and just doesn’ t settle down. Well, what a difference. I had to look in the back seat at him a few times because he was so quiet. He was just laying in the middle of the seat very calm and content. I couldn’t believe it. It’s so nice to be able to take him along for a ride or errand and know he’s comletely OK with it now. I took a trip to MN with my son, wife and two children in early February. I connected the HFA to their van. Their children are 8 and 6. Last year when we made the 5 hour trip the kids got really anxious, ansy and loud. This time they were so calm and the ride was very peaceful Thank you Peter for making this wonderful product, the HFA, new way to travel I wouln’t be without it.

Patricia Schmidt मार्च 9, 2017

HFA Travel

Since I got the HFA for travel several months ago, I noticed the performance of my car is better and it runs smoother. Whenever I go out I am always aware that the HFA is in the car and will keep me safe. I am glad I purchased it. Thank you Peter for making it available.

Winnie Fajardo मार्च 8, 2017

My Mini helps me daily

I have had my Mini for about three months now. The first thing that it had helped me with was to protect me from friendships that I had no idea was draining me. I was pretty sad at the beginning when it happened, but after only a week totally understood why the friendship had to end. The best thing about it is, I didn’t have to do anything, it was my friend who suddenly avoided me (for no clear reason why) whether in get togethers or even messages.

Another thing I really noticed was the very profound way I see things or issues. It may be an angle or perception that I have not seen before, but makes so much sense, or a way of explaining something in a better and clearer way.

As a mum, I am much calmer and can take control of my emotions better. Of course there are still days when I get frustrated, but the feeling of frustration is nowhere near what I was experiencing before.

i highly recommend an HFA Mini. It really felt like the first job it did for me was to create a force field around me to protect me from the negativity that I wasn’t even aware of. So awesome. Your Mini will have your back like it does mine.

Missy मार्च 8, 2017

Flow… Life changes HFA Mini

The HFA mini is a game changer. My life is better because I can be in crowds, take a busy subway and NOT be affected by the people around me. I have more energy and mental clarity to get things DONE. Lots of synchronicities have occurred in my LIFE and you just flow in a positive attitude because the negativity just vanishes into thin air…poof.

“If i were to make a wish it would be for everyone to own a HFA mini so they can have their own experiences!!! Seriously, there are so many benefits…you lose count.”

Sookie Crewe मार्च 8, 2017

HFA mini

With my HFA mini my energy field feels like one of those 70’s lava lamps. Serene motion. Calm loveliness. Thankyou, Namaste.

Leiyra Bell मार्च 8, 2017

HFA Mini Mirace

I am usually stressed and irritated when driving especially when faced with traffic or bad drivers. After purchasing my HFA mini there was a noticible difference in my attitude and demeaner while driving. I feel calmer and less stressed out. I now have no problems driving long distances and if I meet traffic I remain relaxed and at ease. Even those who are in the car with me have noticed and commented on my change in behaviour. I love my HFA mini.

K. Ramjohn मार्च 8, 2017

Super Mini!

I have had my mini now for more than a month. The boxes it comes are amazing and opening the box for the first time to see the super shine is also amazing!

On the 1st day when I was packing up at my job at the end of the day and the start of what in the past has been a period of several months of long work days and high stress. I had developed a habit during these times to put my head in my hands and start to cry.

On this first day of wearing the mini, I did this action, of putting my head down in the palm of my hands, and no tears came. The feelings just melted away. It was like, “why am I doing this, I know it isn’t a good habit.?”
This is when I was convinced, how great this mini is.

Later that week. I had a huge ephiphany on a way of thinking that I had. This is huge. Anytime, these “aha” moments occur to expose faulty thinking it is amazing.

I have a ritual now of cleaning my mini every morning. I use a cream which is is super fast to wipe on/ off, rinse, dry & shine. About a minute.

My mini and I traveled to Sedona and for the trip I packed jewelry wipes. Although these do work, it take s more time and gets the dirt on my fingers.

Also now that I have had the mini longer it does stay clean longer, that again shows how much it is working. In the beginning there was more negative to clear.

Now I think I am used to it and not noticing as much the great effects it is having in my world. I do think overall at my job that my stress level has been much less and I am able to stay a bit detached from it all, as compared to the last 3 years of this process I am in.

I’m looking forward to the intention bracelet, and the other HFA products as I save for them.

