
HFA Mini-Where have you been all my Life?!

Received my Mini on Tuesday 12/15. Linked it to mySelf. No neck chain yet so held it in my right hand. Immediately felt a subtle energy pulsing throughout my body. Remainder of first evening things seemed normal as usual. Next day, Wednesday HFA Mini is kept in my pant’s pocket. Currently, I am walking to work in the mornings. Definitely noticed more physical endurance and grounded. I work p/t at the public library. Lots of walking, bending/ stooping using my knees. Midday it hits me. What?! I could easily bend my knees AND stand back up effortlessly-with such ease (oh and grace hee hee). OMG! That my friend I could not do before. My walk back home after work, plenty of endurance-again. All day a sense of “well-being.” Just a few minutes ago I did an intent with Sourxe IV. Whoa, I experienced an intense buzz all throughout my body, almost like a caffeine jolt. It lasted a good 10 minutes. All the other times I did an intent with Sourxe IV the energy felt has never been that intense. All this in just the first 2 days. Thursday my sterling silver chain arrives. If the energy is this intense from just carrying it in my pocket, I am excited to experience how much more amplified it will be on my neck chain. I look forward to this continuous, wonderful, magical, personal journey with me and my HFA Mini. THIS WILL BE WITH ME THE REST OF MY LIFE. Thank you Peter for making this possible for us to experience. Namaste

Linda Robinson दिसम्बर 15, 2016

HFA Plus Interacts with Unexpected Surprises

I received my HFA Plus last week and am still learning about it. The biggest surprise has been my eyesight. I do have an HFA in the car, but it was 2 days after setting up the HFA Plus in the house and driving in the dark that my eyesight went back to what it was when I first had lenses implanted in my eyes because of cataracts. Fours years ago, just after the surgery, my vision was sharper and I could see rays of light like never before. For the first time in my life, I found out that street lights had little bulbs of light in them. My eyesight has been getting worse lately so these rays of light were no longer beaming at me. But now after experiencing the HFA Plus, I’m back to seeing rays from street lights and headlights projecting out a block or more, tail lights projecting into my car and little bulbs everywhere. The first two evenings I was almost blinded by all the light. This dramatically let me know that my body responds to the HFA Plus. My memory has been getting fuzzier with age and too much stress. Today I walked out of the doctor’s office thinking of my mother who passed away over 30 years ago and accurately remembered the name of her cardiologist including and especially his middle initial—looked it up on the Internet to verify. I saw a statement on Facebook this past weekend asking if I could remember my first phone number and sure enough that old number of the 1950s easily came to me. My HFA Plus also seems to want me to get balanced by eating with better timing. My usual habit is to eat breakfast at 6 a.m. and lunch at work around 1:30 or 2 p.m. or sometimes even later because I lose track of time. I’m now so unusually hungry before noon. I also know I’m feeling energy stronger than previously. This has been so exciting, and it’s probably just the start. Curiously some of these things are happening when I’m not even in the house with the HFA Plus. Peter, thank you for bringing to the world your wonderful products. Naomi

Naomi दिसम्बर 7, 2016

HFA Plus….helped our cat, Ju ju

Ju Ju, our cat, came into our family back in 2005. Our son’s girlfriend at the time gave us the cat to take care of, since she could not. We have given her lots of love but she could have been neglected prior to us. She would hiss and growl at me when I would try to pick her up to hold her. Our son and his girlfriend broke up and we kept Ju Ju. In 2011, we adopted two sister cats (Buttons & Muffin) from my husband’s sister-in-law, to have playmates for Ju Ju. That did not work out very well. Ju Ju did not take to them very well. Then we adopted Mickey (Buttons & Muffin’s brother). The three cats played well together, but Ju Ju still did not respond very well. On November 26, 2016 we received the HFA Plus. Since then Ju Ju has become warmer to all of us. She comes on our lap and sleeps when we are watching tv. She does not run away when someone enters our home. She has been curled up on our couch during the day instead of hiding in the closet. When our son came over yesterday, Ju Ju did not run away from him, which she usually does. Even a friend staying with us has noticed a difference in Ju Ju.
In the past Ju Ju would make a mess right next to her cat box for no apparent reason. This would happen once or twice every few days. This has completely stopped. Our cat seems to be more relaxed, loving and co-operative since the HFA Plus is in our home.
To see and experience Ju Ju in a more loving way is truly a miracle. I have tried many other things to help her over the years and nothing has worked this well. The HFA Plus works in so many different ways and levels all the time. Each day brings more good into the lives of my entire family.
Carol Benko-Bertelsen

Carol Benko दिसम्बर 7, 2016

HFA Plus

Hi Peter,
When I first saw the box I felt the energy and beauty that was being transmitted into my home. After opening the box and holding the HFA Plus, I realized the cosmic energy field that would forever change my home, animals and anyone who entered this field of unconditional love. My husband and I programmed the HFA Plus on Novemeber 26, 2016. Our lives will forever be cleansed from all past, present and future stuff that no longer serves a purpose in our lives. The gentle but consistant clearing of unwanted energies from our home, bodies, animals continue daily. I woke up “Happy” this morning and a friend staying with us said that she woke up “Happy” also. Even though some days are more challenging than others, I feel the HFA Plus is removing all stuck or blocked energies and I have a sigh of relief. This is a “Real Way” of clearing, cleaning and moving forward in your life. I have moved the HFA Plus around my home to feel its presence in each room. Although it is not necessary to move it around, I feel different energies around me in each room. The lightness and playfullness of these energies is very soothing, comforting and ever soooo loving. The more I become open with the HFA Plus the more it becomes open with me. Holding it, talking to it, programming it, meditating with it and watching the changes take place is amazing. I have goose bumps just writng this and tryring to even explain the unexplainable. The experiences and feelings are extremely unique. A healing or pealing back old layers of stuff is well beyond what I could ever imagine. I feel so blessed to be apart of HFA Plus and for the HFA Plus to be apart of me. This has been the easiest way for me to make changes not only my life but others. And the changes in me ripple out to others in the world. What a wonderful way to live, knowing all the good coming from the HFA Plus comes into me and then goes into the rest of the world.
Thank you Peter for all that you do to improve our lives. Blessings to you and your staff.
Love & Blessings,
Carol Benko-Bertelsen

दिसम्बर 5, 2016

HFA Love

I love the HFA! My husband always yelled at drivers whenever we went anywhere in the car. I would arrive out to dinner with an upset stomach. Now he drives calmly and I arrive in peace and am ready to enjoy a nice dinner out. My husband doesn’t even know that I have an HFA. It travels with us in my purse. Thank you, thank you, Peter for the amazing HFA!

Gail Lack नवम्बर 11, 2016

Sourxe V – unbelievable:)))

Incredible results today when I least expected them!
After having a tough year returning to my country from living abroad, it has been difficult getting by and finding any type of regular job and I have had to get by with random freelance teaching work. With the trial of the Sourxe V a few weeks ago, I managed to manifest a one week work contract to pay for the full version and after receiving the full version two days ago, I tried another abundance manifestation but the effects didn’t feel as strong this time and I went about keeping busy and not focussing on my problems…this morning, I received an unexpected phone call with another one week contract of the same manner as last time so in effect, the Sourxe V has paid for itself completely now and is giving me more hope when I least expected it. Thank you:))))

Sarah Lewis नवम्बर 8, 2016


Let me start by saying I have Aquaware 3-5 and now Sourxe 4-5. I have only used A4 and S4 in the past, but the latest are exceptional.
When I saw the trial testimonial of Dr Karen Kan, I thought okay, let us play with this. I intended to receive GBP£200 and gave myself 3 days. I received the intended sum within 2 days. I then, a day later, intended £500 within three days, I started receiving the equivalent of cash the next day and before the third day is over I received the money intended with an additional promissory £300 which I should receive overnight or tomorrow.
As I told Peter in an email earler, not sure how you are going to outdo Sourxe V or, indeed Aquaware 5, but thank you for these amazing products and also for making them so affordable, as I can only try to imagine how much work, effort and energy (and not to forget creative genius) have gone into Sourxe V.
Thank you. Mwah!

Shen नवम्बर 6, 2016

Aquaware 5 5

Just for fun I tried the fatloss and body sculpting intentions. I only did it once a day and its been two weeks. I went to get dressed today and grabbed the wrong pants but did not realize it until I already had them on and they were “skinny girl” pants I havent been able to fit i. For year..got em on no problem!! Did not change my diet or show up at the gym! Fantastic!

Amy अक्टूबर 20, 2016

Surprising Use

I have a Koi Pond and a while back I noticed my fish jumping and flashing which means they have parasites. I felt sick because last time that happened I lost 15 fish. I started to panic and then remembered that Aquaware had a parasite intent. I ran it into the pond water a couple of times a day. After 3 days I went to check on the fish and none of them were jumping or flashing. I did not lose one fish and they are still healthy. I was amazed and grateful.

Peggy Whitfield अक्टूबर 16, 2016

Lovin' My HFA

I have had my HFA for 2 months now and it has been awesome. When I first received it I was blown away by the beauty of it and quite surprised by the weight. Love the cooper and the Pleiades who gave us their DNA. My first drive with it was so flowing and relaxing. You feel like you are in an altered state. It still retains that feeling over time. Nothing seems to bother or upset you. I have especially liked that my granddaughters no longer fight everyday in the back seat on their way home from school. What a wonderful plus that has been. It also kept me from hitting a rather large animal in the road the other night that I didn’t see until the last minute because of the bright lights of the on coming car. Could of done some real damage if I had hit it. Will definitely never drive without it.

Peggy Whitfield अक्टूबर 16, 2016
