
Barbara Love, Northridge, CA

As a footnote to the prior $1018. manifestation, I had not worked as a Newborn care specialist for 5 years, and was a little concerned if I still had IT. So I asked the Universe for the perfect newborn baby; perfect parents; perfect work shift; and perfect rate. The assignment I just finished had everything I asked for and on the last MDM show Peter mentioned as you continue to use the software this can happen where you can think what you want and it can work as well as programming the water. (Hope I quoted you correctly Peter)

अगस्त 4, 2015

Barbara Love, Northridge, CA

My recent newborn care assignment ended,(by the way I did use aquaware 4.0 on her milk for baby, the Mom started referring to me as “the baby whisper”) so my thoughts drifted towards finances. I did a Sourxe IV intent 7/17 or 7/18 for $1000. to be added to my bank account on 7/21 I received a inquiry that will result in $1018. being deposited into my bank account. Peter you are the man!

अगस्त 4, 2015

Jan , CA

I had been worried I might be short for my expenses one month. I was listening to Peter on a call all for the Source IV and had my water ready. That afternoon I received confirmation that a check was on its way to me for several thousand dollars! Thanks for the great turnaround time peter!!

अगस्त 4, 2015

Brenda Mcknight, Hopkins

I had bad pain in my right shoulder, low back pain, and right heel pain. I programed my water with feet pain, lower back pain and took shower using pain program and almost immediately felt relief and in a couple of days pain completely gone.

जुलाई 29, 2015

Dina Sara Levine, Brooklyn, NY, USA


Recently I was blocked with a design project for a new card I want to distribute to uplift others. I tried two graphic designers who both said they would be interested in doing it, but neither one ever followed through. Because of a time deadline, I was feeling stymied. Then I ran a Sourxe program with the intention of my Inspiration Card beautifully completed.
That day I was “inspired” to look at an online community publication. I searched for graphic designer and got just one hit, which had been placed more than a month before.
Turned out to be the right one, though, and my Inspiration Card is going through the finishing touches with this creative, enthusiastic young lady!
Thanks Peter for this INCREDIBLE tool!

जुलाई 19, 2015

Priscilla, Richmond, CA

I got the Source IV a couple of weeks ago and have been using it trying to manifest big things. Nothing happened. Then I remembered Peter said to start small and build up confidence and I read someone on this post mentioned a blue button. So I said why not, I’ll ask for a blue button. If it shows up I’ll know for sure it works. Well guess what? Is been a few days now and I first saw a black button on the kitchen floor today and thought well it’s not blue so doesn’t count then I saw another black button in the bedroom and thought well buttons are showing up but it’s not the right color. Then my husband told me to switch the clothes out from the drawers. As I was doing it, a blue button presented itself in a perfect plastic holder! I couldn’t believe it, so I asked my husband what color is this? Because it was a medium dark blue, and I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t black and I was just seeing blue because I wanted to. I didn’t tell him about it before so he was blind to this experiment. He said blue. I believe! Thank you so much Peter. The possibilities are endless. I’m so excited to continue my discovery with the Source IV.

जुलाई 19, 2015

Eva Sandén, Gävle, Sweden

Hi Peter, I followed your advice, started small. My first manifestation was a feather, a soft, nice feather. The same day I found a black, ugly feather and thought okey it is a feather. Two days later I found a nice, white, soft feather in my garden!
The next manifestation was to get rid of the murder snails in the garden. A very difficult task which my daughter and I have tried with Aquawarw 4.0. We have had less snails but still some every evening. Now, after using the SourxeIV, we had had no snails the last two days even though it has been raining! I am convinced it is thanks to TheSourxeIV!
I have only had TheSourxeIV for a week and will now add it to my daily use of Aquaware. It is so fun!
Thank you Peter!
Eva, Sweden

जुलाई 19, 2015

Barbara, Canada

Hi Peter! I had a session with you about 6 weeks ago which did wonders for my adrenal function. I added Aquaware “perfect health” here and there since then and my intention was not to limit my thinking to thyroid but anything affecting my thyroid function. I just now received a call about my thyroid and after 3.5 years of distressing visits to the Naturopath and tryiing this and that to get the T3 T4 conversion
to stabilize……it has. No office visit. No “now what” to deal with.
Not perfect but it has reduced the STRESS I’ve felt about this and I believe that it could change again for the better. thank you yet again, Barb

जुलाई 15, 2015

Patricia Schmidt, Algoma, Wisconsin, USA

Dear Peter,
I got on at the tail end of your presentation last Sunday night, July 12th, so listened to the replay. You used the Source IV and set up an activation for Abundance. I put my thoughts on abundant health. I have been drinking the water since Sunday night. I have to tell you, I injured my right hip in a fall 2 years ago. Since then my hip/leg has been getting weaker and weaker to the point that I always had to lead with my left leg going up stairs. Since that abundance in health my right leg is stronger and I can alternate legs going up stairs instead of depending on my left leg. I am so grateful for that. Thank you Peter for your wonderful Source IV

जुलाई 15, 2015

Barbara, North Haven, Ct

I purchased the Aquaware 4.0 & the Sourxe IV for myself but I soon began using it on my peta and friends. This is just some of the results: One of my cats has for years had kidney and bladder issues and now he is like a kitten plays all the time lost weight and looks like he is a year old. A friend going for back surgery for the 6th time was somewhat fearful, he came thru unexpectedly excellent no problems, Next another friend frustrated and almost going down in depression WOW gone. a hip problem (The Sourxe IV) was better within 24hrs.

जुलाई 15, 2015
