

11 月 1, 2023

11 月 1, 2023

11 月 1, 2023

11 月 1, 2023

11 月 1, 2023




我想为 HFA Palladian 产品作证、
感谢整个 MDM 团队和 Peter 让这项技术在全球范围内得以应用!

J'habite en France et cela fait quelques années que je suivre et j'utilise les produits de Peter et j'en suis pleinement satisfait.销售后的服务非常及时,并提供了所需的服务内容。

Je souhaite témoigner pour le produit HFA palladian、
感谢 MDM 团队的所有成员以及 Peter 让我们能够使用这项技术!

11 月 1, 2023


这两个设备配合得非常好。我一直把 HFA 发生器放在办公桌上,一拿起它,一股积极平稳的能量就会涌上心头。收到 Palladian 之后,我一直佩戴着它,它给我的感觉类似但又不同。
看了一些其他的推荐信后,我试着把 HFA 发生器放在口袋里随身携带。真是大不一样!它能帮助我保持中心、脚踏实地,同时也能让我凌驾于事物之上,这样,与过去的模式相比,现在的反应更受我的控制/直接控制。

11 月 1, 2023

HFA 钯 - 超凡能源

我的一位朋友向我推荐了彼得,我发现他的产品绝对 "震撼人心",世上没有任何产品能与之媲美!

我先是购买了宙斯,然后又购买了 HFA Palladium,接着又购买了许愿球 XL,现在我已经戴上了手镯。

我每天都使用 HFA Palladium,非常喜欢。













11 月 1, 2023


I have been wearing my HFA Palladian for a few months now and every day I set my intentions to be, do, have what makes my heart sings while looking at it while holding it in my palm. I then put it around my neck and go about my days. My days have been simple miraculous since I have my Palladian. I had 3 different traffic court cases and all 3 were thrown out. The last case was a fine of $1100 & the judge told me I was very lucky because the officer didn’t show up so he had no choice but to dismiss the case. My HFA Palladian was right around my neck and everyone kept giving me compliments about how beautiful it is. I’m truly grateful and thankful. My days are now one miracle after the other.

11 月 1, 2023

The Omniscient HFA Palladian

I love love love this magical being HFA Palladian. I believe now after many months of observation and experience that this small but dynamic device is truly omnipresent!
Every area of my life has been decluttered and renewed sometimes on very subtle levels. Being particulalry interested in environmental balancing and good health, I notice that my living space has been transformed without the much needed makeover! It is now spacious and full of light. Wow…I wish everyone on the planet could have a HFA Palladian, and then watch how the world will change so fast and harmoniously. Thank you as always Peter for the remarkable energy you impart to every creation. Namaste and love Rahima :))

11 月 1, 2023

HFA Palladian

I love my HFA Palladian necklace. I travel with it with intention for ease and flow, and everything goes smoothly. I had a booth at the San Diego Psychic and Healing Arts Fair with intention for Divine Connection that day. Everyone I met that day I had incredible connections with, and follow up clients after the event. I went for a quick lunch break, and was suddenly guided to go back to my booth, where I met another wonderful client. Insights and connections pop up for me all day long when I wear it. It really feels magical. Thank you Peter for creating this incredible device. 😍💖

11 月 1, 2023


I love these products! The HFA Palladian is like a mini computer of sorts, only instead of typing, I intend a direct command and voila! Just matter of time for it to come to be. Lately, I felt the need to keep it in a place instead of carrying it around… so its working as a support system, I go about my day and my main focus is to bring peace and harmony into my relationships…. surprised every day to see hoy its working its way around to promote these among the people I interact with….
With the HFA Generator there is a build up of clearing as the days go by…. I’m in awe as how often I get surprised to see a place/people clear old energies or be in a more willing mood to participate in harmonious relationships…. Life can be good 🙂

11 月 1, 2023

Peacee, Joy and Well-being

I purchased an HFA Palladium pendant last fall because the concept intrigued me.
While I awaited delivery, my son, only weeks out of another rehab program, died of a drug overdose. A not unexpected end to a lifetime of havoc and heartache. I had already spent years healing from the results of his violence; I was almost able to walk again. But he was my son and I loved him.
His death left us all with a huge turmoil of emotions to sort out. His sisters reacted badly, making a bad time more difficult. I had been experiencing mild vision problems; they suddenly turned serious.
I was feeling like a basket case when my HFA pendant arrived. I followed the instructions, then placed it around my neck. Within a few hours I was imbued with a deep sense of peace and well-being, enabling me to find balance and direction among the chaos.
I am now considered to be legally blind. The only available treatments did not work. I am amazed and grateful that although sometimes frustrating, the transition has not been difficult nor has it meant huge lifestyle changes. When I thought I may have to give up working, my clients helped me to serve them, while staff cheerfully took on extra duties. Without searching, I was found a wonderful personal assistant – reader, file manager, chauffeur and even muscle when required. Friends pick up and return audiobooks from the library, drive me to special events, and meet on Fridays as usual, and I’ve been able to continue most volunteer activities.
My friends (knowing me well) often express their surprise at my calm acceptance of this new phase in my life.
I seldom remove my HFA pedant. I truly believe it affects those around me as well as myself.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

11 月 1, 2023

My HFA Palladian


I started wearing the HFA Palladian in February, 2023. Since I have been wearing it I notice that I look and feel younger, my skin is tighter and my age spot have started to lighten. My day to day living is much easier and with not as many bumps in the road. It has guided me through situation that I thought would get ugly but it ends up coming out that everyone is satisfied when all walk away. Even when I am not wearing the HFA Palladian I know that it watching over me. Thank you so much for creating this product; it has been a life changer.

Much Love and Gratitude,

Pamela Shehane
Rockingham, Virginia
July 8, 2023

11 月 1, 2023

The entire universe will change

When Peter showed his first prototype of the board of the Quantum Code I was immediately struck by the brilliance and ingenuity of it. It had a very different quality to it even in its early stage of production, from all the rest of theextraordinary HFA Devices It had a vibrant and zingy spark to it. He mentioned the I Ching ! And it looked like a zany treasure map.
And then Quantum This appeared. I intended to get QT but time went by and then the HFA Palladian arrived. It was amazing to see. I knew this was the one I had been waiting for. The I Ching dimension has always been close to my life and I feel its resonance here in the Palladian.
This is not multi dimensional it is beyond the multiverse.
Since wearing the HFA Palladian all the time( but not in the shower or pool!) my perspective has done a complete 360 degree switch. Simply everything looks different and thus my world has changed. The underlying intention of ‘show me things as they trully are’ is becoming a reality with much dross and distraction leaving my field. This is so different to the other devices. Anything is possible.
Thank you Peter…although I feel there is still so much more to unfold! Many best wishes Rahima

11 月 1, 2023
