

The Sourxe Water Bottle

Wow, What a Beauty, and beautifully packaged! The bottle box itself is stunning and can be put to good use.
The Sourxe Water Bottle is HUGE! And it is Mesmerizing. I was immediately drawn in by the power of the bottle’s
engravings and symbolism, and the depth of the eye with those two white eternal spots, which draws those who
look and drink from into everything into existence. Hydration via this water bottle is elevating us to stratospheric
I washed the bottle and left it to fully dry on the kitchen island. Imagine my awe and delight the following morning,
to find a praying mantis atop the bottle, absorbing the energy from it. How the mantis got into the house on a cold
winter’s night, I really don’t know, it’s the first time it’s happened, but I know the mantis felt the energy and was
drawn in by it. Awe inspiring. Nature!
The cup or vessel is a great size, although the top edge is, surprisingly, a bit sharp. A rolled edge might be better, if
possible with the screw closure.
I have written my wishes, intentions (a very long list!) and affirmations and placed them in the cup. And at night, I
put the HFA Force Generator in the cup, and refill the water bottle. Expect the unexpected!
Drinking the water, I’m in the Vortex. Hydration at a whole new level! I can’t wait to check out AquaSync next.
Magical Manifestations …
Thank you Peter and your team for all you Create to manifest dreams into our heightened reality.

Gillian L
New Zealand

11 月 1, 2023


我是在七月份收到 TheSourxe 水瓶的。不过,在快速开箱后,我还是把它保存在原包装盒里,以便在下次旅行前保持全新状态。最近,我读到了一些关于水瓶的评价,于是决定把水瓶拿出来做个实验。每当我准备饮用水时,我都会把一个玻璃瓶放在水晶上面过夜。我能感觉到水的味道比没有经过这种处理的水要好得多。水晶的振动频率可以增强水的功效,因此水更容易被人体吸收(口感也更好)。昨天,我在 TheSourxe 瓶中装了一夜的水。今天早上,我把水倒进我常用的杯子里,然后念了一句 "我尊敬你存在的空间",这是我每天都念的咒语。我的天哪,快把前门关上!我感觉到非常强烈的气息和能量通过我的手传到了杯子上面!这比我心爱的水晶构造的水强多了!这只是我的第一次实验!这只是我的第一次实验。这只是 TheSourxe 瓶子本身。是的,我还将进行更多的测试--把水晶放在瓶子下面,把已经调配好的水放进瓶子里过夜,等等。哇,太令人兴奋了!现在的问题是:彼得,你做了什么?为什么 TheSourxe 瓶子能把这么多能量注入水中?我们向彼得致敬!

11 月 1, 2023

Sourxe 水壶


11 月 1, 2023


嗨,彼得,这是我对源泉水壶的评价。我感觉更健康了,我感觉有动力采取行动了。走路、饮食更健康,当然喝水也更多了。我注意到用 Sourxe 水瓶喝水和用其他水瓶喝水的不同之处。用 Source 水瓶喝水,感觉更顺畅,更容易下咽。水的口感也更好。我用其他水瓶喝水就没有这种感觉。感谢你们又创造了一款出色的产品。


11 月 1, 2023

Best water bottle ever

This is a awesome water bottle. The water taste very smooth. With very slip I feel grounded. I also use TheSourxe water bottle to set my intentions. I have been manifesting my intentions. I love the hidden compartment, I able to put my key and money. I love it.
Thank you Peter for making this water bottle!!

11 月 1, 2023

I put the HFA FORCE GENERATOR , in the Secret Chamber of the SOURXE WATER BOTTLE and leave it in my office, The SOURXE WATER BOTTLE then becomes a POWERHOUSE of POSITIVE ENERGY. When I drink the Programmed WATER, I become a POWERHOUSE of POSITIVE ENERGY.

When my SOURXE WATER BOTTLE arrived in the mail, I just held it, and focused on the EYE. Incredible power , respect, and knowingness just came through. The water was very PURE, and SMOOTH. When I put the HFA FORCE GENERATOR in the “SECRET CHAMBER” OMG. It was like a WATER BLESSING, ( notice where the energy goes. ) My jaw vibrated.
RESULTS since May 13 ,2023 . I am very focused. I can clear negativity, pain, EMF/ Computer stuff, and I keep it by my bedside for hydration, ( it actually fills in the space from the negativity) . This healing experience is supporting my manifestations. WHEN I REMOVE THE HFA FORCE GENERATOR , the Water, continues to serve my healing needs on a very high level. Thank you Peter and the MDM Team for creating another empowering product.

11 月 1, 2023

Magic Bottle Magic Water


I would love to give my testimonial for the Source Water Bottle and the HFA Force Generator. First of all they are truly beautiful including the packaging! I took Darius’s idea and put the HFA Force Generator (after I activated it) in the bottom container attached to the water bottle. After I filled my bottle with water I waited a couple minutes before drinking. The water was as smooth as silk and I naturally had a desire to drink more of it. I almost always have to force myself to drink water until now. I actually look forward to drinking more! Another thing I noticed is that when I have to empty my bladder, SO much more comes out! I feel like the water is cleansing and detoxing my body! I feel more energized when working out with little or no soreness the next day! I refuse to drink water out of anything else and when I do, it DEFINITELY tastes different and I go back to feeling my resistance towards drinking it! I now actually own 2 bottles 1 to keep at home and 1 to take with me! Thank you so much for these magical products!

11 月 1, 2023
