Find Your Enlightenment & Change Your Life

Here at Modern Day Mystic, we believe in taking control of one’s destiny and potential for success through the power of earth and its governing energy. We are proud to provide you with the tools that will manifest your dreams into actuality. In doing so, we are bringing forth a new age in which quantum-energy-based tech is merged with everyone’s ambitions to create a newly heightened reality – one in which we are all living up to our fullest potential.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

Hear From Past Customers Themselves:

A close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a spinal cord injury due to a motorcycle accident . I am a client and a customer , since around 2011. Continue Reading


In Dec 2023 I had gone for chiropractic care and was told by the practitioner that it could make problems appear. While it did help my shoulder mobility I ended Continue Reading

Barbara J Lammi BC Canada

Eight Months ago, a young loved one was diagnosed with with a life threatening condition that to some would seem hopeless. As a customer\ client I booked a session with Continue Reading

Thank you

It is with the most heartfelt gratitude and respect for Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic , and the MDM team for helping me to help my friend. As Continue Reading

Thank you

I am ecstatic! Whenever I am going through some challenging times, I always go to Google to look for testimonials and this keeps my faith up. As i did this Continue Reading

Winnie Wanyoike

“Intentions are a powerful form of energy. Where you put your attention, you set your intention. This is universal law.”

Peter Schenk, Modern Day Mystic

What’s New at MDM

MDM Minute

Libyan Sand Glass

New Creations with Libyan Sand Glass For years I have favored Moldavite in many of my creations for its profound spiritual and metaphysical powers. However, as time inevitable moves forward, it has become rarer, and rarer. Which makes it less sustainable to use in our products moving forward. Fortunately, Moldavavite has a secret sister, from […]


New Creations with Libyan Sand Glass

For years I have favored Moldavite in many of my creations for its profound spiritual and metaphysical powers. However, as time inevitable moves forward, it has become rarer, and rarer. Which makes it less sustainable to use in our products moving forward.

Fortunately, Moldavavite has a secret sister, from the African Sahara, a remote desert of Western Egypt. Derived from an ancient cosmic cataclysm—she is found over hundreds of kilometers, between giant shifting sand dunes. To our delight, she is just as breath-taking & beautiful as Moldavite.

The Origins of Libyan Sand Glass

Libyan Sand Glass is a yellow Tektite sister of Moldavite. Formed over 29 million years ago, in temperature above 1,600℃. Libyan Sand Glass features extraordinary metaphysical & spiritual powers. So much so, that it was even revered by the ancient Egyptians. It was found within King Tut’s burial chamber in a jewel-encrusted breastplate, shaped like a scarab beetle. It was theorized to protect & strengthen his powers in the next life.

The Transformative Powers of Libyan Sandstone

The Perfect Companion on the Quest for Enlightenment

This stone is aligned with those endeavoring on a personal journey of rebirth & transformation. It possesses extraordinary energetic activations of our light body which heightens our vibrations & attunement to the divine.

Libyan Sand Glass is renowned for its ability to accelerate personal progression, strengthen personal willpower & helps us ascend to new heights of self-awareness. It also functions as a powerful manifestation tool. When combined with meditation it can aid your ability to access the Akashic records, ancient knowledge & past lives. Which can help us clear karmic bonds, and binds. The stone also offers protection, guarding against negative psychic energy. Preventing energy thieves and creating barriers that repel negative events. Making it a perfect companion on the quest for enlightenment.

Key Benefits:


  • Accelerates Personal Rebirth.
  • Strengthens Personal Willpower.
  • Heightens Spiritual & Self Awareness.
  • Empowers Manifestation Abilities.


  • Increases Connection to Ancient Wisdom.
  • Strengthen Creativity & Awakens Your Innate Gifts.
  • It Opens Spiritual Vision & Strengthens Light Body.
  • Break Karmic Bonds of Past Lives.
  • Aids Accessing Akashic Records.
  • Supports Spiritual Healing.


  • Repels Negative Events.
  • Protects Against Energy Thieves.
  • Creates a Protective Barrier.

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Advanced, Life-Changing Quantum Technology… Right At Your Fingertips

I AM Products

Custom designs made specifically for you, so you never forget your I AM mantra.

Spiritual Technology

Amplifiers that take your environment’s natural energy and encourage you to live in harmony.


A bridge between science and consciousness, this tech infuses your water with positive frequencies, changing your life for good.


Classes to inspire, teach, and give you the ultimate tools to manifest your version of utopia.

The Modern Day Mystic Himself

About Peter Schenk, Founder

Peter Schenk is the brains and spirit behind every product and course offered at Modern Day Mystic. Years ago, he left his job as a computer programmer to realize his true destiny – healing the world through energy innovation and quantum advancement.

Through extensive knowledge of quantum physics, Peter has developed a proprietary way to combine science and consciousness and through the success of his software, has been able to develop a comprehensive line of powerful tools to help every one of his customers reach their full potential.

Today, everything offered at Modern Day Mystic has proven to help our thousands of users achieve their true health, happiness, and financial potential. We are so excited for the opportunity to assist you on your mystical journey.
