Have You Ever Felt So Alive You Couldn’t Explain It?
Like Every Cell in Your Body Was Lighting Up and You Were Full of Energy?
When we are spiritually in the dark, are energy is low, we feel dead, and our cells, the building blocks of life, have trouble communicating with each other.
Our life looks the same when we are spiritually in the dark….
We don’t have much direction, our goals happen slow and we often make a TON of mistakes before we learn what we are doing.
It isn’t until we become enlightened that we are able to navigate to our goals and manifest our desires.
When I matured in my spiritual journey, I fully came to understand the power of light.
Light is energy is one of its purest forms, the more light we have, the more energy we have, and the higher our vibration is.
Without light, pure energy, your cells communicate slowly, you have less energy and your life isn’t as enjoyable as it could be.
Make sense?
When I first created the Piercing the Membrane Session, I did so to flood a person’s body with pure light thinking that would be enough to allow to give someone energy to empower themselves.
Fast forward to today, 10 years after I stopped the Piercing The Membrane Session, I have come full circle with my knowledge and ability to transfer light.
I now understand, that not only can you transfer light to someone to give them more energy, but you can also transfer light to them so all of their life obstacles can be cleared in a single session!
For this reason, I am deciding to bring back the Piercing the Membrane Session after 10 full years of not offering the service.
If You Are Feeling Like You Are in Need of an Upgrade in Your Life, More Energy, Power, and at a Stopping Point in Your Life — This Session Is for You
This session will:
- Flood your cells with light so you can have more natural energy
- Remove your life’s obstacles
- Allow you to clear your head of clutter so you can think clearly
- Allow you to experience new levels of creativity and positivity
On January 27, 2025 I had an energetic session acting as a conduit for my friend, who is the process of making a full recovery from a motor cycle accident in April of 2024. Peter Schenk not only saved his life from the onset, but has been the driving energetic force to keep my friend on the path to my friend’s desired outcome, through the work that only Peter can bring through. If an infection of any kind is present in a body, it zaps the body of life force energy, that could be used for moving forward in the healing process at an optimal level. At least that makes sense to me. During this energetic session , Peter did what he did to support positive changes at a very deep level . During the session, acting as a conduit, I got a vision of a coffin. ( which showed up in a previous session). When I focus on my friend during the session, I see my friend, in the future, at the altar, standing with his bride. During this session, the soldier, from a previous session , was also standing behind my friend., at the altar. When Peter finished the session, the soldier was gone. My friend was there with his bride, getting married. I also saw my friend in a future vision, at a Baptismal font, holding his son. Tears of gratitude for Peter Schenk’s work leaves me speechless. About 4 or 5 days after this session, my friend had a 24 hour “bug” . The next day, he was like a new person. Healthy, Happy, and since then any issues that were holding him back from healing, stopped. The doctor was amazed at my friends progress. Thank you Peter Schenk , and the MDM Team, for your products and services that make a positive impact in customers lives.
Thank you February 21, 2025
I discovered Peter by chance last August. I have had chronic shoulder pain that has been debilitating-the result of a broken elbow after playing with a dog in 2015. The pain was so bad it almost ruined my honeymoon in 2021 when my husband and I were bouncing around a safari jeep chasing the big 5 animals for 9 days. It was always aggravated by my work as a therapist as I am typing on a keyboard daily. I have tried Network Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Tiger Balm, Massage, and all the pain patches you can think of, with only minimal and temporary relief. When I met Peter for my session it was all over the phone. I was skeptical; I thought “how is this guy going to help me?” There was construction at a neighbor’s home as we were meeting on the phone and it was so funny, as Peter was working on me it was almost a mirror of the construction- he was digging deep. He said he “removed” something from the base of my neck. I felt it almost immediately. Fast forward to today, December and I have zero pain! Seriously!! I honestly don’t know how Peter accomplishes his outcomes but all I know is I don’t have chronic pain anymore and that is really all I care about. I am forever grateful and I am signing up for round 2 just to bring myself into the new year in the way I want to: present, healthy, grounded. If you have pain, please don’t hesitate. I have spent hundreds of dollars on ineffective treatments; Peter is legit!
KimKim M/a Individual session December 26, 2024
Shortly after a session an energetic session with Peter Schenk on behalf of a good friend, I, acting as a conduit stayed quiet after the session for awhile. I found the session to be very intense however many of them are. The guided imagery following this session was also very poignant. A figure was sitting in a wheelchair and the figure was ghost like in that it was just a foggy image of a person . Next to the person was a casket and the casket was draped by a flag, red and blue stripes on the bottom. There was a very large triangle in which 1/2 was yellow, and 1/2 of was green. There was a section at the top where a ball of white energy was pictured. As I turned my attention to the perceived image of my friend, a tear fell from his left eye. At that moment the flag fell to the side and the casket opened . Inside were rocks, chunks of rock that were inside a cloth canvas sack. There were also fragments of rock and gravel that lined the inside of the casket. The intensity and the depth of the feeling, this knowing, the realization that he gave everything, his life, for worthless rocks.. As these thoughts started becoming deeper than despondency, or shock, at the realization that inside the casket were these fragments of rock, the image in the wheelchair stood up, and turned into a soldier wearing a blue and red uniform. I got the word Paraguay. The tall, proud, soldier, started marching down a tunnel. As he continued walking, the soldier uniform, morphed into scrubs, like a doctor or a medical professional would wear. At the end of the tunnel, the person was holding a pointer, standing in front of a green blackboard. Telepathically the words that came to mind were not to use the pointer as a weapon but to educate and teach the truth.
In reality: I saw my friend a week after the session. He was relaxed, more vocal, more in his body, and began talking
about different universities and what they need to offer students who go into healthcare.Thank you December 9, 2024
Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, has saved the lives of of two of friends within the last two years, through energetic sessions, where I have acted as a conduit during the session. Yesterday, I had a very complex dental procedure, and used deep breathing and imagery to remain calm during the several injections of the numbing agent, and the various parts of the procedure itself. During one part of the extraction, an image of a ” Green Being / Presence ” showed up. I imaged this image during one of the sessions that Peter performed for my friend. When I saw ” The Presence” smile, he telepathically engaged me to send “white light” to / inside/ change, my Periodontist ‘s hands and fingers. The white light was inside the doctor’s blue gloves, encompassing his hands and fingers. The doctor’s fingers moved with confidence, as the doctor did what he did. My (” Green Presence Friend ” ) shared with me by thought , that the area is a shadow of a trauma that I went through when I was young. I also ” got” that the area needed ” respect”. With that, I relaxed and let go .
After the procedure, the doctor told me everything went well. I was given a post operative sheet to follow, thanked the staff, and told them that the way I got through it was the word ” Respect.” The doctor and I nodded in agreement and
shook hands.So I got into my car, cried to let go, and to acknowledge the ” Presence ” that allowed me to know what I knew.
Reality Check: Antibiotics cost $1.67, ordered for prevention. I have had no side effects.
Ice packs to the jaw. I used a cold bottle of Protein Shake in the store, and it was on sale.
Probiotics Kombucha was on sale.
Pain meds Over the counter stuff, no narcotics.
Day 2: I feel good, and will follow the prescribed treatment plan.
My point. I am writing this testimonial with gratitude and awareness , of Peter Schenk’s Work, as well as the MDM Team, for providing products and services that are of value, at a level that is unfathomable to support positive changes.
Thank you.Grateful Student : Currently Taking The Course : The Energetic Road To Success In Any Endeavor Plan November 20, 2024
When my friend was hit by an SUV, back in April 2024, while driving his motorcycle to work, my first reaction to contact Peter Schenk , the Modern Day Mystic, to conduct energetic sessions as only Peter knows how. Acting as a conduit for my friend, has given me the opportunity to experience a very deep and profound insight into the RAW POWER of Peter’s products and sessions that are designed to obtain the desired results. During the last session here in October, my vision was that of my friend at the age of 1 year, (wearing scrubs, he is a nurse) holding a small plastic baseball bat. In reality someone gave him Green Scrubs at about 1 year of age, and he did play Baseball , ( Little League on up). He was a star pitcher, and hitter . During the session, my friend , now his current age, was dressed in his Navy Blue Scrubs, playing Baseball. My friend said: ” I am so tired. I can’t run. ” And so ” They” picked him up. ” My friend said: ” I am so tired. I can’t hit the ball. My shoulder is weak. ” And so ” They walked him.” In the imagery, he was able to walk slowly to 1st base. Then a guy by the name of ” IRUN ” walked onto the field , and whispered something in my friends ear. Then ” IRUN ” picked my friend up, and carried him around the bases. My friend was so tired but by being back on the field, was just what my friend needed. What a profound moment, to give my friend. The LOVE for my friend, was so deep. The connection made inside my friend, was so profound. The gratitude was overwhelming. I am not a Baseball person, but I also got a brief thought during this session, ” Angels in The Outfield.”
In reality: Since the session : My friend just got cleared to use a ” FES BIKE ” He ordered it and it was delivered
2 days after the session. It just needs to be put together.Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team for who you are, and what you do, the way that only you can.
Gratitude Beyond Belief November 4, 2024
During a session in May, 2024, with Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, which I requested to support more positive changes, following my friends spinal cord injury, I perceived the following: An Ethereal Surgical Team ( my perception as a conduit) worked on my friends pelvic area. Using several techniques, I was told the purpose was to prevent infection.
On July 31,2024 My friend underwent surgery to clean out and treat an infection that : Was caught early. Was treated early. Is being treated successfully. The Medical / Surgical Team is amazed.
In early August 2024, I requested another session with Peter, to support positive changes. I perceived the following ;
An Ethereal Surgical Team entered the surgical suite and said nothing. The 7 doctors dressed in white long scrubs, wearing white masks, and white gloves, just nodded, and watched my friend, who was lying on a surgical table.
At one point, telepathically, one surgeon said to the other: ” What about the liver, and the spleen? ” The other surgeon
said telepathically: ” Not yet. We will see.”September 4, 2024 One of the Medical Team Member’s at the place where my friend is doing his rehabilitation
was just looking through my friends charts, and saw something about a bleed from the spleen upon admission in April.
The bleed was stopped, the spleen is apparently fine. My friend does have some other issues, and I am wondering if the exploration of the spleen, is going to lead to the positive changes in the my friends full recovery process.Possible Conclusions. : Not only is my friend doing well moving forward, but there is also a ” heads up” imbedded in the sessions, that may in someway, effect those people involved in my friends care , to show up resourceful. Using their skills and talents to do what they do well. Thank you Peter and the MDM Team for helping humanity to become who they really are.
Thank you September 9, 2024
Last week I booked an energetic session to continue to support positive changes with my friend who is recovering from a
spinal cord injury, and some other related issues. As a conduit, I focus positive thoughts, while Peter Schenk, The Modern Day Mystic, does what he does to get the desired results. The Plan of Care, by the Medical Team can be counterproductive at times, so the person was feeling kind of down at times. The Energy during this session was very “intense”. As soon as I hung up the phone, I had to lay on the floor and ” MOVE”. It was like a stretch class, but cathartic. I just kept moving until I stopped, and felt so released in my body. I just laid there and thought: ” I can’t imagine what it is like to be bed bound/ wheel chair bound without a way to ” move” with full range of motion. I then drank a lot of water, from my SOURXE WATER BOTTLE, and took a nap. When I woke up, I noticed I had a text from this person, asking me to visit in a few days. Of course I said yes! Positive Results. Out of bed with a lift to a wheelchair. Feeling tingling sensations in both legs. Can self propel on flat surface in the wheelchair. More engaged with surroundings. Made the statement: ” When I go to the pool for PT. When I walk.” etc. The Medical Team is ” pleased with the progress.” I am so grateful and yes, blown away by the effect of the intense power and energy that Peter uses, creates, commands, as a Master to help people, and in this case, help my friend to do what my friend does, to help people. Thank you to Peter and the MDM Team, for using your gifts and talents to make a difference in peoples lives.Thank you August 10, 2024
I purchased another energetic session with Peter Schenk , Modern Day Mystic , to continue the positive changes that have occurred following previous energetic sessions with Peter, since May. The results have been dynamic. My friend is becoming stronger of mind, body, and spirit. He is also becoming more engaged in his own care. A few days following this session my friend reports that he feels some nerve sensations and twitches . Before this session , some mild tingling. That’s it. My intention for this energetic session was also to support positive changes before the scheduled spinal surgery, GOOD NEWS. Due to the Energetic Sessions my friends surgery ” went well”. Serving as a conduit during Peter’s WORK, I have had some very insightful experiences that when I try to explain to myself, or figure out , I give up. What I can share, is that Peter ” never gives up. ” The energy that Peter commands is intense, focused, precise, and through him, is available. Thank you Peter and the MDM TEAM, for all that you are.
Thank you August 10, 2024
Five days ago I purchased an Energetic Session with Peter to help my friend with traumatic injuries to support positive changes. The session was very intense and Peter suggested that I stay in the energy for a half hour or so. I acted as a conduit during the session. I followed Peter’s instructions and felt deeply connected to something that had weight. I then drank a whole bottle of water from the MDM ” Sourxe Water Bottle” took some deep breathes, and went on about my day.
Later that night, I checked in my friend just by thinking about him, and what I am about to share is truly sacred.This BEING of green light stood over my friend, who was lying down, face up, and began to observe / access my friend.
With the gentleness of a feather, the BEING, seemed to start a energetic process connecting different parts of my friends
body.The BEING then began to lay his hands on certain areas , again with the gentleness of a feather, and an acknowledging smile.
As I watched, the BEING turned to me, and in silence, showed me how to hold certain muscles , and move them.
The BEING ( HE) corrected my holding at one point silently, by showing me a more supportive wrist movement. HE smiled. I cried.I then decided to use a stuffed animal and just use my hands to ‘ massage ” the stuffed bear,
and fell asleep.Each day, and at night, I would check in on my friend by thinking of him, and watch as the ” BEING” continued “HIS” work.
I watched light sparkles, in different areas, and yesterday , blue, green, yellow, and red , lights filling a certain area.When I feel it’s right, I massage the stuffed bear.
This morning, as I checked in , my friends internal organs are real organs, revitalized.
The ” BEING” has been working for about 5 days, around the clock, to assist my friends healing process, and
when I close my eyes, I notice that “HE” continues to be at my friends side.It is with humility, gratitude , and respect, for Peter Schenk and the MDM TEAM, for the unwavering commitment to
support positive changes, and to help my friend.Thank you August 8, 2024
A close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a spinal cord injury due to a motorcycle accident . I am a client and a customer , since around 2011. I do not understand how Peter Schenk , ( Modern Day Mystic) does what he does, but I do know that the ENERGY that Peter calls forth, WORKS. Serving as a conduit during the last session, Peter put into motion one of the most loving supportive energetic forms, that I could imagine . The visions that I am seeing started about 3 days after the last session. The scene was an etherical operating room. One of the doctors met with the other doctors in the surgical team and telepathically engaged with my friend. There was no question. But there was a THOUGHT FORM: My friend’s thought, like a flash, given to the surgeons was that he wanted to stay alive so that he could help his sister because his bone marrow is a match to hers and he wants her to live. The surgeons looked around at each other and again in thought said: ” MMM” ” AN UNSELFISH ACT” . The surgical team started to work on the organs that were traumatized . Each surgeon was in a white cloth scrub gown and a white cap wearing a white mask. The gloves were made of LIGHT. Each surgeon would take an organ and caress it in their hands and at some point would place it back into the body. This surgical practice would go on for about a day. On the next day I was shown the persons’ brain, which the team installed with some kind of like electrodes, or some sort of electrical electricity ,into the folds of the brain. Then holding it, caressing it ,loving it as if it were the most precious child in the universe. The love emanating was so over overwhelming for me as the witness to this magnificent work, that I know I have a new found respect for LIFE . LIFE IS A PRECIOUS GIFT. Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team for using your precious gifts to support positive changes.
THANK YOU June 19, 2024
In Dec 2023 I had gone for chiropractic care and was told by the practitioner that it could make problems appear. While it did help my shoulder mobility I ended up with deep hip pain and all over back pain for weeks. I also inadvertently jammed a broken a clasp type earring into my ear upside down and it ended up being like an arrow or fish hook in my ear lobe. No o e could help me get it out and I tried repeated and thought it would have to be cut out in the er. I had a 30 min session with Peter after Christmas and I never mentioned either of these two issues and I just asked him to take charge and run the energy. He mentioned what he saw and after the session there was 10% left to deal with. All the pain in my back had disappeared and a tiny niggle in my hip remained. As I walked away to another room I bent over to pick up something off the floor and the earring just landed on the floor. No marks in my ear, looked calm not inflamed. I showed my daughter and she commented that it was too much of a coincidence for even her as she had tried a few times to nudge it out. Thank you Peter.
Barbara J Lammi BC Canada June 8, 2024
Eight Months ago, a young loved one was diagnosed with with a life threatening condition that to some would seem hopeless. As a customer\ client I booked a session with Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic, to find out if he could help . Peter told me that this condition was like an upward wave that it had highs and lows. and at the time I didn’t really understand what he was saying but I did know that this person would somehow, some way, be OK. So acting as a conduit, Peter started the process of doing what he does to support positive changes. The best way for me to explain the next eight months was Hitler and Hell. Hitler, was the aggressive treatment plan that medically induced side effects , . The HELL, where the side effects. Each week, sometimes 2-3 times. a week, I would book a session with Peter to clean, clear, promote healing,, and at one point deepen the energetic session to a point to save her life . Peter made a statement to me that lit a fire under me to to persevere. The aggressive treatment plan by the medical team, would induce side effects, and Peter’s energetic session would promote healing. Month after month, the treatment plan would do what it was designed to do, and the energetic sessions, would keep the field sacred. There was a lot more going on, but I do not know how to explain it. After the last round , which I would call HELL, they were ready to put her into ICU, The regeneration of new blood cells were stuck. ZERO. The medical team did what they did, and Peter continued to do what only he knows how to do. ! Get Results! In a little less that 7 days, the blood work went from 0, to 2, to 2500, to 8000. Peter was in command of the bone marrow regeneration. Today , she is medically cleared . Bone Marrow Negative.
Peter Schenk never gives up. The energy work that Peter commands, will find the way , or be the way. Sometimes the WAY, is a product. Sometimes the WAY, is a Workshop. In this case, it was his PRESENCE, in the form of life saving sessions. Thank you Peter Schenk and the MDM Team .Thank you May 25, 2024
It is with the most heartfelt gratitude and respect for Peter Schenk , The Modern Day Mystic , and the MDM team for helping me to help my friend. As a customer / client, I am learning a little bit more about the Creation Of Miracles , in a way that only Peter Schenk can deliver. When I wrote, “The Result Is A Miracle” that was just the beginning. The UNIVERSE , continues to provide more sacred moments in this persons healing process. A few days ago, I was shown a ” Ball Of White Light” hovering over a wound that this person has sustained. The wound is very deep and it is imperative that it stay sterile , in order to heal completely. What I am being shown is that the wound is healing sacredly, by the ” Psychic Surgical Team. ” Drops of Light ” are filling the wound for about 24 hours or more, I check in every once in a while, and also if I wake up during the night. Since I speak to this person telepathically, I have tears in my eyes as I describe this ” Miracle Making Process ” because it so humbling to know that Peter Schenk has access to ” PURE LOVE PURE LIGHT. ” The second or third day the ” Ball Of Light” changed to a more viscous fluid and the color is a little more off white. The same dripping process is happening, however this time I was told ” granulation. ” That means new bone and tissue is being generated on a very deep level. This process has been going on 24/7 for about 2 1/2 three days. Sometimes there are colors, red, yellow, blue, green waves. At one point a “Neural Network” with sparks was activated over his whole body . When I talked to him telepathically , he said he was very tired, and scared, so I held his hand. I checked in with family members yesterday. It was reported that he was lifted to a stretcher like wheelchair and was able to sit up or lay back at about a 45 degree angle. It was also reported that he is experiencing a ” SENSATION IN HIS UPPER LEG “
Thank you May 18, 2024
I am ecstatic!
Whenever I am going through some challenging times, I always go to Google to look for testimonials and this keeps my faith up.
As i did this a week and a half ago, I came across Modern Day Mystic website.
I contacted Peter last week and he responded immediately.
I explained to him my issue and he offered a free healing session. I cried as I was not expecting this. Actually I was planning to find out which would be the most suitable healing modality for my case and what product best suits me, then I look for the moneyI was pleasantly Surprised when he offered the free session.
We scheduled a healing session on Tuesday.
All went very well and as I sat still with my glass of water, so much was going on in my mind like what if the healing doesn’t work?
At times I thought Peter wasn’t on the line cos the silence was too loud. 😂
The session ended after 40 minutes
I had requested Peter if he could help work on my finances which were very tight and I needed
improved family relations.Immediately after the session a client contacted me. That was fast!
I could feel my body was more calm and relaxed.
My back which was very sore before became pain free ( I hadn’t told Peter about this)2 days later I was able to declutter my home albeit halfway, something I’ve struggled with for long.
I have also noticed that my gums no longer bled when brushing my teeth.
I feel more optimistic, less intrusive thoughts, more calm and have better sleep.
So many synchronicities too.My finances have improved a bit and I’ve been able to sort out a few bills here and there and am optimistic they will keep improving.
Looking forward to saving for one of the products to complement the gains.
I am forever grateful to Peter Sneck for his generosity and human touch. His voice is so warm and reassuring.
If you’re wondering whether to book a session, go ahead without hesitating.
Observe the subtle changes afterwards.
A happy Client
Winnie, Nairobi KenyaWinnie Wanyoike May 18, 2024
A nurse that I know was riding his motorcycle to work at the trauma unit where he works. He was hit by an SUV, taken to the very hospital where he works, and will be in recovery for several months. When I booked the session, Peter worked through me, to support the person. Peter calls it acting or being a conduit . The energy was very powerful, and I perceived the energy assisted to stabilize the field. When I got a more detailed report of the injuries , quoting the words of the Neuro Surgeon: ” IF YOU HAVE A MIRACLE , USE IT NOW. ” , I booked a second session with Peter. During the session, I focused on the person’s brain, with the intention of a certain outcome. As I focused on the brain, and Peter did what he did, there was a sense of direction on command. Like Peter was The Master of the Energy Creation and Direction.
While focusing on the person’s brain, I was shown the person at age 1or so, holding a plastic baseball bat, and running bases in the living room. Maintaining focus, I was shown this person, at around age 8, running and sliding into base during Little League games. Next came a movie of him snowboarding down the hill, loving jumps. All of sudden, I saw him engaged in his job as a nurse, giving CPR, getting equipment, filling syringes, etc. learning, with precision and accuracy..
The moment the energy and the person’s LOVE OF HELPING PEOPLE, connected, this Black Dot, o , showed up in the area on the body of focused intention. Instantaneously, an, ENERGY BUBBLE , of LOVE, FORGIVENESS, HUMILITY , GRACE , REDEMPTION permeated the mental image in the session. I am using some of these feelings, because when I hung up the phone, and stayed in the energy , I was crying tears of witnessing, salvation. A Miracle.It has been several days since the session, and the person is now breathing on his own, alert, and is healing a
gash, ( wound), before more surgeries. There is a PSYCHIC SURGERY TEAM, using several techniques, and substances in the wound, 24/7. Since I talk with him Telepathically, and can see the Psychic Surgery Team, in my imagination, I know this Miracle is real. Thank you Peter, and the MDM Team, for your very hard work , to get the desired results delivered in the moment.Thank you May 14, 2024
In June 2023th my son came back from holiday completely changed. We had no idea what had happened, but it got worse every week. My son was no longer himself. Also his eyes were different and the energy in his body was very aggressive and could not sleep. In October he was forcibly admitted to a clinic. It was not easy to get him out of there. They gave him a lot of drugs. During this month we asked 14th different healers, shamans, quantum physicists and two doctors. Most of them had no idea, some made diagnoses, others made up stories and charged good money for it. At the end of November I finally had a session with Peter – within 30 minutes he knew what had happened, when, where and why. He gave us precise instructions. After another 2 clearings from Peter my son – his sole – is back in his body since January 12th 2024 and this nightmare has come to an end.
Thank you Peter, from the bottom of my heart!Bettina Session with Peter March 23, 2024
A few days ago, I had an energetic session with Peter on behalf of a another person who was going through some heavy medical issues. I relaxed for about 10 or 15 minutes prior to the session. When Peter answered the phone and instructed me to raise my left hand over a glass of water I did so with the intention of letting go of whatever was going on with me and to maintain focus on the person that I love. In the process of helping her through this medical event I noticed that I was seeing something in my mind’s eye . I was being shown a sacred surgical procedure. The scene was a very grey fog like operating room. No lights. There were 2 surgeons on the one side, 2 surgeons on the other side , and one at the head. White sheets curtained the patient , whom I could not see. The surgeons were dressed in white scrubs wearing white caps. The white gloves were made of light. I sometimes see things in movies , so the “surgeons” were lifting organs that were grey. I got the immediate sense of “death ” in these organs. I continued to watch while putting my focus back on the person , rather than getting distracted by this perceived event. It all happened in seconds. As the surgeons held each organ they would pass it to another surgeon and that surgeon would pass it to another one and then lay it back down into the perceived patient. When I hung up the phone at the end of the session, I sobbed very deeply that a sacred session like this is real. I said: She is “restored, she is beautiful”. I did not take this emotion on, but a sense of ” raw rage from all humanity surrounding atrocities against innocent children” was being released. Shortly after the session, I went to visit the person. I usually just hold space . She took a nap she was really kind of wiped out. All of a sudden she just woke up got up and walked around the room, went to the window looked out came back to bed, was a little sleepy but something had changed. The next day, she reported getting up, working out with light weights, walked for 15 minutes, ate , and smiled, and painted, and laughed. Basically she came back to life. “A Resurrection.” Peter’s Energetic Sessions, were bringing her back to life. She was dying inside. Now whatever had gotten ahold of her, was transformed , transmuted, gone. We talked about what she can do……..How she can move. …….How she can create ” positive changes moving forward. She said: ” I don’t know. I feel like who I am.” I just smile and have a special place in my heart for the work that Peter Schenk -Modern Day Mystic and the MDM Team perform. Thank you.
Honored March 8, 2024
I was all set for my individual session with Peter. I sat quietly for maybe 10 minutes and placed the call.
Peter instructed me to place my hand over that glass of water . OH OH. WHAT GLASS OF WATER??????
Totally forgot. My elbow however touched my SOURXE WATER BOTTLE , which was right next to me, and it was filled
with “WATER”. I removed the top, placed my left hand over the top of the bottle, and stated: ” I honor the space in which
you exist.” The sensations in my hand were like more of them. The water texture was pristine. During the session, as I
focused on the person I was wanting to support through Peter ‘s energy work, the person’s face was clear, but then I saw
a lifelike angel made of wood, a round wooden head, a wooden triangle for the body, no face , no arms, no legs, wearing a
HALO of pure bluewhite light. As I focused on the angel, who was superimposed on the face of the person, nothing
moved. When the session was over, I said to Peter ( ). I will not repeat the word , it was that loaded.
I just hung up and cried from a very deep place in my body. What I do know that is that an ancestral event was
dislodged and brought to light. Since that session , the person is ” lighter”.
Thank you Peter for offering your skills and talents to us who need them. Spreading more love and light into the world.
Deepest Gratitude January 22, 2024
I booked a session with Peter to support positive changes throughout the healing phase / recovery phase/ eradication of an unnamed condition. While speaking the words: ” I honor the space in which you exist ” the sensations from my hands into the water, were pretty strong. While focusing on the person, I began to see a surgeon standing behind the person, a door way made of large unopened white feathers on both sides of the surgeon As the person was being bathed in Violet Light, an image of the Sacred Heart Of Jesus , showed up on the persons chest. The HEART was red, gold, and blue .
At the Right side of the surgeon’s shoulders , near the Right side of the person’s head ( like in a movie) a THORN was extracted / removed , by two fingers, in the air. This image has stayed with me to reexperience since the session which was a few days ago. Witnessing Spiritual Support is truly a profound experience. Peter Schenk doing what he does to access Spiritual Support is truly a profound experience. Thank you.Thank you January 2, 2024
A young friend of mine was recently diagnosed with a life threatening condition , which I will not name. When I was notified of the persons diagnosis, I scheduled sessions with Peter, to do only what he knows how to do, with precision. I also had the incredible opportunity to experience Peter Schenk’s energetically powerful sessions, as part of the process that Peter uses to perform the necessary work. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Peter fearlessly delved into the depths of the wound, cleansing and purifying the cells with other worldly energy. The process felt like a profound spiritual surgery rewiring the DNA, and restoring harmony at the cellular level. The psychic restoration was very focused , laser like, and unwavering. Peter Schenk , as the Modern Day Mystic, embodies a unique gift that is nothing short of an extraordinary master, and I am forever grateful for the profound healing he facilitated .
DONE November 29, 2023
Hello! I just did a Past Lives Core session with Peter, and I must say, it was totally NOT was I expected! I thought that I would be brought face to face with things relating to traumatic events or past successes, but get this, I was instead transported back to when I was a rock, a tree, water, and a rainbow. I am normally a very, very “in my head” kind of person, visualizing everything people talk to me about or that I talk to others about, but during this entire session I didn’t see forms of any kind, only a few colors and alternating black and white. I did go through several different kinds of “feelings”, such as heaviness, airiness, denseness, and getting compressed and then released. Peter and I had a few chuckles along the way, as it was all so very different and unexpected, but I did mention to him that I have always, always felt SOOO very close to nature, feel such joy when I am in it, and that I ESPECIALLY love rocks, trees, water and rainbows!!! By the end of the session, I felt a lot of joy and peace. It seems to me that these memories of a simpler, more connected life were meant to recharge me and help ground me – something I have been asking for for some time now. Thank you, Peter, for such a lovely session. And I thank the Universe for this beautiful response to my request for help.
Danalyn Ashe
November 1, 2023
During session 3 of the Core Sessions Bundle, Peter was skillfully doing was he does to keep the energy flowing, and checking in from time to time to ask how I am doing. I felt safe, and was into the moment of my body letting go of a lot of unwanted energy . The Chakra Core and Core Cleaning sessions, released a lot of unwanted energy, so during the RECIEVING CORE , I just went with the flow. I did notice that tight areas, neck, shoulders, jaw, and joints, wanted to move, so I moved and stretched. ALL OF A SUDDEN, my husband who had passed several years ago, came through and held my hand. When I told Peter, and Peter said, what did he say? My husband said mentally to me: “Thank you. Hi Pete! Your a good surgeon.” I actually changed “Pete” to Peter. Now I understand guy talk. My husband was an amazing surgeon so it makes sense. Takes one to know one. Last year, October 2021, I stopped hearing from a certain family member, so I just continued to hold space like I always do, using the product , Quantum This. Wrap my husbands arms around me , and my arms around ( I name the members of our family) . I did not hear from any of this part of family all through the holidays. I did not contact them for some reason. Finally in like July 2022, I was contacted and found out that a member of this family tried to end it all. I had bought HFA SIRIUS during the time Peter offered a HFA SIRIUS ACTIVATION CALL. I got 1 for this person, and 1 for myself. We were both on the call. Some time last year, I hid the HFA SIRIUS device in the persons room, for some reason. Okay, back to the session. In that moment of time , when my husband came through, ( he is still with me) I got it!!!!! My husband used the HFA SIRIUS to come through and orchestrate the people, places, and things that got this person to where this person needed to go .
November 1, 2023
Wow! In the past two weeks I have experienced all four of the core cleanse bundle including the past life regression.
Everytime I started writing a testimonial more “oh’s” and “aha’s” showed up. Then I would have to marvel at them and integrate for a bit before I started to write again — and they kept coming! After the first session I felt so expanded I didn’t want to come back–very clear and confident–something new for me. I had a knowingness that I’m moving in the right direction in my life. So much energy house cleaning–Peter really had to work at getting out all the stored up guilt. And now with my confidence and clarity about who I am-I’m making plans! After sessions two and three, awareness continued to unfold. I developed a more loving and appreciative sense of myself. I have better boundaries and at the same time I am more allowing. There’s an enhancement of my source beingness. I am more able to trust that the Universe has my back and I can surrender more easily when I need to. I realized I had a very heavy definition of life–struggling to get through each day. But now I know that lightning won’t strike me if I choose fun before play. How delightful!
And finally, the past life regression session–very interesting. Every stop Peter ;had me make had threads into my current life–from an ancient Egyptian ruler to an Incan priestess or shaman, elements of those beings are present and manifest in my life today. The benefit for me is I feel more comfortable directing my life in new ways that I’ve held myself back from.
Thank you Peter for these enlightening trips to expanded consciousness..
November 1, 2023
Deep Down Alien Rabbit Hole Lives Experiences. Very profound and out-of-this-world experience with The Pilot Core Past Lives Session and Mystical guidance & insides from Peter. The real magic is that with this technology you are fully conscious thus creating a greater even more profound change in this physical reality because there is more particle flow than being unconscious which is normally the case with Past life regression hypnotic therapy sessions… Before the session, I always felt am not from here, and felt alienated from this human experience. I have now more sense of my purpose in life, I feel more integrated being human and I am more confident in knowing why I am on this planet now.. Thank You Peter for your gift to humanity & beyond. PS When I went for a walk after the session I was surrounded by dragonflies and some of them started landing and resting on me and glowing the brightest luminousness I have ever seen.
November 1, 2023
The Pilot Core Past Lives Session and Mystical guidance & insides from Peter Schenk of Modern Day Mystic was an incredible journey into the past! The journey was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. The energy of the vortex and lights were remarkable. I felt such love and peace the entire journey. I could feel the energy emanating from me, encompassing the entire world with love and light. Being conscious for this past life regression therapy was amazing. I haven’t spent much time looking into past lives before, but this was quite unexpected. I could see, feel and experience these past lives. Thank you Peter for this amazing experience.
November 1, 2023
After my session with Peter, I have felt clearer and cleaner. Even friends have told me how much more relaxed I look! I felt a huge chunk of old, yucky stuff had been removed from my body and energy field. This feeling has continued since my session. I move forward in my life with more clarity and confidence.
As a healer, myself, and as a client, I highly recommend Peter’s services.
November 1, 2023
I just had a Past Lives Core session with Peter and I must say that it was one of the most amazing hours of my life! I was fully conscious, yet Peter was able to induce a trance state unlike any I have ever experienced before. He started spinning my “core” energy body and pretty soon I was entering and traveling through gravity wells to my past lives. Please note, it is very important for Peter to guide this experience in order to make it safe to “travel” this way as (while I didn’t realize it at first) when visiting my past lives with my present consciousness, I was actually doing a type of “spirit walk-in” on my past manifestations. Peter guided me at each past life stop, monitoring when and how to best pause my journey, resulting in my having 4 different walk-ins on 4 of my previous incarnations, including:
1. as a man in New York City in 1938; Peter guided me into how to find out details of this past life by asking me questions that would steer my attention to various details of my surrounding to the point I was actually able to identify me by name and occupation, city and year..
2. A very fit and muscular native american hunter. Here he also demonstrated that this journey was not just a passive interesting observer experience, it is purposeful and designed to help my present life, as he directed me to interact with this version of myself to ask help in transferring some of his extreme vibrant health to aid my present health-challenged body. Details aside, this was accomplished, and believe it or not, my arthritic right hip and right knee are feeling much better today!
3. I came out of the gravity well between incarnations as a disembodied spirit form of me which Peter directed to the nearest life manifestation, which was as a middle eastern 10 year old boy exactly on my 10th birthday, and finally
4. An Elder of some high standing in Atlantis! This was particularly interesting, as Peter immediately sensed this walk-in was not safe for me and advised that I did not want to be here at this time and to close my “mind’s eye” and leave, which I did, even though I was very intrigued by this particular past life. Hey, I was wanting to bring back the secret of free energy, how to make the Philosopher’s Stone, etc.!! Peter was obviously perceiving much much more than me in real time during this journey. so he is acting constantly in the background as both engineer and conductor in my best interest on this amazing express ride. Between each past life, I would enter a “gravity well” to travel to the next life. I think the most remarkable thing of this whole journey is that I was fully conscious through the entire session, yet obviously in a deep trance, deep enough for me to be startled when Peter told me to open my eyes at the end; it was almost like being dropped back in a different world.
In Summary, I would whole-heartedly recommend this experience to anyone and would say to them what Peter said to me: “EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!”November 1, 2023
Yet another hit from Peter’s vault, delivering as promised… I mean, landing in different periods of time fully aware that it is your experience you are describing, being conscious of your life story up to that moment… WOW! Well, it is called “Past Life” (Lol).
I can count 7 instances I stepped into, one as a caveman, about to go hunting…. another as a young soldier, screaming in shock, I had just been blasted by a bomb thrown at our trench from a plane, and everybody else was dead… , another as a baby in my mother’s womb I could see my hand, the cord going out from me belly connected to her, my fingers were not complete, everything was turning red and I knew I was about to die, the last one I was a slave girl, I had just been sold to some Sultan, and was about to meet whom ever had paid in horses for me…. each one brought a different aspect (in perception, physically, emotionally and still working on the spiritual) of healing to my present “Me”This is one of those cases where, no matter how much I describe how delicious an apple tastes, until you try it, you won’t know…
Personally, I recommend you try this at least once. The gains are countless, and life changing…. I know, right? Life changing? It’s has only been one day!…. but let me tell you, I feel in my body, intimately alive and although I don’t know what’s next, I have lost some type of fear I had about making choices, living life; I feel present and it is exhilarating! It’s like a switch went on and there it is: The bigger picture, not only that, but you are in it….Blessings
November 1, 2023
My goodness… first time in session with Peter and it is mind blowing the volume of Light he brings right into your system… it’s as if he hoses out all the unwanted and fills your whole Presence with brilliant life-giving luminosity. You can literally feel your cells dancing in wellbeing and joy as they drink it all in.
As well, deep back pains all gone!
He is the real deal, an enormous blessing on our planet and a true Gift to have in your Life.
I feel so blessed and grateful to have found him. Thank you, Peter! 🙏🌟💜November 1, 2023
I experienced the Core Session Bundle. What a treat. I sat back and left the driving to Peter. My sessions were extremely relaxing. Since having these sessions I found that I have much more energy, I sleep better, have an greater sense of wellbeing and gratitude for life.
Peter you are a blessing to the planet. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts.
November 1, 2023
So where do I start I have finally found a job, that I actually love doing, where I’m seen and valued for my contributions, I enjoy getting up everyday and going & will be receiving a promotion as the office manager, im overall bringing in more money between my job and my clients, I have expanded as a person, spiritually, in my light work, business and have found wholeness, self love and respect for myself, I am sooo beautiful and integral part of the whole!
My relationships have greatly improved, especially with my mother!!
I just finished the attraction workshop and I am bringing in the true love of my life! A healthy, loving, supportive life partner, who is super sexy and my best friend, he is present and simply adores every aspect of me !.. I can feel it in my belly, hello Clairsent! 🌹
I’ll keep you guys posted on my progress!November 1, 2023
Its day 1 after my receiving core session, I woke up and it was as simple as clicking a switch all the sudden I am happy, I allowed myself to receive joy and what is actually my inherent state of being goodness and happiness abundance because I chose it. I know that sounds like a mantra or a nice idea but there is an absolute difference between reciting an affirmation and hoping it becomes true, to begin able to click the switch and just be. I also want to add a big difference i made was, after my session i went out in nature for 45 min, I wasn’t even inside around technology, I allowed mother earth to support me in the cleansing of the old, grounding and integration, who says it has to be hard?🤔 Not me I chose ease and grace, its my free will right too!
Thank you, Peter, my friend ❤, I am greatful!November 1, 2023
I am so grateful to Peter Schenk for never giving up for over 20 years of bringing forth products and services that successfully make the seemly impossible actually the newest reality
February 7, 2020
I am so beyond grateful and frankly impressed with your work, my stomach started flattening last night, I woke up today and I look shredded, I can see my abdominal muscles, again !!!
I also dont feel fear about moving forward, creating expressing myself, that started coming in last night.
New awareness and just feel focused.
For those reading this please understand, I am 37 years old and had issues with severe belly bloat up and down in weight even though I am athlete and eat properly,
you can imagine my frustration, I also had great fear in expressing myself, moving forward and staying in alignment with my goals,I was often pulled around by other people’s opinions…maybe it was interconnected. All I know I have vastly shifted in one night and it will still continue to unfold!
Peter Schenk, thank you Mr. Magic Man!Jen Psychic medium/ healer/ server Core session January 30, 2020
I had my first quantum session with Peter Schenk, specifically on ability to receive and fears and insecurities, just yesterday, tonight we had a huge family party and I felt myself more free than I have been along time, free to be me free to shine,
ability to hold stronger boundaries and to allow myself to be loved and recognized, also already people have been giveing me gifts! I’m so excited to see how things continue to unfold!
I’d also like to share, I have been using aquawear 5.0 program and the results are fantastic faster and more transformational shifts and I was even able to psychically communicate with a blue jay bird and help him!
It’s my time to shine and I fully claim it now… I CLAIM ME!Jennifer Funt Psychic medium/ healer Core session December 8, 2019
Hi Peter,
I just wanted to say WOW. Since our session on Saturday morning, last night was the first somewhat “normal” night I’ve had.
My entire body has seemed to do an upgrade of some sort. I see things much clearer. My energy is through the roof. My “tolerance” of others energies aka people is on hype mode. Insights are flooding in.
Two things manifested on Monday quite unexpectedly and my whole body and mind were like in shock (trying to accept). This morning when I woke up I heard a voice that said “you know none of this is real?”. THAT sounded more true to me than ever before and shocked me at the same time.
I’ll be booking another next week!
BA Piercing The Membrane November 7, 2019
“Grab a cup of water, raise your left hand, spread your fingers and say “ I honor the space in which you exist”
I did what Peter asked me to do without much thought, after all his guidance has led to some prosperous times in my life.
He told me to drink the water then lay down on the bed.
“Close your eyes.”
What happened next can only be explained as a dream like state of bliss.
Peter told me to imagine that I was underwater.
As I laid there on what I imagined to be the ocean floor, I felt a sense of peace that I had not felt in a while.
I rose to the surface of the ocean but could not make it to the other side of the water.
For some reason the surface of the water acted as an invisible barrier. I continued to push through to the other side of the water but I couldn’t make through to the other side no matter what I tried to do….
I then saw a figure cloaked in light, he reached his hand out grabbed me and pulled me through to the other side of the water.
I opened my eyes and never felt so alive.
It was like my 3rd eye chakra was fully open and my “spidey senses were tignling” The following week I felt so present and focused. Creatively I could write and design anything that I thought of with ease.
My life was going through a rough patch and I felt like this session gave me the staying power to see it through and not be affected by anything negative that was going on around me.
Weeks later and my visual powers have increased x10 fold. I literally can imagine an entire world and walk through it. I have never had this much confidence in my spiritual abilities and power. Thank you Peter!!!
It’s been nearly a month and I am still feeling the effects of the session. ”
kahlil nevett-james Owner Of Prime Presence Piercing the Membrane Session October 23, 2019
Core Clearing session: My first session with Peter was the Core Clearing and it was a beautiful experience. I have a few excerpts from my experience but there are little words to describe it:
At the start, I saw shining copper as a lot of energy moved upwards through my crown towards a pyramid; while simultaneously I had visions of large pieces of strata and terrestrial crust exploding in space.
Lots of light and colors and energy flowed up and down my channel throughout the session. White light up and down through my crown and filling the room.
At one point I saw a maroon vulva giving birth to something white. As I watched it emerge, I found myself staring at a large diamond!
Afterwards, I expected to be an emotional wreck but was not, although I could tell I needed to go gently with myself for the rest of the day. Instead I had this feeling that something inside was a little tender for a few days, like being sore after a workout.
I believe this experience, combined with a subsequent energetic session is continuing to unfold for me weeks after, and has so far culminated in more quiet and calm, as in being more centered, accepting, and present in the midst of life. I recommend the experience and working with Peter!Julie Core Clearing September 16, 2019
I had a Chakra core session with Peter a few days ago. The session itself provided a tremendous sense of relief. I felt that lots of bottled up
energy, stress, emotion and mental debris was drained away and replaced by a healing and peaceful pool of energy. In the days since I have been more relaxed and at peace, more focused and productive. I’ve also experienced clearer thinking and perception. This has resulted in numerous insights into chronic issues that have dogged me, allowing me to let them go and move on. It was a profound experience with an ongoing impact on me and my life.Harlan Mittag Chakra Core August 23, 2019
10 mins Core Cleanse…amazing!
Morning Peter
hope you are blooming and blossoming!
Woke up this morning in the pit of the worst energy for no special reason :))
Meditated awhile and no shift…curious..Switched on the Darius and You call to catch up….wow!
Cobwebs blown away clear energy zoomed in and dark space no more…thank you so much!Orion ordered and I got all those bonuses too..so very generous!
Thank you so very much.
have a wonderful day Peter
love and many best wishes to you
and ten days on still amazing feeling and many break throughs!
Rahima Sayer August 8, 2019
Good morning Peter,
I just wanted to send a quick note and say THANK YOU!
OMG, omg, omg. After days of what has been like “gutting, cleaning out” of my system after our session I finally felt like completely empty on Saturday. Saturday pressure started building in my spine. Very uncomfortable and I didn’t know what or where it was coming from. I craved sugar (even though I don’t normally) gave in and ate lots of sweets on Saturday night and I couldn’t believe that as soon as that sugar started hitting my system the pain in my spine started to dissipate and eventually was gone!!! WTH?
I kept asking myself what this was that had happened in me. Sunday I did breathing exercises to help process some discomfort I still had in my spine. Sunday night I had more energy leave my body through my left arm (was in pain and super hot for about a couple of hours) then late last night almost at midnight that craving for sugar came back…but not as strong. I asked what it was and the word “codependency” came up.
You don’t know my story but holy crap that pretty much sums up what my life has been this lifetime and I’m sure in the past. I felt like this was my system FINALLY bringing this to the surface to be removed.
It also explains why I haven’t been able to get rid of things and people in my life that I have sooooo much wanted to and done ALL KINDS OF ENERGY WORK and paid for so it will……… and its still with me.
I feel like this work we are doing has FINALLY BROUGHT IT TO THE SURFACE TO LEAVE!
I am jumping for joy in this moment. I can’t wait to see what the Universe brings me now that this will be TRULY gone from me.
BR Receiving Core Energy Session July 10, 2019
WOW! I had the profound opportunity to experience an energy clearing session with Peter. Modern Day Mystic YES!! This man is on to something with these products and work. I felt so much peace after Peter’s unique session… “shifts” followed in my consciousness and daily experiences “within”. This is powerful, life enhancing technology at its best!! Thank you for following “YOUR” path and bringing this technology and wisdom to humanity & Gaia!!!
Sharesa Motta Animal Communicator Energy Clearing by Peter July 5, 2019
I had a Receiving Core Session w/Peter this past Monday. I\’ve done several of these to date, now. This was by far the best! Peter; in this 1 hour session cleared/removed issues from over half-a century (I\’m 60 years old) including deep trauma from my childhood and beyond. He knew exactly what was there, I did Not have to guide/tell him. I do know what lies beneath, as well (most of us do know this-we know where/what our pain is-we just can\’t release it). Yes, I did cry for part of the session, as this deep childhood hurt was so very profound and it has caused me a great deal of self-induced pain and destructive behavior over many/many decades. For many years I could Not even love myself or even look in the mirror and see Me nor love Me-so; like many of us busy/gifted medical professionals, I gave all of myself to work and to my patients (and some, could in fact care less). This was my way of avoiding my internal self-hate, but the \’cost\’ was that I gave way too much! No more of that nonsense now! I am here for me now/I take care of me now, I love me now more than anything else in this vast universe. And as a result, I am finally healing-I can now sleep at night/I can look in the mirror & say \”I love You!\” Yes, this needs more work, but I\’m finally \”back home.\” Like the old Blind Faith song: \”Can\’t Find My Way Back Home.\” Look up on youtube-for that was indeed me before the session! Thank YOU Peter, from the bottom on my heart!!!
James Jackson Physician Receiving Core Session June 16, 2019
I received a couple of energetic sessions from Peter a few days ago and I feel much better than I did before. I went through an extremely bizarre and painful breakup and I was really going through it psychologically, emotionally, and physically for a month and a half. I was feeling a dark energy or entity in my gut that made me want to take revenge as well as it just being plain painful. I thought about killing myself very often. I was also having extreme pain in other areas of my body due to candida overgrowth. I had some insight on how to deal with the candida. The pain from the candida overgrowth has calmed down tremendously. That heavy, angry, dark feeling in my gut is gone and I have been feeling much lighter and much more at peace. I still have some moments, but overall, I’m doing so much better than I was 3 days ago. I really appreciate Peter’s approach of focusing on the energy healing, rather than spending a bunch of time talking about the problem. I would highly recommend a session. I am so thankful for Peter and his work.
A June 14, 2019
I did my first Receiving Core Energy Session with Peter and it was nothing short of amazing! My body has expanded in so many ways energetically that it took me a few days to adjust to the new energy. I had aha moments that made me realize would be huge receiving blocks that I never saw before! One of my main issues was being open to others. Being self-sufficient and independent was always something I took pride in. The day after my session my soul said “I don’t want to be alone”. This was VERY humbling to me but at the same time made me see how this would prevent me from receiving things that I have truly wanted at all! I am definitely booking again and can’t wait to see what the Universe has in store for me! I highly recommend this session.
BR Receiving Core Energy Session June 11, 2019
I purchased a thirty minute session with Peter. The reason I wanted the session was to get to know somethings about me and my family. Boy was I in for a humongous surprise. So I was all excited about the call. Every emotion you can think of was going on with me all the way to the call and through the call.
So I call Peter as per his request. As he answered the phone I was amazed for many reasons. I couldn’t believe I was speaking with Peter one on one. I felt like I was speaking a celebrity. Once I calmed myself down and realized that I have to take care of business. I had so many questions for Peter. I blurted the questions out to him. He answered simply by saying “I am not your therapist” (I laughed inside and gained much more respect for him). Not many people are as blunt as I am.
So now we are over the hurdles. I felt so much power flowing through the phone. I was told to get a glass of water. (thought to myself I don’t need no water I have the aquaware here. I want to talk about me.) So I just followed direction after all I do value his opinion. After drinking the water the session begins. (I’m still thinking this is not what I want. I told the inner voice to shut up and let him do what he needed to do) After relaxing Peter says now we’re getting into the layers. He says now I’m going to remove the good from your heart. He also says I was holding on to something that happened to me between the ages of 9-11. (At this point it was total silence he never asked me anything about my past. I never told him anything. He just started it.) I was more amazed at how did he know that. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I then felt a hand scoop up a glob of good from my ❤️. Oh what a relief. Five days later. I still feel the sameSharice Entrepreneur Session June 4, 2019
More fun shifts (3) to add to my previous testimonial! I forgot to mention that once again, my body felt more physically light and free again (just like after I got the Core Cleanse a year ago…lol) like a child, with no physical restrictions of any kind…lol, that I noticed when exercising (silly jumping up and down literally for 5-7 mins) daily.
Also, during the session, at one point I felt some strange pain and discomfort on my mid-upper back a bit more towards the left side, for like less than a minute, and then the pain released and disappeared, as though I had a chiropractic adjustment of some sort…woohoo! How marvellous!
Shortly after having this session, I came across another free karaoke app Smule, where I can now also sing duet songs with others, incl. a Facebook friend, and i’m having so much fun with that, singing (one of my true passions..lol) away more frequently than before in such effortless fun loving joyful Bliss, and noticing more calm, confidence, and cool charm in my lovely singing voice. Thanks again to our one and only powerful phenomenal energy powerhouse Peter!
Emily Lai RN Receiving Core session June 1, 2019
I had my Receiving Core session with Peter over a wk ago, and felt some cool interesting sensations, just like I did with the Core Cleanse that I did a year ago with Peter. Near the beginning of the session, I would see a vision of a huge being expanding and expanding in front of me for quite a while like maybe 10 minutes or so (not sure if it’s someone else, or just my soul or higher self expanding probably…lol). Then I would start feeling numbness or tingling from the right side of my body, coming up from my right foot, ankle, up my leg, up to my elbow, wrist (a bit of pain and stiffness) and hand. After that it would move over to the left side of my body. Last time for the core cleanse, the numbness and tingling started from the left side of my body, and then moved over to the right side. It’s a different order now…lol. This time for the Receiving core, Peter said he was working on 3 chakras, the root chakra, solar plexus, and third eye chakra.
There were times I had a vision of like a cluster of flowers sprouting on one stem and lighting up from my lower spine (near root chakra) during the session. Love it! Sometimes my whole body also felt kinda heavy, like being grounded/rooted to where I was laying on the bed. I’m glad I didn’t even fall asleep during the session, b/c I always felt asleep when i did the 3 Receiving workshops that Peter had earlier last year, and could never stay fully awake throughout the whole thing, even when I tried replaying it several times, and even when sitting up, instead of laying down…lol. So I don’t know how much I was able to receive and integrate from those workshops…lol.
I did kinda zonk out for a while (felt like in a deep theta state…half dreaming), towards the last 15mins of the session, even though I was still able to hear Peter’s voice very clearly when he spoke. When it reached the end, just right before Peter said it’s completed, I actually saw a vision of a white blank screen (blank page) appear for couple of seconds. How Cool!
After my session was over, my head did not feel woozy, when I got up to drink some water this time, before laying back down to rest for another 45 mins as Peter suggested, although I ended up falling asleep afterwards, and slept for a few hours before getting up again, as I wanted to anyway, since I was off work that day. I felt fine that day, but in the next 2 to 3 days, I became so incredibly tired and mentally exhausted, that I realized I must be going through a major energetic upgrade or download, and deep integration from this session, and it’s taking my physical body 48hrs to 72hrs to fully integrate this deep Receiving Core session!
I don’t have any financial debt issues, so i did not receive any extra flow of income or anything….lol, although I did end up giving $20 to a person that showed me he only had a few dollars on him, and asked if I could help give him some money to pay for some car expenses or something, and he was so overjoyed to get what he asked for (since I had no smaller change in my wallet at the time either..lol), that he thanked me profusely as he left. I suppose I needed to give, to receive…lol.
When I did Reiki for a friend recently just for a few mins, I could feel my hands tingling like crazy, and my friend from work said she could feel energy centers opening up all over on her body, especially from the head up (crown chakra). How Cool! I remember during the core cleanse from last year, I felt my hands vibrating/spinning with vortices appearing in my mind’s eye, and this time although I didn’t feel that, i’m sure both these sessions helped to magnify my healing powers exponentially, when I do energy healing for others like patients, and other staff, and for friends, and family. Hooray! Thank you so much Peter for another wonderful powerful session, and all your wonderful magical MDM products!!!
Emily Lai RN Receiving Core session June 1, 2019
I am beyond thankful for Peter Schenk’s incredible energy work! After a serious brain injury, I felt I was cast into a dark hole, but since working with Peter, my brain and life have been healing in amazing ways! Now I know not only will I make a full recovery, but I will become an even healthier, happier and more powerful individual due to my time with Peter. His work is a wonderful blessing, which I will always be deeply grateful for!
March 1, 2019
The Core Cleaning session allowed me to have a deep karmic and mental-emotional cleansing that left me feeling much more balanced, clear, and expansive; even more in touch with my knowing.
January 30, 2019
peter and I had a personal session to heal chest pain a few years ago and Peter had the vision of a “tight dark band” around my heart which he immediately removed and I actually felt the tension release in my chest; I have had no other chest pain problems since then.
January 30, 2019
A couple of weeks before this Core Cleanse session took place I realized I was vibrating in the eye of a hurricane. This Core Cleanse session solidified that analogy even more. My eyes seam to be peering out from their sockets even more prominently, while the world just swirls around me.☆ My heart thanks your heart for the work you did in me Peter☆
Natalie Foltz Planetary Catalyst Energy Healing Core Cleanse September 19, 2018
Core cleanse-while receiving this beautiful gift from Peter i felt the indescribable love that I only have felt when I experienced my NDE (near death experience) there is no words other than pure divine love! It’s beyond beautiful, magical, wonderful, bliss. The vibration of all the cells coming alive with the spinning of pure love in and through each cell, is wonderful. One becomes pure light, fluid, peaceful, euphoric!
I remained with this probably about an hour while everything came back into solid form I was light as air you might say. Blissed our! Awesome! Best high ever, no drug can compare! I come from the days of Timothy Leary so yes been there done that! This is so clean and joyful with no side effects except for what’s gotta go!
As the days moved forward things started falling away, for the ego this can be challenging. It lives in fear, in hanging onto the illusion of what it thinks is real. For me, my ego has consistently held onto many lives of scarcity, lack, fear, etc. when the universe wants your attention, everything the ego thinks keeps one “safe” starts to fall away, it can be downright scary to the physical aspect of ourselves.
The clarity from the cleanse can help allow us to see the tapes of the ego that play endlessly to keep us looping…all I can say is STOP, no more and surrender….everything is in upheaval, appearing to being “taken away” ( from loss of loved ones to car breaking down, no money or a mechanic to help etc) one has to just surrender tell the ego over and over no more no more no more! Surrender to that power that is greater than we are! For me and my conditioning, it’s challenging as everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks down it! I was taught that “God” was judgmental, mean, sitting on throne blah blah blah…I also remember my “being” as a child (pure light/love, same in NDE) quite confusing…I became a defiant rebel much to my own detriment. Now, still a rebel but my wings are returning, stubborn falling away, sweet surrender to love (truth) is replacing and seeing the illusion, while being in physical form is incredible.
I say all of this with deep love and gratitude and truth for me, as to share the total beauty and strength the core cleanse has to offer.
It’s incredible as it will clear all that no longer serves, that of course one is willing to let go of! Highly recommend! Love you Peter!❤️Georgia Siegner Front office-RV resort Core cleanse session September 10, 2018
August 28, 2018
Three days have past since my Energetic Core Cleanse session with Peter, and I got to say, its been great experience. You could really feel the difference in energy, mood and how people act around you.
The session was amazing, starting from immediate movement in my stomach, then a vortex energy running down from the Crown Chakra. I felt tingling throughout my body and after the end of the session, which Peter suggested to relax for the next 30 to 45 mins.
This Energetic Core Cleanse is an absolute life changer and I’m so grateful to have experienced it, thank you Peter Schenk.
David Tinoco Divinetruehealing.com Chino CA./ Energetic Core Cleanse/ 8-22-18 August 27, 2018
Had my session with Peter a couple of days ago. It started out with energy gradually running up my legs. When the energy reached my hips they ached for a few minutes. At about that time, there was also energy running from my head down. My stomach began rumbling and I had a dull headache and heaviness behind my eyes up to the top of my head. The energy flows converged in my heart as Peter told me that I had reached the “Love” level – in less time than most – and that I had a lot of emotions to release. At the end of the session the dull headache was at the very top of my head. After we disconnected with instructions to rest for 45 minutes or so, I felt as if my cells were so light and far apart from each other that I could walk through a wall or was in a higher dimension. I am, overall, feeling lighter and more relaxed. I am still noticing other shifts. I don’t know how long they will continue, but I like it! Others should try this out. It is pretty remarkable.
Elaine Ayala Energetic Core Cleanse August 27, 2018
Every step of instruction the last 5 years has produced a lifetime of benefits. Always unexpected where a path begins or ends in each “lesson”.
Amazing experiences unwrap as time flows through each exercise. I noticed tremendous opportinities became available that never seemed “to come my way” in the past.
I have used Aquaware 3.1, 4 and 5. 12th project and sourxe 4 and 5. Each had a unique feel and built experiences that overlapped with a purpose that was very much in tune with how my mind operates.
All of these experiences began with an energetic session in the fall of 2013. My inner workings polished to the brightest white light. That first connection to sourxe began a path of happiness I hope to never lose.
Worth your time and effort to seek this out and then learn to work your mind to create heaven in your own life.
Todd McCall Business Owner Energetic Sessions July 23, 2018
I had my Core Cleanse session last Friday, and it was so powerful and definitely a deep soul Cleanse. I felt a lot of energy moving in my body. Initially the left side of my body felt numb starting from my left foot and left calf, which later on moved to the right side, when the left side was no longer numb. Sometimes the left side of my head felt tingly, and other areas like my feet and hands. At one point my hands also felt numb for quite a while, and later on shifted to feeling heavy like vortexes spinning and drilling in like i’m receiving pure source energy from the universe (my hands chakras opening and expanding probably). Near the end my whole body started feeling light and airy, after some moments of feeling some heaviness in my whole body for a while (like my soul was being rooted deep in my physical body). Love feeling all these fascinating and very noticeable body sensations! Peter was right in saying that after my session ended, that I should lie down for at least half an hour (as my head would be feeling heavy and dizzy) to finish the integrating and processing, as my body would start to harden up, after it initially softened by the end of the session. I was lying on my living room couch for my session. After my session ended, as I was walking upstairs to my bedroom and used the bathroom first, my head really was feeling heavy and kinda dizzy and wonky, before I finally lay down in bed. He was also right in saying I won’t be able to fall asleep for that half hour, due to the strong energies moving, and I didn’t fall back to sleep until maybe after 45mins or so. I had gotten up early to have this core cleaning session for 8-9am, so I went back to bed until after 1pm, to get ready to go to work by 2:30pm for an evening shift. I felt so refreshed and energized after I woke up later (as if I had a day off work yesterday…lol) to go to work, although the left side of my neck and shoulder felt sore, maybe I slept in the wrong position for a while, or it could be dense energies moving out of my body from the session. I noticed my eyesight improved, and everything I see appears to be brighter and more sparkly under the sun, and I feel light as a bird (more noticeable when I exercise!) despite noticing some muscle soreness in my back (probably linked to my menstruation coming). My menstrual period (which was due to come) came by the next day on Sat, and most of the bleeding finished in almost less than 3 days (even shorter than before…simply Amazing), without any menstrual pain or discomfort at all. Love it! Thank you so much Peter Infinitely for this wonderful deep energetic gentle Soul-Cleanse! I highly recommend everyone to do a core Cleanse if they can!
Emily L. RN Core Cleanse July 23, 2018
I had an amazing deep core cleaning session with Peter few weeks ago. It started with energies running all over. My crown charka buzzed and then I got a feeling of something stock in my throat. I kept trying to swallow it but instead it came out as a burp. I told Peter about it right away and he told me that it had to come out. I had to burp few times but it got even more intense as if someone was chocking me, it was so strong. I couldn’t even breath but after sometime it got lighter and was gone. The energies were still running but I got very relaxed and centered for the remaining of the session. Also, my usually underactive 3rd eye had energies running through and I felt strong movement/vibration there. After what it seemed like a long time (half hour perhaps?) Peter told me to relax and let the energies run when he was done. I didn’t bother to ask him for how long because I knew what he would say: “only you would know”. I laid down for about hour – hour and half. Some emotions and thoughts came up. All of a sudden the sobbing started followed by intense crying. I felt lighter and open. At the end I felt it was OK to get up.Overall I had quite a release of emotions in such a short time. Very interesting session! An eye opening experience. I highly recommend it.
Oksana Becker Deep Core Cleaning Session July 23, 2018
My energetic session was for one half hour and it was powerful. Peter pinpointed the issue right away and balanced my manifestation energy. I feel clearer, balanced and focused. During the session I could feel the energy moving thru my body and lower vibrations just leaving. Wow, Peter what a Gift!! Highly recommend an Energetic Session and/or the Core Cleaning. My Core Cleaning was incredible and life changing for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Sharon.
Sharon Stallman Pennsylvania July 8, 2018
Hello. I had my core cleaning session yesterday and it was amazing. I am very familiar with energy and taught Kundalini Yoga, but my session was very powerful but gentle. Experienced quite a bit of movement and energy vibrating throughout my whole body during the session, but felt very safe at all times. All I can say is I feel different and see the world differently but with peace and love. It’s like I opened my eyes from the session and the world looked brighter and clearer. Definitely I am at a higher vibration, thank you Peter. Would recommend anyone to experience a session.
Sharon Stallman 1152 Hearthridge Lane June 29, 2018
I gave myself a core cleanse for my birthday! It was powerful, and expansive, and psychedelic. 🙂
It definitely opened the door(s) for the clarity to do the work that needed to be done. There are really no words that can describe this type of session that fully embrace the experience. Try it! Be Ready! You will See!AngelA
Angela Ahava Core Cleanse June 20, 2018
I had my core cleanse 4 days ago and it felt like a releasing of stuff from a life time. I also noticed that over the weekend people who really loved me started contacting me by phone, by text and by facebook messenger. You know –people from high school from thirty years ago. I had always heard when you leave the earth you will know who really loves you. Well, I think if you have a Core Cleanse you will be shown who really loves you and be so grateful you will be in tears for these wonderful people. I also noticed men looked at me longer. ha ha 🙂 Maybe I’ll get abunch of dates!! Thank you Peter for our wonderful session. You said you saw pink and purple and tons of gratitude and I am truly grateful for the experience. It is subtle but each day brings a new gift.
Jodi Walker Consultant Core Cleanse May 30, 2018
I had my very 1st Energetic Core Cleanse Session with Peter this morning at 0900.
This was also my first phone session.
Note: I already own a majority of Peter’s wondrous creations.
The day prior to the session I had some trepidation, since I did not know what to expect & I’m a person who likes to be over prepared for everything that confronts me. But, during the 1 hour session my fears immediately vanished and Peter & I went down the “spiritual rabbit hole” together. A lot of negativity, that I had been carrying around like some old tarnished security blanket, just literally vanished. I had a brief period of sadness & tears, then it was all gone! Such peace & such immense love that I had almost forgotten existed inside me was reborn & some very pleasant childhood memories again resurfaced for me. I realized afterwards, that a great deal of my inner pain was re-cycled by my mind over/over & that I can stop this repetitive cycle and just “let go” and allow myself to be in pure joy. There is so very little to be learned from all this pain/sadness/remorse, I see now. Afterwards, I just started laughing/smiling/giggling like some small child. Most out of character for this stubborn & at times emotionally rigid physician. It is now 4 pm-I took a short nap after the session, and I am still buzzing! Thank YOU Peter for ‘bringing me back’ to the infinite me-the me that I mistakenly thought No longer existed. I will do another session soon-but this may not even be necessary-Peter is just that good everyone. Thank You!
Dr. James Jackson DO
INJames Jackson Family Physician Indiana May 26, 2018
Wow!! I hardly know where to begin with my testimony. In 4 days my life has totally turned around for the Better! I am SO EXCITED! I have had humanitarian projects I have been working on for years, and within 3 days of this session there was a major breakthrough with funding! The first three days I felt like I was spinning off and on. I would have a bout of lightheadedness or nausea for just a few seconds, then it would stop…i felt very strange…almost like my head was seperate from my body or.like a compass that is trying to reenter itself. It was very odd feeling. After three days now I have had a lot of new energy and love flowing through me….i cannot wait to see what each new day holds! I am telling all my friends about this! Thank you Peter for this incredible gift!
K schafer www.journeytoraw.org core cleansing May 26, 2018
I had a session with Peter today. Went very well. Had such energy afterwards.
Really got my vibration up. Felt like taking on things that I didn’t before.
Had mainstreaming ideas. I was on fire!Nancy Haller nhaller@msn.com energetic core cleanse May 21, 2018
I booked a Core Clearing Session with Peter. As my day unfolded, I felt weird, it took me awhile to understand what was going on. Now I know what BEING LOVED is like. Bullies, yuckie people , who were there in my path yesterday, did not show up on MY BOOKING DAY. A lightness did however, and insight showed up also. Like harnessing the FIRE THE FIRE OF LOVE.. That is the ” flash of insight I received”. What is important to understand is : I HAVE NOT HAD MY SESSION YET. I ONLY BOOKED IT”
Looking Forward To Recieving May 19, 2018
The energetic core cleanse was a beautiful experience. I felt all the low vibrational energy make room for a lot of love filling my being and my heart. I felt very peaceful and at ease after the session. The anxiety and grief I was feeling prior to the session were all gone. All it needs is to be prepared to let go of everything you don’t need anymore and to trust Peter. Namaste!
Mijke Organizational healer Core Cleanse May 19, 2018
I just finished a session with Peter and “WOWZA!!!!” doesn’t even come close. The energy was SO palpable. In the time we had together, I went through different stages of having the giggles, to yawning like crazy, to feeling very prayerful and Sacred, to feeling light again. At one stage, even with my eyes closed, I SAW the energies as I was moving my hands!!! I could the colours of the energy in slow motion. It was unreal! I felt so much joy in my entire body. It was such an AMAZING experience! It took me a while to even come out of that energy even after the session with Peter. It was very profound and SO FUN!
Thank you so much for this experience, Peter! What a gift to be able to hang out with you energetically.
Missy Dee Session May 16, 2018
Hi Peter,
I managed to get someone to make a video pertaining to my fabulous session which you so graciously offered me. I was not able to say everything that I wanted so that it would not be too long as I was afraid that I would not receive it in my e-mail like last time, and that I would not be able to resend it to you.
So I was basically a bit nervous doing it.
I just wanted to tell you that you are really the best! You are a Super Star! I felt the first very big shift very powerfully. It was as if you had taken a tremendous load off my back and the other shift was also quite strong. I have been feeling much more harmonious, more present with no mind chatter and just ready to face whatever obstacles may come my way with courage and enthusiasm! I have much more mental clarity and now see life as happening for me and not against me. You made me change my whole perspective which is wonderful. I sleep much better and don’t even need as many hours to sleep. I wake up feeling very refreshed and incredible.
I absolutely love all your products and I want to buy them all as soon as I’m able. Presently I still have to work on my financial abundance which I am doing with the Aquaware 5 and my HFA mini, the courses and the other products that I got from you.
All I can tell you is that I’m so glad you’re in my life. I also want to thank you so much for having upgraded my Lightbody which I also love so much and use.
Thank you so much for all that you have already done for me. You have no idea just how much this means to me. I’m a young 65 almost 66 year old and living in Portugal. I have a son and 3 beautiful grandchildren who all live in Maputo – Mozambique. They come over for a month every year.
With your magnificent session you made me realize that life is all about change and that we are always trancending ourselves and you definitly managed to raise my consciousness and my frequency and I see things in a much more fun way and with more clarity. I am no longer afraid of the future and simply just see life in a completely different perspective. Not only that, but I also realized that life and everything is just a question of perspective. How beautiful is that?
I just cannot thank you enough for the lovely way you have changed my life. I love you Peter for who you are. I’m really very thankful, grateful and appreciative that you are here in the world bringing us all of your outstanding products, sessions and courses which are helping humanity go through life with much more grace and ease and also to have the right approach to life.
All my love and appreciation always,
Mariamaria josé costa sessions May 1, 2018
April 30, 2018
Had ma an energy reading from Peter and was astounded how he could even pinpoint the exact date I had a major trauma and the session seriously assisted me to clear the residue of undesired emotions, the trauma in other words. Pete has Swiss-style psychic ability. And I suggested he also concentrate on working with Swiss people, as they appreciate such remarkable precision.
Christtoff Flipper Schulz alchemist BC, Canada April 14, 2018
I came to the realization that healthcare/ disease care providers are opinionated.
That’s what they do. What I was not aware of was the depth of effect an authority figures’ opinion had on my truth, my knowingness…., until I received a CORE CLEARING ENERGETIC SESSION from PETER SCHENK. I was able to MAINTAIN the essence of my mission while keeping vigil at the bedside of a family member at hospice by holding sacred space no matter what.They Don't "KNOW US VERY WELL, DO DEY" March 31, 2018
A testiominal about my private energic session with Peter Schenk 2 weeks ago. I have had past energy sessions, by different people, and never felt a shift of my energy field. What a huge difference in my session with Peter?
As my session started, I felt little shifts in my energy field. About 10 minutes into the session I had a HUGH release of blocked energy. WOW!!!
My energy body feels so much lighter and happier now. If you have never had a private session with Peter I highly recommend one. The most wonderful thing is you don’t have to wait weeks, months, and years to see the results. You can have the results now.
The sessions, as well as Peter’s products will change your life in the most positive ways. Thank you Peter so very much. All of your work is, “Totally Awesome”!!!Sandra Howell Retired/Disabled Private Energic Session with Peter Schenk March 20, 2018
After three years of sessions with Peter they are now part of my yearly budget and he is still amazing me. In the fall of 2016 I felt some thing was really wrong with my brain. It was affecting my thinking and it was more than a fog. I went to the local health food store because I thought I might just need a brain supplement and was given the name of an intuitive on the West Coast. I took the app’t with the intuitive and was asked what I was doing because I had an immense amount of radiation in my head. I received the good advice to keep my computer away from my bedroom and I knew I needed to get some help so I got an app’t with Peter and without giving any clues to him, the 1st thing Peter said to me was, ” What have you been doing, sticking your head in a microwave?” I was a new person after the session. I was able to think again. A skeptic could argue that this sounds like placebo effect but I’ve had several sessions with Peter over the years and I always get results. The only reason I posted this testimonial is because an intuitive/healer on the West Coast and a Modern Day Mystic on the EAST Coast came up with the same response. I have left many testimonials that even I’d have a hard time believing if they hadn’t happened to me or a family member. More recently during the sessions I’ve been able to watch the slide show of energy Peter is sending or shifting which has added a whole new dimension to the experience.
Barbara Lammi Chilliwack, Canada March 14, 2018
I have been in healthcare since the day I was born. I have also endured trauma due to invasive procedures that are not designed to heal, but to explore and provide healthcare professionals with data. Of course, tests are necessary , sometimes overused, but in my case, the trauma, misaligned my energy system.
I have known this since I was two. I was raised my misaligned parents , who sent me to schools , to hospitals, etc. who did not ” get me”. This has been my take on it. On March 5, 2018 at 7: 30 pm I chose to stop this pattern, and received ( took a risk) a private session with Peter. Peter has the uncanny ability and skill to bring forth , what felt like a gentle, yet powerful energy that infuses the contracted ( traumatic ) energies with love, light, and vibration. I felt safe, I just kept breathing ( I trust Peter, just read all of the other testimonials) and within 30 minutes or more( Peter stays until the WORK is done), the areas of my head, neck shoulders, expanded, felt lighter, and loved. This trauma was from the inside out. Repeated overstimulation of breathing /digestive areas of the body on and off for over 18 years. ( I guess the healthcare providers did not have enough proof to make an accurate diagnosis.) IAM FEARLESS IAM on a resurrected alignment that will guide me to continue to help myself and others, in the only way that I know how… It is an honor to receive a private session from Peter Schenk and to own his beautiful creations ( products and services). Sometimes they make me cry because of the depth within them.Grateful nurse R N L P C March 6, 2018
I had the most amazing session with Peter. I was working on love and abundance. Peter’s energy was very strong and powerful. I definitely was feeling all the shifts. I’m excited for things to come because I know that I am no longer in a stuck vibration. If you have never got a session with Peter, I highly recommend it. It is definitely life-changing. I know that I no longer am the same.
Angela Munoz Private Session March 2, 2018
I had a session with Peter on Thursday the 22nd. Now a few days later I can say so many of my health imbalances have become balanced and normal. My heart was going off beat, giving me occasional weakness – it has become normal and I feel so much better physically as well as emotionally as he cleared up a long standing pattern from an incident years ago – an incident I didn’t even remember. Also a hip that kept going out and needed chiropractic resetting frequently – that has cleared up and it almost is hard to believe, but true!! I knew that past incidences create a pattern in us that can play out over and over in our lives – but it is difficult sometimes to bring them up to clear out! We don’t even know where,
what, why they are there.
My thinking is clearer, and I am in a more positive space – happier! So thank you so much Peter, such good work you are doing. Manorama Ananda Vancouver BC Canada ..Manorama Ananda 109-14280 19a Ave session with Peter February 27, 2018
Peter !? its all about YOu and the Energy and Compassion and Passion YOu project to each and everyone of us !
You have been and are a Blessing in my life .,.I use your meditation-hand positions and energy ( almost)
on a daily bases. Have sent your video’s to many
You are an Amazing Energetic Gifted Soul.,.( unfortunately I haven’t had the financial means to purchase any of your products at this time) But,Yet I know ,that will be changing very very soon and I would love to try some at that time? and to actually bless oyu financially because I believe in and feel for your work I know without a shadow of a doubt you are and will continue to be Blessed for sharing your knowledge and gifts to so many others God Speen NOw and Always in the continuation of your journey and spiritual gifts .,,.You Are Loved Supported ! as you support and love us in the Highest LightCindy Nelson 2616 n pearl st you/yourself! your MDM minutes and hand positions February 22, 2018
I would suggest getting energetic session(s) with Peter Schenk if you are interested in results. In my case, the result of one session with him created such a palpable change within me that I was able to recapture the feeling of wholeness. The outer change was so noticeable that my friend now complains that I laugh all the time. She has to tell me to stop laughing so she can understand me when I speak. It is not what Peter adds to you, but what he removes, so you can experience the fullness of the Being that you were meant to be. Since my session with him less than 2 months ago, three of my friends have gone to him for sessions without any recommendation from me. They see results, and want to experience the same in their lives. The gift that Peter brings is priceless. I treasure what has been bestowed upon me.
Jenny L California February 19, 2018
Peter since I have met you my whole life has changed for the better! Seriously no joke.
All abuse and abusers seem to have fallen away from my
life and I did tell you this in a recent session with you.
I have bought a HFA Mini and feel safe and comfortable as I am a psychic and sensitive to energy. I have bought your workshops and my relationships have improved.
I am happy and genuinely feel happier on an everyday basis.
Thank you Peter for being in my life! God bless xxTarinder Dhillon Psychic Reader Energetic Sessions/HFA Mini/Workshops February 18, 2018
During the Energetic Session, Peter was able to see an emotional experience that was buried deeply since 1982. It was creating a block in a couple of areas of my life. I sensed something was needing to be unearthed which is the reason I felt drawn to have a session, although I didn’t mention this to Peter prior to the session. I could feel it but couldn’t pinpoint it. Peter saw it immediately and helped me to remember so I could release it. Within 10 days I felt compelled to call that person and talk about all that had happened. Our conversation was healing for my friend, as well. Due to my initiating the call to talk about things, he was able to release all that he had been holding onto and his life is moving forward, also! Until the day of the session, I thought I had dealt with the emotions surrounding that experience. Now I’m moving forward with great success in areas of my life where I’d felt stuck. Thank you, Peter! I’m so grateful you’re using your gifts to help the world!
Ginny Healer Energetic Session February 14, 2018
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
My rehomed dog Rusty was lost a week ago. I happened to mention it to Peter after he was missing for 14 hours and was told by Peter that Rusty was still alive, and he is within 5 mile radius of his latest home. I received a phone call from a lady 5 days later saying she has Rusty and she lived about 5 miles from his current home! I couldn’t get over how spot on Peter was with the info!! No I can’t wait for my session with him to see if he has any insight to my other lost dog!! Peter, you rock!! Thank you so much!!!
Kate Daniel June 8, 2017
I was having knee pain level of 15 ( low is 1 -10 is high). I tried everything I could think of to lower the level . Nothing worked. I went online and requested a 15 minutes session with Peter, and by day 2, I was walking at a level 5. I did see an MD first to rule out any muscle tears etc. of course. I also did the Body Geometry regarding cellular communication. The worked in sync so that I could sleep at night, and function during the day. It’s a slow go, but my knee joint is less ” frozen” in pain. Many thanks Peter, you certainly know your energetic gifts and how to use them to create amazing products and services.
pain free client May 31, 2017
I had severe dizziness, and ask Peter what I should do. He suggested that I do a private energetic session, within minutes he helped alieviate the dizziness. After the session was over, I felt somehow lighter, like new!!! It was truly amazing! I have had private sessions with other healers, but I have never experienced anything like this healing! Thank you, Peter!! I feel like I have someone there for me now, and that is a great feeling!
Karen C March 5, 2017
To Peter Schenk 16th April 2016
Hi Peter
Thank you for the gift of Clearing Energy…I have managed to listen to it but not the follow up one..
In th e past I have not been able to see the water in the glass do anything but this time it changed..
I couldl see the bubbles and it rippled a lot…when you increased the energy it rippled faster and carried on as long as you were talking about it…
At the same time I was being given a massage by guides I guess I do get those but this time I couldn’t stop shakgentle…stopped when you finished talking as it were
My blocks
The most urgent is my left eye that has lost its vision to bleeding and cateract because of high BP
Have not stopped with the water with those intentions.. it effects my balance and brain and since I am coming to the US in May for 5 weeks I am being extra careful
Thank you again for your gift and cannot wait to share it with the group on 30th April…
Gratefully Florence
Perth AustraliaApril 28, 2016
I had an hour long healing done with Peter for my 85 year old mother as she had fallen and fractured her vertebrae and she was in severe pain.
While she was in hospital and for some time before that , her mood was very low and she was very depressed. She also has dementia.
My mum used to be so active and worked really hard all her life rearing a family of seven on a farm, and also teaching in a primary school.
It was so painful for our family to visit my mum and to see her so depressed and low in spirit. We were also sad at the prospect of her ending her days in such a depression as she was always a very positive person.I scheduled a session with Peter while I was at work on Thursday evening but he could not do the one on one session until Sat evening. He told me that he would send comfort to my mum in the meanwhile.
The next evening I went to see my mum and there was already a huge change in her.
Her mood had vastly Improved as before this she had become very introverted and had almost given up, and now she was taking an interest in us and smiling and joking much more like her usual self.
Her pain levels had gone down and she was in discomfort rather than pain.The next evening Peter did the one on one session with me over Skype while I held my mother in mind. He released a lot of negativity and worked on clearing old energy within the family. I asked Peter if my father was there as he had passed away five years ago. He said that my father was instrumental in all of this healing for my mother.
Our whole family witnessed the amazing change with our mother, and also the lady next to her in her hospital room said that it was miraculous.
I am noticing subtle changes within the members of my family and issues which they were procrastinating about are now being moved forward and dealt with.
Two weeks later my mum is now in a convalesce home and although she is confused as she has dementia, she is very happy in herself and her pain is very manageable.
I put all of this change down to the healing with Peter and I feel that my late father is helping us. Thank you for your wonderful healing Peter.
Aine D,
IrelandI had an hour long healing done with Peter for my 85 year old mother as she had fallen and fractured her vertebrae and she was in severe pain.
While she was in hospital and for some time before that , her mood was very low and she was very depressed. She also has dementia.
My mum used to be so active and worked really hard all her life rearing a family of seven on a farm, and also teaching in a primary school.
It was so painful for our family to visit my mum and to see her so depressed and low in spirit. We were also sad at the prospect of her ending her days in such a depression as she was always a very positive person.I scheduled a session with Peter while I was at work on Thursday evening but he could not do the one on one session until Sat evening. He told me that he would send comfort to my mum in the meanwhile.
The next evening I went to see my mum and there was already a huge change in her.
Her mood had vastly Improved as before this she had become very introverted and had almost given up, and now she was taking an interest in us and smiling and joking much more like her usual self.
Her pain levels had gone down and she was in discomfort rather than pain.The next evening Peter did the one on one session with me over Skype while I held my mother in mind. He released a lot of negativity and worked on clearing old energy within the family. I asked Peter if my father was there as he had passed away five years ago. He said that my father was instrumental in all of this healing for my mother.
Our whole family witnessed the amazing change with our mother, and also the lady next to her in her hospital room said that it was miraculous.
I am noticing subtle changes within the members of my family and issues which they were procrastinating about are now being moved forward and dealt with.
Two weeks later my mum is now in a convalesce home and although she is confused as she has dementia, she is very happy in herself and her pain is very manageable.
I put all of this change down to the healing with Peter and I feel that my late father is helping us. Thank you for your wonderful healing Peter.
Aine D
IrelandFebruary 19, 2016
I had a session with Peter lately and it was Outstanding ! I tried everything before and nothing worked and after every program I finish more broken and more depressed! For the first time I can feel the change: so many pains are gone from my body, especially my head. As Peter said it was as if I had an Energetic Surgery, it’s the first time that I feel such powerful energy. I feel so peaceful now,
I’m so grateful for the support and the kindness that I’ve had!
Peter you’re doing an Amazing job, Keep going!! 🙂February 8, 2016
I had an energy clearing session with Peter and all I can say is I was BLOWN AWAY. The energy was so strong, and had a very unique feel to it. I have found myself with so much energy lately, after having fatigue for months. Thank you Peter…from one energy Connoisseur to another!
January 27, 2016
I participated in the Energy Clearing Session and have had some amazing shifts. I was very ready to release and clear out the residual ‘yuck’ that had been clogging me up. I had a profound experience with the sacred geometry and feeling the ‘egg’ burst into billions of particles and dissipate. I had quite a day the next day with a body cleansing, but feel absolutely super charged and wonderful. I know something profound took place. Thanks Peter for you and your teams dedication to this work. Changing lives…changing lives. Again…many thanks!!!
January 27, 2016
Hi Peter! I had a session with you about 6 weeks ago which did wonders for my adrenal function. I added Aquaware “perfect health” here and there since then and my intention was not to limit my thinking to thyroid but anything affecting my thyroid function. I just now received a call about my thyroid and after 3.5 years of distressing visits to the Naturopath and tryiing this and that to get the T3 T4 conversion
to stabilize……it has. No office visit. No “now what” to deal with.
Not perfect but it has reduced the STRESS I’ve felt about this and I believe that it could change again for the better. thank you yet again, BarbJuly 15, 2015
Wow! thank you Peter. I had and Indigo biofeedback session 6 hrs after my session with you. Interesting feedback:), my adrenal score was 88 and I have been at 24- 36 for a few years. It has been creeping up since I started sessions with you but today was stellar! Since starting the sessions I have been able to discontinue cortisol replacement drops and cream. The dark discolouration on my arms has almost disappeared and I’m starting to grow back some body hair. Adrenal function=hormones=energy=ability to manage stress and much more. No surprise I guess one bit of feedback that stood out was that I was “channeling”….I’m guessing that was your energy. Thank you x 1,000,000!!!!!! Barb
June 21, 2015
Before my short session with Peter today I thought that my rage was finally clearing and what was left of it was only a mild version of an anger. Right after Peter started to work with me my rage showed its face in a form of a dragon and it was not happy! It was screaming until its voice was gone. It was spitting orange-red fire and thrusting with great power in all directions. I was silently witnessing its misery and its power. It was several minutes later when I finally noticed that the dragon was shackled to me with several heavy chains. As the session progressed and the chains broke one by one, for the first time, I had an olfactory experience. Two very distinctive strong smells lingered for several minutes. They were gone once the beast was liberated from its bondage. Totally exhausted it curled up by my side in peace. I felt immediately at ease, free and relieved. I was speechless and truly grateful for this experience. I had tears in my eyes for several hours afterwords. Never before I felt such deep stillness and calm.
Thank you Peter for your gifts, your amazing Being and your continuos dedication to help us make our lives filled with love, gratitude and abundance.June 4, 2015
Last Wednesday I had a 15 minutes Energy Session with Peter and he did a deep clearing on me. The next day I realized I could walk up and down the stairs with no problem. Due to osteoarthritis I had been stiff in my ankles and toes which now is gone. Marvellous! Also my fingers are much better and I think it is getting better every day. I am also much straighter in my back and I feel much lighter in my body! During the session and about 45 minutes after, I felt the energy in my feet and hands and tingles on my upper lip.
I use Aquaware 4.0 every day for all sorts of things and I am a true believer of its/your power. Thank you se very much Peter!
Eva in SwedenMay 3, 2015
My over the phone session with Peter was amazing. As an energy healer myself I love Peter’s right 2 the point, drop the story, zone in, and his magic is underway. I apparently required grounding and I must say it is the most I have ever felt my body in my being. My approach to things has slowed down from the bronco rodeo ride to a calmer gallop. I am aware when the bronco rears up and I just pull back on the reins. I have displayed a lot more kindness toward self. Look forward to the next session. Thank you Peter.
April 26, 2015
Looks like you are the guy! What I have been trying to get a cure for, for the past 25 years unsuccessfully, you got the job done in one small session. Thank’s peter, I’m so appreciative and so happy to have found you! So gifted and a great guy!
Dianna B.C. canadaApril 26, 2015
Piercing the Membrane
Energetic Cleansing from the Inside Out
In this one-hour experience, we will completely clean ALL of your negative energy all the way down to the very core of your being.
Only in this newly offered service will you truly understand what its like to be reborn in perfect synchronicity with all that is.
Special Session Packages
When you commit to your own personal growth and buy a one of these special packages of sessions, you’ll get additional time with Peter!
- Set of 5 1-hour sessions — includes 1.5 bonus hours!
- Set of 10 1-hour sessions — includes 3 bonus hours!
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