Yes it can!

MDM leverages the awesome human “Power of Intention” using Quantum Physics, the Quantum Realm, and Source Energy, to enable you with unimaginable capabilities and power!

What is the Power of Intention?

When you make a decision what you want to do then put your attention on something you want to achieve, then you are using the power of intention.

When you use the power of intention and have it in your corner, you will begin to manifest that intention in your life. The universe will respond to your intention and put objects, situations, people and events in your path to “manifest” the intention you desire.

The power of intention is the power of the human mind and consciousness and subconscious to create the reality around us that our intention demands. You are in essence programming yourself for success when you use the power of intention.

Question: Why do we often fail to achieve our intentions even though we have goals and focus on them?

Answer: Because we lack a connection to Sourxe Energy power. Aquaware 4.0 provides that connection to Sourxe Energy power and magnifies the power of intention thousands of times for you effortlessly.

What intentions can I achieve?

Self-empowerment intentions such as more confidence, more personal power, more energy and more kindness are common self-empowerment intentions available through Aquaware 4.0 software. Self-healing intentions such as rejuvenation, Chakra clearing and healing, high blood pressure and weight control, and toxic habit such as smoking elimination are all common self-healing capabilities of Aquaware 4.0.

How does Aquaware 4.0 software magnify it thousands of times for effortless results?

Aquaware 4.0 establishes a connection to Sourxe Power for you. It is achieved through very special geometry which emits a very specific light frequency and creates a very specific light path to Sourxe Power which ultimately results in the magnification and programming of the correct intention into the water target.

There is a three step process that Aquaware 4.0 software uses to increase the power of intention so dramatically that you will have no choice other than to achieve the desired intention once you embark on these three steps. These steps in order are;

  1. Water Preparation
  2. User Preparation
  3. Intention Nucleation
  4. Water Ingestion

Step 1 Water Preparation

Water is highly programmable, as has been well-established by Dr. Masaru Emoto in Japan, and many other researchers and scientist alike. The human body is comprised essentially of between 55% and 80% water. One unit of water carrying a specific frequency will communicate to nearby units of water that same frequency, which will communicate to additional nearby units and so on. All water on earth is interconnected through a consciousness layer and can communicate throughout the world. Water Prep is one of the primary program functions of all MDM software, putting water back into a pristine condition where it can go about its instructions without so much as a second of doubt. Once programmed, the water knows it has a job to do carrying the desired intention to its target, (ingest, bath, shower or air spray) and it does it flawlessly.

Step 2 User Preparation

The purpose of this step is to place the user in the optimum frame of mind to accept and imprint the intention when the water is received into the body. During the evolution and development of MDM software, it was discovered that without preparing or “Prepping” the user we could not achieve the high success rates we do today. So User Prep was added to all MDM software and it prepares the user by communicating directly with unconscious mind, via the Quantum realm, to facilitate acceptance and imprinting of the desired intention(s).

Step 3 Intention Nucleation

During this phase the MDM software does what is known as “Nucleate” the intention and imprint the water with it. This is step where the water programming actually takes place. This is really where the intellectual property of MDM shines. Peter Schenk during his fantastic journey through dimensions not known to 99.9% of the population, was gifted with incredible knowledge taken from the Akashic Records.

During this phase the intention you have selected is not only being programmed into the water but it is being magnified thousands or tens of thousands of times greater than the human conscious or subconscious mind can will itself to manifest. This is proven beyond a doubt by thousands of customers today who have achieved self-empowerment and self-healing results beyond anything they have ever been able to manifest themselves, even with the greatest of human intention and effort. The limitless energy and power of The Source is the only power in the universe capable of achieving this amazing feat and through our intellectual property we have achieved this linkage to Source Power and intention magnification and intention success.

Step 4 Water Ingestion

This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Ingest the water (most popular)
  2. Bath or Shower in the water
  3. Spray the water onto the target

All three methods work exactly the same. There is one additional method which can also be achieved by advanced MDM software users called Water targeting. In water targeting, we can select any natural body of water or water supply and imprint intention directly onto that supply or body of water, anywhere in the world.

Aquaware software has been distributed worldwide to thousands of satisfied customers since 2006.

You can try a FREE copy of our High Energy Software which manifests a single intention “High Energy” at the following link. Navitus 2.0 Download

For a full article on how Modern Day Mystic software works, read the article here. Read more about Aquaware 4.0 here.