Minuto MDM

Minuto MDM con Peter Schenk... "¿Rendirse? ¿Se siente agotado? ¿No puedes más? Mira esto..."

Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about being worn out and trying to remain positive and just survive. There’s been many times during my career, and doing what I do, where I’ve just felt like, “I can’t do this anymore. I just absolutely can’t do […]


Energy Healing 2nd

Energy healing can be described as a complete healing method that covers the body, the mind and the spirit as well. It is quickly gaining popularity and people suffering from incurable diseases are being asked to try it by their traditional practitioners. Those who have used this alternative kind of treatment have confessed to have […]

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Energy Healing

Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM minute with Peter Schenk. Today, I will talk about the possibility of achieving healing from pain, anxiety, headaches, mental breakdown and lots of other ailments through channeling of one’s energy into the right energy flow has always looked mysterious to lots of people, and this is the subject […]

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Minuto MDM con Peter Schenk... "E=MC2 con Geometría Sagrada y Agua".

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I’m going to show you a technique for creating high energy within water. You then drink the water bringing about that high energy within the body. For those of you who are familiar with my products and services, you’ll know that we already […]


Minuto MDM con Peter Schenk... "Nueva forma de meditar y su RAPIDEZ"

Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about mediation. Right off the bat, I’ll be honest with you, meditating has never worked for me and it never will. My mind races way too fast and I don’t have 15, 30 minutes, even an hour a day […]


Minuto MDM con Peter Schenk... "Mi Maestro Cristal y Sanación Energética : )..."

Speaker 1: Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today we’re going to talk about a particular master crystal. I acquired her about five years ago. She was originally mined out of the Jim Coleman Mines in Arkansas. Crystals have been used for time and memorial for all kinds of modalities, […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Water, Fruit and Intent OHHH MY”

Peter Schenk: Morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I’m going to show you something really, really cool. I’m going to teach you to program fruit via water, and make it really taste unlike anything you’ve ever had before, and, to do that we’re going to do it two ways. One, […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Another mental way to fall asleep fast…”

Hello Everyone and welcome to the MDM Minute. Today I wanted to share with you another sleep technique. Let’s say you’re up late at night, you can’t fall asleep, this mental exercise will knock you out quickly. What you do is, in your mind’s eye, you pull up a picture of square. Inside the square […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Sacred Geometry, Water and Healing OHHH MY”

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute. I am Peter Schenk. Today, we’re going to talk about sacred geometry healing and water. Just a really quick video on how you can use sacred geometry and water to heal your body. I prepared a very simple rudimentary two-dimensional picture which is my version of sacred […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Ascended Masters like St. Germaine”

Morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute. One of your suggestions was to talk about the great, ascended master, Saint Germain. What are ascended masters? In my belief system, I believe everything emulates from what I call, source. It’s the highest form of vibration and love there is in the universe, and there are rings […]

