Minuto MDM

MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “HFA Official Production Unboxing… It’s Official : )…”

Afternoon everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today we are doing the production un-boxing of the HFA, or the harmonic field amplifier. These are going to be ready to go on Thursday. This is really tight packaging. Again, we got a really nice box with the logo, Harmonic Field Amplifier, a new […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Access granted to the Akashic Records…”

Hey, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I’ve had a request to talk about the Akashic Records. In my belief system, everything is made up of energy. That energy is all interconnected. That field of interconnectedness is what science coins the quantum realm. In that field of energy there is a […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “The power of positive karma in our lives…”

Hey everyone, welcome to another MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about positive karma. Now, a lot of people have their own ideas. There’s obviously a ton of information out there on it. I’m going to break it down really, really simple for you. Positive karma is a force in the […]


MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Itching, Portabella Mushrooms and Sea Salt = AWESOMENESS… ”

Speaker 1: Good morning everyone, welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about itching on the body. I received a few requests of how to get rid of constant itching and you know, itching is caused by a whole lot of different things and I’m going to teach you […]



Siempre he soñado con un mundo en el que todo el mundo sea consciente y conozca la importancia de tener un cuerpo enérgico y sano, y en el que la práctica regular de ejercicios aeróbicos con los chakras se convierta en la norma. Se cree que cada persona tiene un pequeño problema mental, pero no es consciente. Hay una manera precisa de que todos [...]

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MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Absorbing the energy of deadfall in the forest…”

Hey everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to show you a quick technique for utilizing the life force of dead fall in the forest. When you’re out hiking, you’ll notice that there’s tons of broken twigs, downed trees and whatever. In my belief system, I believe that everything has […]


Sanación energética con cristales

¿QUÉ ES LA Curación Energética con Cristales? La Sanación Energética con Cristales es para equilibrar la Mente, el Cuerpo y el Espíritu. También se aplica para la Exploración del Aura, así como para aliviar el dolor y la tensión. Crystal Energy Healing es más fácil de practicar, a diferencia de otros tipos de curación de energía que toman semanas. Puedes aprender a usar cristales para [...]

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MDM Minute with Peter Schenk… “Unplugging will enrich your life to the ^2…”

Morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about unplugging. What is unplugging? Well, there’s a lot of definitions out there. I’m strictly speaking from a point of leaving your cell phone at home, not watching TV, not reading the newspaper, and definitely not reading the internet for […]


Quién es un sanador energético

Un Sanador Energético es un practicante de un antiguo tipo de arte curativo. El antiguo arte de la curación ha sido conocido durante miles de años por muchas de las antiguas civilizaciones que han vivido y prosperado en este planeta en el pasado. Si nos fijamos en las civilizaciones mundo de hoy, especialmente en el Este, podemos ver [...]

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Minuto MDM con Peter Schenk... "Esperanza vs Desesperación, haz esto y tu vida cambiará para siempre..."

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today, I want to talk to you about concept, hope versus despair. In my belief system, I don’t believe in light versus dark, good or evil. I believe in what we call levels of vibration, higher octaves or higher frequencies. Really, the way it […]

