What does a personal “Vibration Level” mean?

One of the keys to the “law of attraction” and “the power of intention” is having a high personal vibration level. We are spiritual entities living a human experience and during this experience each and every one of use produces a constantly changing personal “vibration level”. To vibrate at a high level is to put out maximum positive energy into the world around you. To vibrate at a low level is to put negativity and harm into the world.

Let’s take a closer look at positive energy and high vibration

Positive energy produces a high vibration level. Feeling and acting positive will result in more good things happening to you. Gratitude is an excellent way to increase your vibrational level as well as kindness, love and compassion. These are good intentions and the universe responds to these intentions by increasing your energy and personal vibrational level. Your happiness will increase, your mood will improve and you will experience greater abundance the higher you vibrate on a personal level.

If you exude positive energy, you will attract and manifest those things in your life that are your greatest intentions. Whether you seek a romantic relationship, success at work, body transformation or other good intentions, the first step is to increase your energy or vibration level to achieve positive results.

Your physiology is affected by your vibration level dramatically and it is imperative that you maintain a positive vibration level to achieve a physically healthy body. A high vibration level with thwart illness, and keep allow you to self-heal your body in ways you can’t imagine unless you are vibrating at a high level today.

How negative energy and low vibration levels will affects you

Negative energy can be created by one of the seven deadly sins (envy, greed, gluttony, pride, lust sloth or wrath) or another external force such as another negative person. There is a vast vibrational difference between happiness and depression and between joy and fear. The long term effects of exposure to negative energy include depression, weight gain, physical disorders, mental disorders and even suicide.

Negative thoughts and actions will lead to undesirable things happening in your life and you must act mindfully to break or avoid this cycle for good.

Negative thoughts, actions, people and events suck the positive energy from you. Be aware of energy suckers, those negative people in your life who constantly exude negativity and never have a positive word to say. Ignore and avoid them altogether and save your energy. If you can’t entirely ignore them, remain positive in their presence and do not react to or engage them when they speak negatively about you or others. This is a key concept in remaining positive around negative people.

It is imperative that you get in touch with your vibrational level and begin to improve it in order to live a long, happy and prosperous life!

Okay, I love the idea of a high vibrational level, now how do I achieve this?

The initial way to achieve a higher vibrational level are mentioned above. An enhanced way to achieve a higher vibrational level is to use the water programming and intention magnification features of Modern Day Mystic software including Aquaware 4.0 Energy, Empowerment and Healing software, 12thProject 3.0 Chakra Clearing and Healing software and Navitus 2.0 High Energy software (which is currently freely distributed).

Aquaware will increase your vibrational level dramatically each time you use the product. Read more about Energy Related software products, workshops and services at our website www.moderndaymystic.com

Edward Schenk, CEO
Modern Day Mystic powered by Self-Empowerment Technology