Anyone can transform their body and lose weight using Aquaware Energy. Empowerment. Healing. Software.


Let me tell you my story

My name is Edward. Yes, I know this sounds like a prank, however the truth is I did lose 30lbs using Aquaware 3.1 software in 2014!

In my teens and twenties I was very active. I swam, ran, hiked, skiied, played tennis and participated in many outdoor activities including landscaping and home remodeling. I had lots of energy, ate healthy and kept my weight at around 180lbs, which at 5’10” I believe is about right, my waist was 32 inches.

How I came off the rails

In 1995 I was 31 years old and took a job in NYC. My new job entailed a two hour commute each way from my home in Connecticut to NYC resulting in considerable daily fatigue and little energy left over during the week. I was still able to be active on the weekends but lost my ability to work out in the morning, run at lunch time, or have any energy in the evenings for sports or activities.

Over the next several years I slowly became less and less physically active. My various NYC based jobs and long hours working and commuting kept me in front of a computer and behind a desk. I became very unfit and unhealthy.

I slowly ramped up pants sizes and weight,  which is a good indicator of fitness. By 2000 I was a 34″, by 2007 a 36″ and by 2010 my alltime high a 38″. My weight escalated from 180 to 215lbs. I lost all fitness, I could not climb stairs or run more than 50 feet. I looked like crap in a bathing suit and resigned myself to a life of unfitness and old age. I was toast physically.

How Aquaware changed everything

In May 2014 I turned 50 years old. At the party was my brother Peter. We had a talk about Modern Day Mystic and Aquaware which I had never used. I became interested and asked for a copy which I began to use a few days later.

Within a few days of using Aquaware I felt an amazing burst of energy using the Physical Energy Intention. One demonstration of this was I cleaned my entire apartment, top to bottom and touched and cleaned every object in there. I began to improve physically from that time forward and benefited from the increased energy and programmed water healing effects on my body alone.

A few months into using the program I began to get serious about my body. It was the summer time and I started to swim and was friendly with a nutritionist friend of mine. We began to talk further about weight loss and how I could get in shape. She suggested a cleanse to get started so that is what I did. I did a 10 day cleanse with the support of Aquaware Physical Energy and Fat Loss intentions, I was able to lose 15 lbs in 10 days with no cheating, no hunger and very little effort.

My weight dropped down to 200. I was happy about that but I could see that overall I was still in the woods from a weight and overall appearance perspective. But I had hope because now I had the tool, Aquaware, to turbo charge my weight loss intention and achieve my goal of losing more weight and reaching 180.

In September I returned to the gym and slowly began building my endurance back. I started with 5 then 10 minutes at a time on the treadmill. I began working out again, first with universal machines and then with free weights. I was in heaven with the physical energy and stamina I was developing.

October 2014

In October I dropped down to a size 36″ waist. In November I dropped down to a size 34″ waist. By the end of 2014 I was a 33″ waist only one inch away from my goal pant size!

From couch potato to Navy Seal Fit

My physical energy, stamina and strength are very high today. I have become enlightened to the fact that I must maintain my body, mind and spirit simultaneously and at peak levels to function effectively in business and personally, and to achieve my goals.

I searched for the best program out there to assist me with my body, mind, spirit fitness mission. What I was led to is the the training program used by Navy Seals. I am currently following the SEALFIT “Unbeatable Mind” personal training program.

Quote from SEALFIT – SEALFIT was developed by retired Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine for the unique and specialized needs of  professionals seeking to reach their fullest potential, for first responders, industrial athletes and military forces and life-long warrior-athletes to perform their jobs and come home safely.  We all share a need for our minds and bodies to work at peak performance over long periods of time, while maintaining an unconquerable spirit and unwavering mental toughness. At SEALFIT we share this passion and aspire to train you if you seek this way of life.”


Today, I KNOW I am using the most powerful gift and tool ever created to change my life and transform my body, mind and spirit. Aquaware software does not act in a vacuum however and perform miracles by itself. The way it works is it provides us with the Universal Energy, Empowerment and Healing capabilities to embark on any journey and achieve any mission or intention whether it be body related, mind related, wealth or success related it doesn’t matter.

Want to try it yourself?

If your interested in transforming your body, you can begin with Navitus 3.0 High Energy Software which is freely distributed on our website or you can purchase Aquaware 4.0 and use the Physical Energy, Fat Loss and other Muscle Related intentions including Body Sculpting to achieve your goals. For those who would like a personalized approach you can use our Guaranteed Light Body Transformation Service which leads you through the body transformation process with an MDM coach and has money back guaranteed results.