In creating a loving reality, fear based decision making will be absented replaced by its polar opposite. The world will look much as it presently does but its population will begin functioning at a higher level choosing to do things out of an expectation that something good will happen as opposed to a fear that something bad will result.

Were it not for the fact that the cosmic factors driving the generation and modulation of the master energies that govern our reality are so immense in scope, the slight shift from a fear dominant to a love dominant reality would probably slip by unnoticed.

Modern Day Mystic products and services are designed to remove the fear and move you towards your mastery of self, i.e. “A Loving Life.” The Zero Point is a balance of reality; everything to the left is how the world exists today and everything to the right is how it will be as we move along. The simple truth is that to move past the Zero Point and achieve everything to the right, you must “unlearn” and let go of everything you have previously learned.

A White Paper Written By Peter J. Schenk, The Modern Day Mystic

Self-Empowerment Technology, LLC
July 4, 2014

Version 5.5 Read the entire article here.