Hey, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I’ve had a request to talk about the Akashic Records. In my belief system, everything is made up of energy. That energy is all interconnected. That field of interconnectedness is what science coins the quantum realm. In that field of energy there is a place that people call the Akashic Records. It goes by many names. In its simplest form, it’s very much like the Library of Congress. It has volumes of information about everything, past, present and future. Based on who you are, and your level, or the octave that you’ve obtained, or where you vibrate in reality, you have access to information, pretty much about anything. There’s a lot of dogma out there about, “Well, you need special access.” That’s all fairy tales and just not true. Anyone has access to the Akashic Records, and there is a number of different ways that you can access it.

One of the simplest ways to access it is to just get comfortable in your space, close your eyes, breathe through your nose, and out through your mouth, and allow your consciousness to just kind of flow outside of your body. The whole time you’re really thinking about the Akashic Records. Well, they just appear in front of you. Once upon a time, I used to access them, and it was a real dog and pony show. I’d have access to a level of information. I’d go in, and I’d sit down in a leather chair. It was next to a fire. It was like a library. There were two entities that would cruise up and down these libraries and shelves and bring me books of knowledge that I needed to build such products as Aquaware, doing a lot of the things that I do. Again, in summary, everyone has access to the Akashic Records. You can access them by very simple breathing techniques. Put your conscious out there, and allow the information to come to you. Thank you.