Hello Everyone and welcome to the MDM Minute. Today I wanted to share with you another sleep technique. Let’s say you’re up late at night, you can’t fall asleep, this mental exercise will knock you out quickly. What you do is, in your mind’s eye, you pull up a picture of square. Inside the square you put a plus. In the top left quadrant, you put the color red. In the top right quadrant, you put the color yellow. Bottom left quadrant, you have green. Bottom right, you have blue. You go from yellow to red, green to blue. What you start doing is you start making this figure eight in your head of the colors. You go from yellow to red, from green to blue, back to yellow. As you continue, you start to get better at it and it synchronizes both hemispheres of your brain. Guaranteed to knock you out very, very, quickly as soon as you start using it. As you get better, you can get faster at it which means you can fall asleep faster. Honestly, I don’t know where I learned this technique, but it’s the symbol for infinity, the symbol eight for infinity, or the mobius continuum. Absolutely mind blowing.  Thank you…