Hey everyone. Welcome to the MDM minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk a minute about body, mind, and spirit. It’s done in the pecking order on purpose, body, mind, and spirit. We’re going to start with spirit. This has to do directly with your output and how you can affect your environment with a light heart of course, and do better in the world, so spirit. I’m of the opinion that everyone on the planet has a kindred spirit whether they’re conscious about it or not conscious about it. The spirit vibrates at the highest most levels.

Then we go back one in the pecking order, we talk about mind. If your mind is used to drugs, large quantities of alcohol, some type of something in the environment that affects it, it effects your overall output in how you can do good in the world. Then of course comes the body. The body is the vessel in which we move through, okay. It has to, has to, there’s no way about this. It has to match where you vibrate okay. Very very important. If you are an airy fairy type of kum bay ah crystals and pretty waterfalls, okay, you’re not hard core.

Hard core is your ability to change the environment around you and help others. Create products that defy stuff. Emit energy that alters people. Change the course of someone’s destiny obviously with their permission, and move them into the light into a better way. I know so many people that are truly gifted on so many ways, and unfortunately they’re dying. They’re unhealthy. They’re heavy chain smokers. They drink a lot of alcohol because their spirit has already evolved. Their mind has evolved, but their body has not.

The point of this video is to really show you the relationship between the body, mind, and spirit. Everyone goes around and saying it and preaching the airy fairy stuff. Two types of people in the world, those that can conceive of and idea and those that conceive of that idea and can actually deliver it. You know doers and people that just don’t. I’m a doer folks. If you’re out of shape and you are trying to do some hard core energy work, you’re out of alignment man. Your body vibrates at the same output, it has to, that you’re putting into the world. You need to get your body, mind, and spirit on the same level to truly do amazing things at a level that exceeds your wildest expectations.

The gratification and the karma that comes back is to the nth degrees. Absolutely amazing. Hard core energy work gotta have your body in shape. You have to work at it. Start off small, and work your way up. Whatever you have to do. Dieting is not alone. You have to build muscle mass. You have to build that with your mind and spirit. Just my 2 cents, folks. Take if for what it’s worth. Thank you.