Hey, good morning, everyone. Welcome to the “MDM Minute” with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about a funny topic. If you can’t poop, you definitely got to try this technique. It works really, really well. Sometimes you just get all bound up inside and you can’t go and it’s frustrating for some, and for others it can cause some serious problems, so with that said, there are three ingredients you need. Apple cider vinaigrette. If you are an organic person, I suggest you get an organic type. Lemon juice, again, if you want to use organic, and then obviously cinnamon, organic cinnamon definitely, but the first two, it depends. I like Aquafina water, and you need a glass.

Basically, I always taught this method … About a year ago I’ve been using it, and you’re supposed to use about 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinaigrette. I just dump it in there without measuring it. This stuff really tastes nasty, folks. It is an acquired taste for sure. Lemon juice, again, 2 tablespoons, I just dump it in there, and then they say to use about a teaspoon of organic cinnamon. I find that to be a little bit too much for me. I just shake in there little bit and let it go, and then of course we’ll just add some water.

Now, I’ve done this as a shot in a shot glass before, but I prefer mixing it with water. It really dilutes it. That apple cider vinaigrette is some nasty, nasty stuff, and then of course you can just chug it down. The cool thing about this is it completely cleans you from the inside out naturally. There’s no anything. Of course, you want to wrap your hands around it and honor the space in which it exists, which sends its potency to the nth degree. Absolutely amazing, and you can see in the video it’s moving and bubbling, which is cool.

Whenever you honor the space of something, that’s absolutely amazing, but then again, do this once a day. I tend to do it at night because I see the best results in the morning, so again, folks, if you can’t poop, try this method. Give it about three days and it will completely clean you out. Absolutely amazing tip on the “MDM Minute.” Thank you.