Hey, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today, I want to teach you a technique that you have never seen before. I’ve known about this technique for a very long time but I’ve never used it directly. I’ve used parts of it in other things. It’s a technique that will show you how to communicate with the loved one that has passed on. You really have to agree with my opinion and my thoughts around this before you proceed with it. It’s really important that you do. In my belief system, I believe that when people passed on, the soul goes back to source or their essence and then it’s recycled for something else.

In the many levels of consciousness that there are out there and the first level outside this reality is what I call the astral plane. The astral plane contains a carbon copy, if you will, of everyone that ever was, is and will be again. For all intents and purposes, it’s everything they ever were, thoughts, memories, actions, everything. It’s all stored there. You can connect with this very, very simply. I’m going to show you that technique now.

What you need is you need a candle and you need a glass of water. Candle. Now, the candle should be a candle that you’ve used for a while that you’re used to. Don’t use a new one. Use one that’s like halfway burnt down that you’re used to. Again, you’re going to want to light that about a half hour prior to trying this. You’re going to want to get a glass of water. Take that glass of water and you put it in front of you. You wrap your hands around it. You just simply repeat the words out loud. I honor the space in which you exist with nothing else. It just programs that water. It brings the energy to the surface. You take your candle and you put it in front of you.

What’s really important, folks, is that you need a melted wax base when you do this. What it means, when the flame completely melts the wax around the side, it creates a pool. Now, I’ve only had this lit for a few minutes so that pool is going to get bigger. When you do this, you want to make sure that pool is at its maximum size. Flames have been used for a long time. Candles have been used a long time. Believe me, folks. We’re not going to be sacrificing chickens or anything. What you want to do is when you concentrate on that loved one, you want to put your attention on the tip of the flame and you can stare at it from any angle, but you want to put your concentration on the tip of the flame. You simply just reach out. They’re there at the speed of thought. There’s no worries about bringing anything else in. This isn’t high magic. This is just simple science and directed energy.

After your conversation is completed, you want to take your program water and you just want to dump it on that candle and put it out. That’s it. It breaks the connection. All done.

In my opinion, you really only want to communicate with people that you knew in life. You can ask them a question that only they would know about when they come through. Again, this is just part of me shaking up the MDM and it’s showing you a lot of techniques that you’ve never seen anywhere before. This one, I know can be incredibly powerful for people, and I really would appreciate the fact that you were in line with my mode of thinking before you utilize this method. There’s nothing bad that’s going to happen from it or anything like that. The beauty and the love that is intimately transmitted through the candle … The focal point of a candle, by the way, is an amazing view into an entire other reality that you can have contact with. I’ll talk about that on later MDM. This one allows you to really communicate with a loved one or a friend, someone that you had a relationship with. Then when that communication is done, just wish them wall and pour the water on it. It breaks the connection. You just have this beautiful, amazing experience. Thank you.