Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about being worn out and trying to remain positive and just survive. There’s been many times during my career, and doing what I do, where I’ve just felt like, “I can’t do this anymore. I just absolutely can’t do this anymore.” Pushing the envelope, creating product services that science fiction books are written from take a toll on you mentally and physically. There have been many times where I’ve just been completely worn out and needed to recharge my batteries. Some of us take a vacation, if you can afford to. Some of us do all kinds of different things, but today I’m going to show you just a very, very quick technique to get your body, mind, and spirit back into the stream. The stream comes from source.
Just in brief, in my belief system, I believe everything emulates from source. Source has rings around it, and each ring that goes out is a level of vibration or a frequency. The closest ring to source are the archangels, the ascended masters, and out we go. To tap into that stream, that source stream is very, very quick, and just takes a minute. It just pulls you into this amazing space, that you realize that everything around you and everyone are just cartoon characters in your reality playing their part. By doing this, you just see it for what it is, and it raises you up.
As you come out of that funk, as you raise yourself up, your levels of vibration are attracted. The laws of attraction, intention, and all of it, it’s all great, but you need to physically and mentally especially be in the stream. Once you’re back in the stream, the just trying to survive, the worry, everything just kind of spills out of you. This technique doesn’t require water, doesn’t require anything. It’s actually human geometry, human sacred geometry. What you want to do is just take your hands and put them together like this, so you’re forming a teardrop, okay? You want to just bring your fingers down like this, so you almost create a little bit of a tunnel.
You can’t see it, but when you’re looking at it, it looks like a teardrop. What you want to do is on the inside of that, just close your eyes for a minute, and you just create a little etherical ball of energy. It’s very, very simple to do. As that ball starts to create, you’ll feel that energy just zip down your fingers. You’ll feel it running to your elbows. You’ll feel it run up to your shoulders. Eventually, within ten or fifteen seconds, it will envelop your entire body. You don’t have to do anything, just allow that energy to connect and flow. The more it moves through your body, the higher you are, the faster you go towards the stream. Once you’re in the stream, everything else just dissipates, and you feel it.
When you open your eyes, you just want to slowly bring your hands together. You just have this amazing awareness of everything around you, and that the feeling tired, being worn out, just trying to survive, “Oh my God, I can’t do this anymore,” just goes away, because you see it for exactly what it is. It’s a cartoon, okay? It’s not real. Your reality, the world reacts to you how you react to it. If you get up in the morning and you’re pissed off, you’re just angry, you just don’t want to do anything, the world reacts to you, your environment, your conscious creation that you’re outputting reacts back to you like that.