Okay, so we just finished up shopping and, again, this was all kind of a field test for the HFA in a different capacity. To recap, what I did was I went through the linking process, but I included my daughter in it and the experience actually was probably heightened by a factor of 50 percent, something I’ve never experienced before. I’m always telling people with the MDM products, think outside the box, push the limits, I build the tools, it’s up to you to really use your own intuition. As the creator of the HFA, I was using my own intuition. In linking my daughter in for this shopping extravaganza, it was pretty over the top. Calm, collective, good prices. Observing the energy in the way that I do, I noticed that the bubble carried it around here into the store and started to effect things around her. Her shopping experience was much more pleasant. Her picking out clothes was pleasant. I didn’t hear one iota or peep of complaining about anything. She picked out exactly what she wanted and it worked out perfectly. Absolutely mind blowing. Again, thinking outside the box. Thank you.