Good morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about mediation. Right off the bat, I’ll be honest with you, meditating has never worked for me and it never will. My mind races way too fast and I don’t have 15, 30 minutes, even an hour a day to sit down and go in my inner thoughts. By the very nature of what I can do, I can get to those thought forms that I need to at the speed of thought in a conscious state of mind.
Now with that said, I do meditate in a different way, okay? The pile of crystals and rocks you’re looking at in the video were put together for me several years ago. They were hand picked and sculpted and put together by a dear friend of mine by the name of [inaudible 00:00:59]. You can look him up on my Facebook page. They emit an amazing energy. They do really three things: They clear my space, they look absolutely beautiful, and I use them as a focal point during the day when I need to calm myself down or my thoughts are wandering, or I just need that moment of clarity.
I just simply just sit down wherever I am in my space, close my eyes, put my attention on it, honor it, and within a minute my thoughts are clear and I am calm. Now meditation is a really fantastic technique for people that have the time to do it and the discipline more importantly to do it. There’s a lot of information out there on it and if it works for you, great. I just choose to use the little bit of time that I have to really clear my mind, to look at something beautiful, have it clear my space simultaneously and been able to meditate in 30 seconds or less or 60 seconds or less and have the negative thought forms, the racing mind and everything just go into a state of absolute bliss. Thank you.