Good morning everyone! Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. This morning I want to talk to you about numbers that seem to pop up in your life everywhere. For me for instance, the number 911, 611, 116, and 119 constantly show up in my life. They show up on credit card receipts, they show up in lottery numbers, they show up in every facet of my life. I had a couple inquiries about it and I’d like to share my thought on it.

If you’re familiar familiar the 12 Projects software I created, there are 12 virtual Chakra that are created from the software. Each one of those virtual Chakras contains information about who you were prior to taking embodiment. That information can come in many, many forms. It can come in the form of gifts, little tidbits of information about your current trajectory, who you were in the a past life, etc. Numerology is a vast subject. It’s deeply rooted in symbology, obviously, mathematical formulas. When they seem to pop up in your life consistently, whether you’re looking at a clock, if you do a calculation by hand or on a calculator, whether you’re playing the lottery or credit card, if you’re just looking around and that number continually pops up, that number is an access code to information for you in this current timeline. It’s showing up repeatedly so you can crack that code.

There’s a bunch of different ways you can crack that code but the simplest way to do it is to sit down, cross your legs if you can, put your hands out in front of you like resting comfortably, and have your hands hang over your knees. What you do is you put you fingers together like this as they’re resting. You bring your thumb, your index and your middle finger together on both hands and you just have them rest over your knees.

Again, we’re going to do a simple breathing technique, you’ll breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. When you’re breathing into your nose, you’re breathing in energy of the numerology of that number sequence. When you’re breathing in, you think about those numbers and in places in your life where they popped up. When you’re exhaling, you’re exhaling the energy that is blocking you from knowing the true meaning of those numbers.

This one probably takes 2-3 minutes to do. As you’re doing it, you’ll start to get glimpses of the code, what those numbers mean in your life. Don’t discourage anything that comes to mind because the best information comes out of left field, always. It’s just the way it works. As you’re breathing out, you’re breathing out the stuff that’s blocking you and you’re breathing in those numbers, the formula will start to take shape something material in your head and generally, 9 times out of 10, the first thing that comes to mind is what those numbers are trying to tell you.

Sometimes it won’t work on the first go. You have to do it a few times until you get used to the technique. Once you’re used to the technique, numerology, the number sequence, the patterns, the code will all become very evident in your head. Give it try, it’s pretty cool. Thank you.