Hey everyone, welcome to another MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about positive karma. Now, a lot of people have their own ideas. There’s obviously a ton of information out there on it. I’m going to break it down really, really simple for you. Positive karma is a force in the universe that swings around. You do something good in the world, positive karma is created, typically at 100 to 1. That’s a huge number, and more so than not you’ll notice that positive karma come around back into your life, although you might not recognize it. It can be something as simple as doing little acts of kindness. You’re driving to work, and you let a guy out in front of you. It takes you all but 5 seconds and you’ve just made their day.

It can be you’re out for a beautiful hike with your buddies, or your partner or whatever, and you just pick up a piece of trash on the trail. You pocket it, and you throw it out. That’s positive karma, and that is huge, huge, huge in the energetic world. That positive karma will come back to you. Not only that, it also raises your octaves. Everything we do in life is about raising our octaves, higher levels of vibration, higher levels of frequency, obtaining that simplicity. People call it, “Enlightenment,” people call it a lot of different things. Little acts of kindness are a great way to start.

I always get asked by people that are waking up, “How can I get started? How can I do what you do?” I always tell them, “Start off small.” The greatest things you do in life, your greatest accomplishments in life are always done with a light heart. You do everything with a light heart, that creates positive karma. Positive karma is amazing, the universe is infinitely smarter than me and you, source is infinitely smarter than you and I. It knows exactly what we need when we need it. You can put yourself in that radar by doing small acts of kindness. Help out your neighbor, just do something everyday no matter what it is. 1 small act of kindness will change your life forever, thank you.