Hey, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk a couple minutes about the white powder of gold, or monatomics. They have been with me for a very, very long time, so just in brief, several years ago before my wake-up experience, I read a book by Laurence Gardner called “The Sacreds of the Lost Ark.” In that book, he repeatedly talked about a substance made from platinum group metals, and they’re called monatomics. They’re also found in nature, and through that book, I did a quick Google search, and I came across a bazillion sites of people claiming to make it, but the one site that I chose was Zero Point Technologies by a great friend of mine, Jason Davis, who is a former owner of it and now runs the Blue Emerald Alchemy and makes substances and alchemies or a much, much higher level of vibration.

I’ll share with you my experience with these substances and how they altered me and changed me in ways that allowed me to do what I can do today to help you. I first started with a product called Zynergy, which was a liquid-based monatomic made from gold, and I was getting great energy from that. Then, after a few weeks, I upgraded to the white power of gold. Again, folks, there’s a lot of companies out there claiming to be making it. A man by the name of David Hudson in the ’70s patented a process from taking pure gold and making the substance. The Israelites used to collect dew off of the grass, and they used to make a bread called the “mafa” something or other.

What is monatomics? Well, it’s a chemistry. It’s an alchemical process that takes gold, and I think adds an electral, another something to the atom, or however it works. Long story short, a lot of companies out there claiming to make this. What do these substances do? Well, the Pharaohs used to ingest very large quantities of monatomic arodium and iridium and gold, and it used to expand their consciousness, and people around them said they would have God-like powers. They could see into multiple dimensions. They could manipulate energy. Sound familiar? (laughs)

I experimented with these substances for a few years. Obviously, they had a very, very positive effect on me. There is a lot of negative material out there about them, so heed the warning before you go experimenting with these substances and pretend that they’re going to do any number of things to you. Do your due diligence. Do your research, and obviously the Blue Emerald Alchemy makes an amazing product. After I woke up, I started helping Jason bring through formulas for higher level, higher octave formulas for his products, and obviously it was push and a pull. The higher the vibration of the material, the higher access you had to different octaves in reality to gain access to information and so forth.

That was a long time ago. Monatomics, the white powder of gold, are absolutely amazing materials. They have superconductive properties. They defy conventional science on a number of different levels. They have super “lepitivity.” Lepitivity? They float, and you can just see a lot of YouTube videos out there on how this substance is made. Obviously David Hudson patented his product, but again, monatomics for me personally opened me up to a world that I didn’t even know existed and allowed me to continue down the path that I was chosen for. Through the baseline of what I did, it has allowed me to create products, deliver services, software products, workshops, personal energy sessions and now obviously the physical world, with the HFA, the HFA Plus and the HFA Mini, which are harmonic field amplifiers. It just defies science. I mean, they’re mind blowing technologies that science fiction books are written from.

Again, that’s just my take on monatomics. I hope you got something out of it, and again, folks, do your due diligence. Do your research before you just go out and spend money on these products. The prices can really vary widely. I’ve only tried one alchemist. You know, you have to remember, too, the alchemy, which is the substance, is the alchemist. If the alchemist is of pure heart and love, so shall the alchemy be. If you’re purchasing this product … Monatomics are also very funny. They contain the memories of the last person that handled them. If the person that is creating them and handling them is not of pure heart, then the products are going to reflect that across the board. That’s not a good thing for you. Again, take your time. Do your study. Do your due diligence, and get ready for a ride unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Thank you.