Morning everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. I’ve been asked to talk about twin flames and their psychic connection. Well, I can give you my opinion.

Twin flames, soul mates, this kind of stems around a belief system that I have that prior to embodiment you are spirit energy and you make a choice to live the human experience. As a human you’re born with five innate senses that we use to navigate this three-dimensional reality when the human body’s potential is actually 250 senses of which some you may wake up over time. With that said, when you’re pure energy you’re really interconnected in everything in the quantum realm and you are a kindred spirit. You choose to have an experience on this earth and a chance to meet your kindred spirit energy which is your best friend in energetic form. Whatever label you want to put it on it. There is a lot of thought around soul mates and twin flames. Each person has only one, each person has many soul mates. I’m of the opinion that you only have one and you may or may not connect with them with your time on this planet.

With that said, just a quick recap. Prior to embodiment you’re spirit energy. You have another kindred spirit which is your best friend, your other half in that particular form. You’re born here. You’re living the human experience and you may or may not find the them.

Now the psychic connection between them really becomes part of that agreement that you have prior to taking your embodiment here and the psychic connection is literally an agreement that you have that you have a mental connection to this other person and you may or may not find them. Now I’m not speaking to the effect of twins, this is strictly around twin flames and soul mates which are really one in the same thing. It’s a beautiful experience. Some people are very, very lucky to find them and others aren’t. I’m definitely not of the opinion that one person has many soul mates. I don’t believe in that. I believe each person here has one soul mate. Whether you’ll find them or not, you definitely have a psychic connection with them and that can come in many forms. Same experiences, same likes, same thought patterns. Pretty much the same everything. That particular relationship just flows with zero work involved.

Just my two cents on twin flames and the psychic connection. Thank you.