Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. You’ve heard me say a lot of times over the years, unlimit your thinking, thereby unlimiting your potential. Well, what does that mean? There’s a lot of theories out there on creating your reality and how you move through it, but it really boils down to that simple saying, unlimit your thinking, thereby unlimiting your potential. A lot of people ask me how I come up with ideas for products, how is it possible I do what I do, whether it’s in energy sessions, whether it’s creating software like [inaudible 00:00:37], the source for the twelfth project, [inaudible 00:00:41], light bodies, smoke arrays, and now a physical line of products, the harmonic field amplifiers.

When you are able and ready to start moving to the higher octaves, you are given information, a piece of information, and what you do with that information determines whether you move to the next octave or not. When you’re in these higher octaves, these higher streams of vibration, your capacity to think outside the box really becomes unlimited. You are given brilliant concepts, brilliant sayings, brilliant ideas, and what you do with those ideas … They’re given to you for a purpose and those purposes are to help the world vibrate at higher levels. Unlimit your thinking, unlimit your potential.

How do you unlimit your thinking? You do simple things to raise your vibration to reach the higher octaves. You can listen to classical music is classic, no pun intended, is a great way to start. Doing acts of kindness, just smiling, having positive thoughts, one when you get up, one when you go to bed. As you start to do these small, simple baby steps, things start to change, you’re starting to unlimit your thinking. There’s a quote out there, this is your comfort zone, this box, and outside the comfort zone is where the magic happens, and there’s so much truth … I don’t know who wrote that, but there is so much truth in that particular saying. When you step outside your comfort zone, when you unlimit your thinking, the magic’s out there, you unlimit your potential.

I can do what I do when I choose to do it because that’s my path. Everyone has a path and at some point, as you’re moving up through these higher octaves, you’re going to have a wake up experience. I just worked with a woman a couple days ago that was [inaudible 00:02:46]. She related everything I said because I’ve been there, done that, and since I woke up, that ability to unlimit your thinking has just grown thereby unlimiting your potential. You create your reality as you move through it.

It’s so hard to describe in words what goes on up here or even in my daily environment, the synchronicities. Unlimiting your potential, you truly have to know that you are an unlimited being with unlimited potential and through conditioning in the society we live, you forgot everything you were. To reach those higher octaves, to do things that are born of brilliance, delivered in utter perfection, you have to start off small, acts of kindness and things that I mentioned before. There, you’ll be given some information to move to the next octave, and it’s really up to you if you want to do it or you want to stay asleep like the masses. Get up and do it. Thank you.