Morning, everyone. Welcome to the MDM Minute with Peter Schenk. Today I want to talk about unplugging. What is unplugging? Well, there’s a lot of definitions out there. I’m strictly speaking from a point of leaving your cell phone at home, not watching TV, not reading the newspaper, and definitely not reading the internet for your news. Why am I saying this? Have you ever had a vibration in your body somewhere, like your cellphone vibrating but your cellphone is not on you? I know I’ve had them. If you’re having them, you need to unplug. Unplugging is a way of enrichening your life, taking your stress level way down, and just getting back to basics.

How do you do that? Well, you start off slow. The benefits that come from unplugging are absolutely amazing on your physical body and your psychology. The newspapers, TV, the internet, your cell phones, they all omit frequencies. These frequencies are meant to keep you in fear, and keep you in control. The way we’ve been conditioned, we’ve been conditioned to be slaves to all of these devices. Now, it took me six months to completely unplug in a way that I’m comfortable, and these fear frequencies that come are manageable. It’s very, very simple to start this. If you get your news from the TV, leave the TV off for a day. If you read the newspaper, don’t. Leave your cell phone at home more often than not. All of the sudden, just don’t get your news from the internet.

All of the sudden, you’re thinking, “Well, it’s a part of my life. I need this. I need that.” Those are the control … That’s a de facto standard. Those are the controlling mechanisms, keeping you in fear from what I’m telling you right now. Your skin is probably already starting to crawl. “What? Don’t read the internet? Don’t surf the web? Leave my cellphone at home? Don’t watch TV? What is he, crazy?” What is crazy? What’s normal? I didn’t get to where I am today by following the norm. I pioneered my own path to get here. These MDM Minutes are designed to give you little insights into my world, and how to better yourself, and enrich your life, and become some standard more enlightened in a way.

Starting off by unplugging, just a great way to do it is just leave your cell phone at home. Just leave it at home. If you get your news … If you read Fox News, if you watch Fox News, don’t do it for a couple days. What you’re going to see is you’re going to see your stress level start to come down. When you put yourself in front of that news, in front of the devices, you’re allowing those frequencies into your surroundings. Remember, your surroundings are a direct reflection of what you’re putting out. If you’re in fear, putting out, fear comes back.

Unplugging is an amazing way to let go of the fear that keeps us grounded. Start off [inaudible 00:03:36] your cell phone at home. Don’t watch TV. It’s very much like a heroin addict, okay? A heroin addict will die if they stop getting heroin instantly. You won’t die, but you’ll go into a very strange psychosis if you do all this at once. I highly recommend you don’t. You start off slow. Don’t watch TV for a couple days. Don’t surf the web. Even the radio in your car is programming you. Leave it off.

It’s okay to play music. I enjoy classical music, because it takes parts of your brain and it stimulates them. That’s where brilliant ideas are formed from. I also like ’80s hair band metal. Go figure that out. Unplugging is a beautiful way to allow yourself to enrich your life. Give it a try. It’s really simple. You have any questions, leave them at the bottom. Thank you.