Personal Transformation That Is Out of This World
What happens when you combine rare space crystals with over 40 carats of precious rubies, sacred geometry with divinely-intuited construction?
Meet the Terra Resonator Tornado, capable of generating a personal transformation that is out of this world.
You were made for greatness. It’s time to reclaim your nobility, and THIS is how you’re going to do it.

Harness the Unlimited Power and Healing Energy of Heaven and Earth

Few events in nature have the power of a tornado. The unbridled energy that connects Heaven and Earth can level an entire building in a second — while leaving all of its surroundings perfectly intact.
Targeted, sweeping, powerful.
We often think of such destructive forces in negative terms, but that is not necessarily the case in the etheric realm. There are some stuck energies and old beliefs that we simply need to remove.
Joining the innate forces of Heaven and Earth, the Terra Resonator Tornado acts to pinpoint negative energies and swiftly remove them, leaving a void that is immediately replenished with positivity and balance.
See the Terra Resonator Tornado in Action
The Terra Resonator Tornado
A breathtakingly powerful piece of spiritual technology, the Terra Resonator Tornado combines sacred geometry, ancient symbology, a laser-etched lab-created 99.9% pure Quartz crystal plate, one large Jet stone and four stones each of raw precious Ruby and rare Libyan sandtone in an energy-spiral generating pattern!
Calling upon the four sacred directions and the four sacred elements, the Terra Resonator Tornado grounds itself in your reality and acts as a cleansing agent for all that is unwanted, while summoning universal forces for your highest good.
Your body and your energy field are kind of like your house. You interact with other people, invite news stories and negative ideas in, and you cannot help but react to them.
And just like your house, over time, your energy body gets a little bit “dusty” and clogged up with self-defeating, unproductive, limiting thoughts like “buts” and “I cant’s.”

Most people do not do the intentional “cleaning” work needed to sweep away those negative blocks, and for them it takes a major travesty or turning point in order to start fresh.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Just as you wouldn’t sell your house and buy a new one in order to avoid cleaning, you don’t need to wait for a “rock bottom” moment to cleanse your body of negative energy.
See the Terra Resonator Tornado in Action

An inverted pyramid in the center simultaneously draws up Earth energy into the Jet stone which absorbs negativity and deposits it back safely into the Earth for neutralization.
Placed immediately above the Jet stone is a 99.9% pure lab-created Quartz crystal plate that is etched with sacred symbols and messages of peace and healing.
Much like the large quantities of silica (the building block of Quartz) have been found to amplify energy in and around the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Quartz crystal plate helps to amplify Jet’s protective powers.
Around the Quartz plate, in an alternating pattern, Ruby and Libyan sandstones generate the seemingly opposite energy of ground and space through channels connecting them and circulating their energy in a cosmic spiral.
This twister effect helps to quickly detach and remove any old, harmful energy that no longer serves, while summoning wisdom from your higher self and angelic beings to assist you in moving forward along your path.
By harnessing the unlimited power and healing energy of Heaven and Earth, the Terra Resonator Tornado removes negativity from your energy field and replaces it with high vibration frequencies. This also works for ANYTHING you place upon it.

What to Charge with Your Terra Resonator Tornado
When it comes to deciding which items to charge with your Terra Resonator Tornado, anything that represents your basic needs and/or your highest aspirations is appropriate.
Here are a few ideas:
- Water, coffee, drinks and food
- House or car keys
- Bills, bank statements
- Symbols of things you want to manifest
- Lottery tickets
- Notes/written intentions
- Essential oils
- Vitamins, herbal supplements
And more!
Why Is Energy So Important?

Have you ever had the experience of a good day that just seems to get better?
Or a bad day that just seems to get worse?
They say, “when it rains, it pours.” This is something we’ve all experienced, and that’s not coincidence. It is the universal Law of Attraction: like attracts like.
All matter is comprised of energy.
Thoughts are pure energy. Things are energy in physical form. Your thoughts can attract things — but it is impossible to attract a thing that does not match the energy of your thoughts.
So, if you want to attract money, but have an energetic blueprint for being broke all of the time, you simply cannot attract money that lasts. It is law. Just like gravity. You can jump up, but you will come down.
This is why most people who suddenly win the lottery quickly end up where they started. They never changed their energy around money. So, if you want to attract something different, you must first change your energy.
The Terra Resonator Tornado works on a Quantum mechanical level to help you change your energy around any topic you choose, cancelling out the negative and amplifying the positive, so can attract what you really want and deserve.

The Power of Crystals
In the Terra Resonator Tornado, natural crystals are the energy-generating machines that work synergistically to cleanse your energetic field. Their resonance empowers you to stand in your chosen path with the type of balance and positivity that leads to unbelievable results.

Owing its creation to wood that has been subjected to extreme Earth pressure over millions of years, Jet is the ultimate grounding and protective stone. It sits at the middle of the Tornado configuration to ensure that all of the energy transmitted is of the highest and best quality.

Perhaps the most famous “Master Healer” stones, Quartz amplifies and intensifies all healing and positive vibrations, ensuring that all of the energy circulating through the Terra Resonator Tornado is of the purest, most beneficial quality.

Libyan Sandstone (x4)
This stone is aligned with those endeavoring on a personal journey of rebirth and transformation. It possesses extraordinary energetic activations of our light body which heightens our vibrations and attunement to the divine.
Libyan Sand Glass is renowned for its ability to accelerate personal progression, strengthen personal willpower and helps us ascend to new heights of self-awareness. It also functions as a powerful manifestation tool. When combined with meditation it can aid your ability to access the Akashic records, ancient knowledge, and past lives. Which can help us clear karmic bonds, and binds. The stone also offers protection, guarding against negative psychic energy. Preventing energy thieves and creating barriers that repel negative events. Making it a perfect companion on the quest for enlightenment.

Precious ~14 carat Ruby Stones (x4)
Once considered more precious than diamonds, Ruby is a root chakra grounding stone that has been valued and used by nobility for thousands of years. Considered healing and protective on many levels, Ruby has been said to have a positive influence on fertility, confidence, relationships, protection, circulation and manifestation. With large, raw Ruby stones averaging over 14 carats, you’ll get to experience an energetic power that was previously reserved for royalty.
- Sacred symbology and geometry
- Durable, wood composite storage box and base unit
- Laser-etched lab-created Quartz manifestation plate
- 4 pieces of rare, supernatural Libyan sandstone
- 4 pieces of raw, natural Ruby (averaging ~14.5 carats each!)
- 1 piece of polished, natural Jet
All materials infused and activated with pure positive energy and intentions.

Activation Instructions
Setting Up Your Terra Resonator Tornado
When you receive your Terra Resonator Tornado, carefully unbox it and place the base in a part of your home where it is unlikely to be disturbed.
Rest the black Jet stone in the large inverted pyramid in the center, with each of the other stones in alternating order around it. Then, carefully place the Quartz plate on top, with the etched side facing down.
Linking Your Terra Resonator Tornado
To activate your Terra Resonator Tornado, hold your left hand over it and speak out loud, “I HONOR THE SPACE IN WHICH YOU EXIST.”
That’s it, your Tornado is activated and ready to begin manifesting for you!
The possibilities of how to use your Terra Resonator Tornado are endless, but some suggestions of objects you might try linking include:
- Water
- For ultra-hydration and cellular rejuvenation
- Meals & Snacks
- For optimal weight and better nourishment
- Pictures
- Objects of desire or photos of loved ones upon which to focus protection, positive support and manifestation
- Written Affirmations
- Give your statements a power boost!
- Symbols
- Anything can be a symbol, the power lies in the intention you place upon it. Statues, artifacts and even every day objects can be powerful symbols. Get creative with it and have fun!