
Y Gratitude , Houston

I had a session with Peter lately and it was Outstanding ! I tried everything before and nothing worked and after every program I finish more broken and more depressed! For the first time I can feel the change: so many pains are gone from my body, especially my head. As Peter said it was as if I had an Energetic Surgery, it’s the first time that I feel such powerful energy. I feel so peaceful now,
I’m so grateful for the support and the kindness that I’ve had!
Peter you’re doing an Amazing job, Keep going!! 🙂

February 8, 2016

Holly Powers Matthews, Gilbert, AZ

I had an energy clearing session with Peter and all I can say is I was BLOWN AWAY. The energy was so strong, and had a very unique feel to it. I have found myself with so much energy lately, after having fatigue for months. Thank you Peter…from one energy Connoisseur to another!

January 27, 2016

Holly Powers Matthews, Gilbert, AZ

I participated in the Energy Clearing Session and have had some amazing shifts. I was very ready to release and clear out the residual ‘yuck’ that had been clogging me up. I had a profound experience with the sacred geometry and feeling the ‘egg’ burst into billions of particles and dissipate. I had quite a day the next day with a body cleansing, but feel absolutely super charged and wonderful. I know something profound took place. Thanks Peter for you and your teams dedication to this work. Changing lives…changing lives. Again…many thanks!!!

January 27, 2016

Barbara, Canada

Hi Peter! I had a session with you about 6 weeks ago which did wonders for my adrenal function. I added Aquaware “perfect health” here and there since then and my intention was not to limit my thinking to thyroid but anything affecting my thyroid function. I just now received a call about my thyroid and after 3.5 years of distressing visits to the Naturopath and tryiing this and that to get the T3 T4 conversion
to stabilize……it has. No office visit. No “now what” to deal with.
Not perfect but it has reduced the STRESS I’ve felt about this and I believe that it could change again for the better. thank you yet again, Barb

July 15, 2015

Barb, Canada

Wow! thank you Peter. I had and Indigo biofeedback session 6 hrs after my session with you. Interesting feedback:), my adrenal score was 88 and I have been at 24- 36 for a few years. It has been creeping up since I started sessions with you but today was stellar! Since starting the sessions I have been able to discontinue cortisol replacement drops and cream. The dark discolouration on my arms has almost disappeared and I’m starting to grow back some body hair. Adrenal function=hormones=energy=ability to manage stress and much more. No surprise I guess one bit of feedback that stood out was that I was “channeling”….I’m guessing that was your energy. Thank you x 1,000,000!!!!!! Barb

June 21, 2015

Ania Stang, Holualoa, HI

Before my short session with Peter today I thought that my rage was finally clearing and what was left of it was only a mild version of an anger. Right after Peter started to work with me my rage showed its face in a form of a dragon and it was not happy! It was screaming until its voice was gone. It was spitting orange-red fire and thrusting with great power in all directions. I was silently witnessing its misery and its power. It was several minutes later when I finally noticed that the dragon was shackled to me with several heavy chains. As the session progressed and the chains broke one by one, for the first time, I had an olfactory experience. Two very distinctive strong smells lingered for several minutes. They were gone once the beast was liberated from its bondage. Totally exhausted it curled up by my side in peace. I felt immediately at ease, free and relieved. I was speechless and truly grateful for this experience. I had tears in my eyes for several hours afterwords. Never before I felt such deep stillness and calm.
Thank you Peter for your gifts, your amazing Being and your continuos dedication to help us make our lives filled with love, gratitude and abundance.

June 4, 2015

Eva Sandén, Gävle

Last Wednesday I had a 15 minutes Energy Session with Peter and he did a deep clearing on me. The next day I realized I could walk up and down the stairs with no problem. Due to osteoarthritis I had been stiff in my ankles and toes which now is gone. Marvellous! Also my fingers are much better and I think it is getting better every day. I am also much straighter in my back and I feel much lighter in my body! During the session and about 45 minutes after, I felt the energy in my feet and hands and tingles on my upper lip.
I use Aquaware 4.0 every day for all sorts of things and I am a true believer of its/your power. Thank you se very much Peter!
Eva in Sweden

May 3, 2015

Kelly Lee Tavson, Duck Lake, Sask., Canada

My over the phone session with Peter was amazing. As an energy healer myself I love Peter’s right 2 the point, drop the story, zone in, and his magic is underway. I apparently required grounding and I must say it is the most I have ever felt my body in my being. My approach to things has slowed down from the bronco rodeo ride to a calmer gallop. I am aware when the bronco rears up and I just pull back on the reins. I have displayed a lot more kindness toward self. Look forward to the next session. Thank you Peter.

April 26, 2015

Dianna Jarvis, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Looks like you are the guy! What I have been trying to get a cure for, for the past 25 years unsuccessfully, you got the job done in one small session. Thank’s peter, I’m so appreciative and so happy to have found you! So gifted and a great guy!
Dianna B.C. canada

April 26, 2015

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