Modern Mystic Pendulum
Highlights from JP F from July 21 st to August 6 th .
 The pendulum is fantastic, and I am in using it more and more.
 I have used it nearly daily for the last couple of weeks – sometimes for a few minutes
and sometimes for closer to 30 minutes.
 Note: in a generous act of caring, the pendulum was gifted to me at Karen Kan’s Light
Warrior Camp by Marian. It has been such a confidence booster for me to know that I
am able to do ‘mystical’ things and trust myself – not just others in this area. What a gift
from Marian and from you. Thank you!
 Concerns: sometimes I feel like the ‘swaying’ of the “yes” and “no” could be even more
significant (e.g. bigger circles). I often say “show me a more obvious yes or no” and
sometimes that helps. I am guessing this is true with any pendulum. And, I recognize
that I have a lot to learn about using pendulums and muscle testing.

 I love the design and quality construction of the pendulum.
 Looks like a nicely fabricated piece of jewelry.
 I appreciate the two tones of metal as well as the glass with the symbols.
 The swivels at the top and bottom of the chain are a nice touch to keep the chain from
getting tangled or twisted.
 The ball at the top of the chain is interesting and comfortable.
 Easy to hold.
 It seems to be ‘as advertised’ in that it is automatically calibrated to multiple people.
 I have asked many simple questions about my name and other factual things to confirm
accuracy. Sometimes it takes a little bit for it to start moving, but then moves
 I have used it the most, but my wife Andrea has used it quite a bit as well. It works
seamlessly back and forth between us.
 I have showed a couple of friends and they are quickly able to make it work accurately
as well.
Content/ questions:

 I am new to muscle testing but becoming more comfortable with asking different types
of questions. Based on Karen Kan’s recommendation, I have been reading the book
Force vs. Power and it has helped open my eyes to all the incredibly wisdom that is
available instantly with muscle testing and this pendulum.
Several Highlights:
 Day to day: I am asking lots about foods, weather, relationships, work scenarios, and
lots of “which option will provide more fun and joy” as we have been on vacation for the
last 10 days.
 Work project:
o Just after returning from Karen’s retreat and new to the pendulum, I received a
request to bid on a project for a European client. This would require a little work
on my end and moderate work for a colleague of mine. I asked the pendulum if
“we should put effort into responding to this” and it said “no.” I asked if this
“was because we would not ultimately win the project” and pendulum said
o We spent the time working on the proposal anyway and a week ago learned that
we did not get the project and our bid was literally 5X more expensive than the
other firm. We could have saved ourselves a bunch of time by listening to the
 Olympics:
o I was asking about the outcomes of several live Olympic events in the track and
field area. “Is the older of the two American’s going to win the 400 meter race.”
Pendulum said “yes” and a couple of minutes later an American won out of the 8
athletes. We went online to check the ages and, in fact, it was the older of the
o More amazingly, we asked about the Steeple Chase finals and again, if the sole
American in a field of 15 athletes was going to win. Pendulum said “no” and I
asked if he was going to place second. Pendulum said “yes” and I told Andrea
just before the race started. We then watched the eight minute race where the
American was in dead last place (not looking good) before coming back in the
final laps to place exactly second in the final sprint. Amazing!
o Note: I first asked if I was “allowed to ask these questions” knowing we had no
financial stakes/ bets on these races. Pendulum said “yes.”

 Big decision for my cousin:
o My cousin was facing a big, almost ethical decision – trying to navigate between
two important values that we at odds with each other. We used the pendulum –
remotely while he was in North Carolina and I was in Greece — to evaluate
several aspects of the ‘highest and best interest’ for someone he cares about.
The pendulum provided clarity after asking questions in multiple different ways.

This gave him confidence to engage in a difficult conversation and with a good

 Food/ nutrition information:
o We have asked tons of questions about different foods and drinks with a few
o Andrea: She has felt that she is intolerant to gluten for some time, but the
pendulum says “no” this is not the case. This was also confirmed by Karen in one
of her sessions a couple of months ago. She is now eating breads and doing well.
o Pendulum says the same thing about the impact of wine on her sleep “the wine
is not the problem” but that “her mindset about the wine is a problem.” I didn’t
have the skill to try to resolve/ heal this the way Karen could, but it is very
 Helicopter trip:
o I felt I should have asked if it was safe to use a helicopter to fly from one island
to another while traveling in Greece, but I feared asking the question so I
avoided it! I felt I might get a bad answer, not trust it and still fly, but be scared
the entire time.
o So, I guess I still need to work on my confidence with the pendulum on big

JP August 10, 2024