My HFA Palladium experience is one of a ENEGETIC MIDWIFE, supporting my delivery of a NEW LIFE, one without somnolence when I need the energy to push forward through the pain.
I have been working towards receiving information regarding my “stuck “place when I get to the knowingness of what to do next. Back in the day, women then were blind to many things, they merely submitted and accepted whatever doctors dictated was best for them, without question. There was no call for questioning what a doctor ordered, and nowhere to go to research such things on one’s own, even if that thought had occurred to them, which it didn’t. My mother was given anesthesia which was common then for deliveries. I was a breach baby, and the umbilical cord was caught around my neck; that, coupled with anesthesia, put me in fetal distress. With forceps, I was pulled out and pushed back in and twisted at the neck before eventually sliding out with forceps still in place, so I never really got the intended kinesiology of the birthing process. I missed the tactile stimulation of my head, neck, and shoulders in the birth canal. I still have the scar. Dr. S. was the GP, and he cheered me on through my birth. I could hear a voice, a sound, some kind of tone / vibration, possibly Dr. S. talking to himself throughout the birth –something like, “Okay, that’s it. Good, good, okay, now we just need to move this like this, and then, “(I fell asleep). I could feel the vibration from the outer world as he worked me through the birth canal experience. Then the bright lights, and the cold water in the basin, and when staff finished their ministrations, I was put in the nursery with a nurse who was very hands-on and somewhat gruff. My mother was in recovery, my father was at work and learned of my birth by phone call, and my sister was with an uncle and wasn’t quite sure if she wanted a sister. (Family Story) . Okay back to the HFA Palladium. I have used my rebirthing skills and other stuff, over and over again to get through the perceived block to financial gain, and I would end up in a place full of being thrown under the bus, voicing my truth, my knowingness, and I would flat line. I am using several of MDM Products, Quantum This, Aquasync, TR Typhoon, Crystal This, Wishing Sphere, DNA Alter, every day, but knowing when to use what device is, is CLEAR. I have no idea if Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous Oxide or what was used by Dr. S., I have no idea how healthy my mom was for 9 months, it really does not matter. What does matter is that there is a MDM TEAM to assist me now in negating the effects of hallmark events in my experience of LIFE.
The HFA Palladium: SHE IS A FORCE TO BEHOLD. Thank you.