For several weeks we were unsuccessful in finding residence for my son who was relocating for a career position. There seemed to be no available rentals and the market is very limited in this particular area. Having no options, I decided to utilize my wishing sphere which is located approx. two feet from my activated Quantum This. Set my intention and was very specific with his required needs and conditions. Within 24 hours, my son signed a lease; the location, condition and cost far exceeded our requirements. Thank you so much for my son is safe, secure and happily starting his career. I am forever grateful!!!
November 1, 2023
- Creationis Miracles Arca Archa
- DNA Crystal Alter
- HFA Ansuz Pendulum
- HFA Force Generator
- HFA Mini
- HFA Mini V2
- HFA Orion
- HFA Palladian
- HFA Plus
- HFA Plus V2
- HFA Sirius
- HFA Traveler
- Heavenly Oasis Sacral Chakra Water Bottle
- Myrrh Compass Rose
- Phase One
- Q Shields
- Quantum This
- Somnum Machina
- Terra Resonator
- The Wishing Sphere
- The Wishing Sphere Black
- TheSourxe Water Bottle
- Tree of Knowledge Altar
- Trio of Life Amulets
- Vita Navitas
Healing session and wishing sphere mini
Amazing healing session! I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself over the last few years, but really feel like a have shifted a lot of energy that I had been struggling to shift myself! 😊
Also! My mini wishing sphere arrived a few days ago, and oh my god, I love it so much!!! From the moment I started to unpack it I’ve been filled with it’s amazing childlike joyous energy!! Even when I’m at work or away from the sphere, I can feel the connection as strongly as if I was physically working with it! It’s amazing!! It’s doing wonders for healing my inner child, and allowing me to connect more deeply with my inner child full time. I’ve started making wishes, big and small, for friends and the consciousness of the planet. Was contacted today by one of the friends that I’ve made some wishes on behalf of, and they are already coming into fruition (she wasn’t even aware at the time that I had made wishes for her), and it’s only been three days! 🙏🦋💖November 1, 2023
Energies of the Universe
I only received my Mini Wishing Sphere 3 days ago and there wasn’t really enough time yet to see many wishes being fulfilled. But I feel the need to share my first impression/experience.
When I opened the parcel finding 2 cards with “Love” printed on them and Peter’s signature, I felt an amazing sweet energy streaming through my spine and even recalling this, I can feel it again. While doing the activation together with Peter with help of the video and audio, feeling the energy of the sphere growing and binding with me was a deeply moving experience! For me it is like a strong bond with Universe, reassuring me who I really am and that I am not alone.November 1, 2023
Anger dissolved
I purchased the Terra resonator three weeks ago. I put my demands on it and made a pile of the granted ones
Eight manifested so far. The most amazing was that my ex husband contacted me after 20 years and it was for a kind reason.
The second was I was exposed to Covid and never got it.
I love your products and thank you from the bottom of my heart
Keep them coming
LindaNovember 1, 2023
Wow, I watched Peter on a healing show that I am subscribed to and was fascinated by his intuitive ability with geometry and numbers. So I was drawn to the wishing Sphere and being connected with the Universal Energy myself as a Distance Healer I knew it would work. I received my Wishing Sphere mini the other day and felt the Energy instantly. With everything that is going on in the World I have felt a lot of dense Energy with clients and just in general around me. As soon as I opened it I felt the dense
Energy lift and a light and joyful Energy flow in. I have only had it for 5 days now and have had success with it as soon as the very next day with magical things happening. I have also used it in Meditation and during a healing session with Great results. As one who is attuned to Universal Energy as I am I can tell you this really does work.November 1, 2023
The Holy grail Tool of Manifesting
Happy Easter Folks! I subscribed to the Aquasync package suite March 19th and I’ve had it for about two weeks now. You should see me, I am like a kid in a candy shop, I want this one, I want that one, oh oh what about this one, so many goodies lol I was going to wait six months to a year before writing a review, but might as well celebrate the so called “little wins” if we want the so called “big wins” to show up. I needed a new case for my iPhone 7 as the current one was terribly worn out. I’d searched and searched all around town and no one had it. Anyways once I signed up in Aquaware and put in the intent for a NEW RED iphone case [It HAD TO BE RED! lol not black or blue, RED!], amongst many other desires lol I am going for my usual morning walk and instinctively decide to take a totally different route going and a totally different route coming back for a strange reason, and whaddaya know, I walk past a shop and literally my eyes are drawn to the EXACT and ONLY iPhone 7 case I’d searched all around town for over a month to find in probably the ONLY store in town that had it. The lady in the shop was like “This iphone case has sat in this store for many many years and I was wondering if I was ever going to sell it” … Needed some documents and put in the intent to have these documents handed to me by the person and within a week, they did!
Saying I am grateful Peter and His Whole Crazy [Good crazy lol] world has shown up in my reality is an understatement. Having Peter and his line of products show up in your reality is like the reward you get when you finish a difficult level in some complicated field course or video game. The Universe is like “Here you go, this is your magic wand and your reward for all the shit you’ve been through in life, enjoy!” … that’s how I’ve felt this past two weeks.
I’ve spent the last two weeks on this site reading and watching ALL Peter’s blog posts, reading the testimonials [I WANT THE WISHING SPHERE and THE TERRA RESONATOR BLACK!!!!! lol] with each testimonial I read, I magically discover something new about the Aquasync software and how to use it, and The Terraresonator etc and the many ways people are using it. I definitely definitely look forward to writing more testimonials and the wonderous adventures, manifestations, twists and magical surprises that awaits me on my life’s journey having this Personal Genie Always with Me .Long May It Continue … And so it is 🙂November 1, 2023
Aquaware 6, the best health insurance, prevention and cure
I am a foreigner in the country of my residence, therefore outside of the health system. I could join the system, but I see that those who are in it still pay for the care outside of it, so why bother. And why bother if I can have all the tools to prevent needing it?
Enter Aquaware 6
For quite some time I had my eyes on Aquaware, but somehow nothing happened. When Peter offered this new combination, it was an instant decision. I don’t have much to cure but some of my animals and
the members of my family do. This testimonial is on behalf of my brother in law, who does not speak English.He is a diabetic and had a mild stroke last year. He does not believe in this woowoo stuff, but when I started charging his water he accepted it, and even drank more than usual. He was coughing a lot, his blood work was abysmal, had to be escorted to the bathroom. A few days after I began charging his water was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. After 4 days in isolation and some therapy he was sent home on the 5th day. He was bed ridden on a heavy dose of antibiotics and hardly any appetite. My sister had to drag him up and put him into a wheelchair to take him to the bathroom. He had a therapist visit him twice to show my sister how to exercise his legs. All that was long ago in late July.
His last bloodwork is good, he walks up and down the stairs with a walking stick and has put on 8 kg. His sugar still fluctuates but in much lower range than it used to.
Thank you Master Peter.
Closer to home, my plants are thriving, my back feels better and I am expecting to turn into Rudolph Steiner!November 1, 2023
Wishing Sphere XL
When I came to my office I found out my wallet is missing. I was able to go back home only during my lunch break or four hours after and was looking for my wallet everywhere but still couldn’t find it. I was feeling frustrated and didn’t know what to do. Then I started to cry and pray at the same time touching my new Wishing Sphere and asking for help..
I had to go back to my office and decided to walk through the whole parking lot to look for my wallet where my car was parked the same morning. And while walking and searching everywhere in the garage area all of a sudden I’ve noticed my wallet near somebody’s car. I picked it up feeling as it was miracle and smiled in tears couldn’t believe I had found it in busy parking lot near shopping area after so many people passed wallet was found safe and sound.
I feel very happy and fortunate to have Wishing Sphere and appreciate and words can’t describe the appreciation very thankful to talented creator Peter Schenk!November 1, 2023
Vita Navitas
Vita Navitus
Never fails…one evening I felt like my jaw hurted very much. I’ve done some dental procedure on one of my teeth about a couple of months ago, however that night it really caught me out of my guards. It was late night to call my dentist so I decided to give it a try to use Vita Navitus for the first time in my life. I followed directions and just waved Vita Navitus
sticks close to my cheek where the pain was for about 5-10 minutes. After I was done with it my pain was remaining there for a few minutes and then I started to go along and do things completely forgot that pain was existed..Eventially I realized: “wait a minute..I feel no more pain!” It gave me such a piece of mind and pain free experience right there on the spot that I would recommend anyone to have it as an emergency tool in your Health Kit. Thank you Vita Navitus for my Healthy Life Being!
Galina B.November 1, 2023
Vita Navitas:::Wishing Sphere XL:::Aquaware 6 (Powerhouse Tools)
Vita Navitas:::Wishing Sphere XL:::Aquaware 6 (Powerhouse Tools)
I decided to buy the Vita Navitas, & Wishing Sphere XL and purchase the Aquaware 6 monthly subscription. I guess I want to cover all bases with these high-level tools. As Peter Schenk has stated with these high frequency tools – they call you to them. They each have a personality and are made for you to work with them. I am a Technical Manager in an Engineering/Technical Department and so can look at things logically, and scientifically and I also have a very strong intuition and ‘heart-felt’ sense when something is powerful and can change your life for the better.
I have started to work a lot with the Aquaware 6 Suite of programs and am finding them tangibly powerful and meaningful. It has been interesting to see how it is changing my energy, so that I am able to work with others at my company with a new way of communicating that is clearer, better received and more open & transparent. I am progressing with the tools in the Aquaware 6 Suite and I can see the changes happening where I am heard more easily and readily. I sense that these tools are allowing me to speak more easily from my heart in a way that is assisting the people that I work with to become more empowered within themselves through their heart. On the physical and spiritual healing side I recognize the benefit of staying calm, cool and collected in situations that would have brought up tension (especially at this time working remote and dealing with people that have been affected by the COVID-19 situation in a devastating way where they have had family members commit suicide or pass away from this virus). I feel and believe that the Aquaware 6 Suite of Tools will be very assistive in changing ‘World-Wide Global Environments and Humanity” for the better – through the heart. Opening the heart actually allows one to access Infinite Intelligence for immediate information and personal guidance, which I think will be more and more important for taking care of the Earth.I just received the Wishing Sphere XL and have gotten some group training from Peter Schenk through a Zoom Meeting call recently and can feel the vibration of this tool. I am already getting how powerful this tool will prove to be.
I also just received the Vita Navitas tool. I will be attending a group training from Peter Schenk through a Zoom Meeting call on this tool as well.
Playful Notes (I played with getting the ‘biggest bang for my buck’, so to speak, so created a wish and an affirmation with similar words just put in a slightly different way to utilize the power of each tool.)
The Wishing Sphere XL: a wish that I created allows me to work with this tool in an effective way –
“I wish to attract and fully receive a life that gives me ultimate creativity, abundance, prosperity, fulfillment, passion, incredible love, bliss, and awe.”Aquaware 6 Tools: an intention that I created to work with this tool in an effective way –
“I am NOW attracting and fully receiving a life that gives me ultimate creativity, abundance, prosperity, fulfillment, passion, incredible love, bliss and awe.”Wishing everyone well. The investment for these tools is well worth it. I am looking forward to discovering more treasures from these tools. I am having a blast and much fun in my journey with these tools.
Janet aka ‘Jeannette’November 1, 2023