Happy Easter Folks! I subscribed to the Aquasync package suite March 19th and I’ve had it for about two weeks now. You should see me, I am like a kid in a candy shop, I want this one, I want that one, oh oh what about this one, so many goodies lol I was going to wait six months to a year before writing a review, but might as well celebrate the so called “little wins” if we want the so called “big wins” to show up. I needed a new case for my iPhone 7 as the current one was terribly worn out. I’d searched and searched all around town and no one had it. Anyways once I signed up in Aquaware and put in the intent for a NEW RED iphone case [It HAD TO BE RED! lol not black or blue, RED!], amongst many other desires lol I am going for my usual morning walk and instinctively decide to take a totally different route going and a totally different route coming back for a strange reason, and whaddaya know, I walk past a shop and literally my eyes are drawn to the EXACT and ONLY iPhone 7 case I’d searched all around town for over a month to find in probably the ONLY store in town that had it. The lady in the shop was like “This iphone case has sat in this store for many many years and I was wondering if I was ever going to sell it” … Needed some documents and put in the intent to have these documents handed to me by the person and within a week, they did!
Saying I am grateful Peter and His Whole Crazy [Good crazy lol] world has shown up in my reality is an understatement. Having Peter and his line of products show up in your reality is like the reward you get when you finish a difficult level in some complicated field course or video game. The Universe is like “Here you go, this is your magic wand and your reward for all the shit you’ve been through in life, enjoy!” … that’s how I’ve felt this past two weeks.
I’ve spent the last two weeks on this site reading and watching ALL Peter’s blog posts, reading the testimonials [I WANT THE WISHING SPHERE and THE TERRA RESONATOR BLACK!!!!! lol] with each testimonial I read, I magically discover something new about the Aquasync software and how to use it, and The Terraresonator etc and the many ways people are using it. I definitely definitely look forward to writing more testimonials and the wonderous adventures, manifestations, twists and magical surprises that awaits me on my life’s journey having this Personal Genie Always with Me .Long May It Continue … And so it is ๐