
Energetic session

I had severe dizziness, and ask Peter what I should do. He suggested that I do a private energetic session, within minutes he helped alieviate the dizziness. After the session was over, I felt somehow lighter, like new!!! It was truly amazing! I have had private sessions with other healers, but I have never experienced anything like this healing! Thank you, Peter!! I feel like I have someone there for me now, and that is a great feeling!

Karen C March 5, 2017


And CHANGE my life you ALL did!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS…. I had no idea when my 25 year old daughter asked me, her 58 year old Momma to join in on the 30 day challenge, what a journey I was about to embark on! It was like being on a canoe just paddling along in life, when suddenly you find yourself on a speed boat, jumping the waves and loving every minute of it….
Peter started my day every morning with a tall glass of programed water that energized me. (I miss my breakfast partner). He got my attention to put my intention on that glass of water! Your vision for this program will just keep getting better and I thank you for sharing it with all of us. Rino is so passionate about sharing his holsome food suggestions! What a difference eating the right way can be on a body….amazing, in just one week the amount of energy I experienced by taking his food challange and making some of his receipes. (the watermelon with honey and coconut dressing is fantastic!!!) Because of Rino I quit drinking beer, eating sugar and processed foods! WOW it started out tough, but I felt so good I just kept the challange going. Jim your videos helped me to relax and get into a deeper meditation practice. Very professional presentation that I will continue to look back and learn from. WENDY I have to say that you have had to most profound affect on my body, mind and spirit challange! You showed me how to access my inner energy through the “pillar of light” & “shift the energy” videos. By practicing these techniques, I have discovered a NEW ME!!! My husband explains my change as being younger in spirit and light hearted! Donna, you ROCKED the sexual aspect of the program, I will be trying some of your suggestions in the bedroom! Dr. Howard, your “food paring” segment is very interesting! You also are very wise! AND Marie was enlightening and very sweet, You helped me to focus on letting my energy flow into others lives and breaking down the barriers of flight or fight. I AM: confident, compashionate, aware and I feel I want to help people think differently…..be happier, more positive with everything they encounter each day!
THANK YOU MENTORS FOR MY 30 DAY LIFE CHANGER! (the challenge continues)
Peace be with you all,
Sandie <3

SANDIE CUBIT February 27, 2017

Time Slowed Down

About a week from the finish, time slowed way down. I became aware of virtually every moment. Mind chatter is down 90%. My usual distractions of choice have been losing interest. This state is continuing.

Reverend Ann Hicks February 26, 2017

AQUAWARE 5….Super!

Dear Peter thank you so much for the extended trial of Aquaware 5! It is truly wonderful and in that time I have seen so many shifts from health to environmental cleansing for my whole neighbourhood. I am definitely hooked and will be purchasing as soon as I can. It is so generous of you to offer this trial and I am promoting it to all my friends and colleagues. Onwards and upwards to brilliant health and happy lives for everyone. Thank you!! best wishes to you and many more super products. Rahima

Rahima Sayer February 26, 2017

The power of the HFA

I have had my HFA for about 4 months. I have a 2002 VW Jetta, that was beginning to be sluggish with lost power, and noticeable engine noise even with good maintenance. Well my car now runs smoothly, little or no engine noise, and has the power of much newer car. I also had 2 close calls that should have been an accident and somehow the other drivers avoided a collision with me. Awesome product

Linda Aydt February 23, 2017

Navitus 5 rocks

About 10 days ago I downloaded Natitus 5. A day or so later, I did a water blessing of the 4 ea 20 liter jugs of drinking water. Later on, I poured a small glass of water. The taste was a bit startling in its goodness. It is hard to find the words. It definitely caught my attention that the water was different.

Mary Nelson February 22, 2017

Loved the advice and wisdom gained.

First let me say that the 30 Day Body, Mind and Spirit Challenge was a brilliant initiative. Thank you to Peter and the team for all the wisdom and advice given each day, it was truly inspirational and many times quite eye opening.
I want to say a special thank you to Reno Soriano for his specific advice on day 30. I was one of those running around trying to find my purpose. I kept trying to find out what was that perfect thing I should be doing, so as to fulfill my purpose and not knowing what it was had me stressed out and worried that I was just wasting my life.
After hearing Reno’s advice, I instantly felt an aha moment. Wow. He certainly changed my perception of my purpose in those few seconds.
Thank you Reno, I am now showing up in my full glory. I accept your mission of monumental proportions to be radiant, brilliant, extraordinary, exceptional, and impeccable and I will continue to embody my full radiant self.

K. Ramjohn February 21, 2017


Dear Peter
It is hard to put into words what has happened to me these 30 days, I am 75 years old and raised in a very CLOSED box (tho always a bit of a rebel) am almost always with you on Sundays so have been condition somewhat, but these last 30 days WOW, I finally understand what you mean when you say you have to unlearn everything you were ever taught! I have to question everything anymore, the why of things, how does it work, I can honestly say I feel whole for the first time in my life, free in a sense, what power there is in just thinking, I just want to soar, and know I haven’t even got the dust off my shelves yet! it was so much to take in that I was overwhelmed at first but then I decided to step back and listen, and just absorb, and then become, I practice some, I have saved them all and am going back over them, probably many times,
I have had a stroke a few years back and it makes learning a challenge but am slowly absorbing ALL THINGS NEW!!!! and have been helped by aqua ware IV am so thankful,
I thot I would have some definite favorites, other than you Peter, which is a given, but everyone of you presented things, exercises, info, etc. to help, thank you, was most surprised at my reaction to Donna after all I’m 75 and, but you know I can use the suggestions when my guy shows up *;) winking still looking!!!!

I honor the space in which all of you exist

thank you again love you all


EUNICE KIPFER February 20, 2017

Urine smell gone with aquaware clean water

There was a strong urine smell in my car. I went to Aquaware and used the cleaning water intent poured it on a cloth and wiped the seat and poured the rest on the floor and just rubbed it in with the cloth. Instantly everything was squeaky clean…and no trace of the smell…freaking fantastic!!!

Hailey Cohen February 15, 2017

Mold/mildew gone

This program is profound! I have a front load washing machine, that no matter what I did, smelled like mildew after doing laundry. I cannot be around chemicals, so cleaning it was always difficult! However, I used the mold/mildew specifically for the water in my washer, ran a normal load through with hot water, nothing else, no clothes or detergent, and it has no more odor! The washer loks NEW and smells NEW! I lOVE this software program!

Karen Clothier February 9, 2017
