
S B, Canada

The Masterclass Inner Light Inner Healing was even more powerful than the first masterclass! I sensed work being done on my heart area with feelings of pressure, pounding, pulling and a quick, sharp pain as the energy flowed and cleared. Since the class, I have felt so open and positive about everything. I have a new sense of calm, peace and acceptance about my life. My inner dialogue has changed from negative and judgmental to optimistic and accepting. This is life changing! Thank you, Peter!

March 10, 2016

Georgia, Festus MO US

Big changes this week! 2nd class, 1st bolt of energy created tears then I felt the expansion of love, ended class wiped out but serene. Woke up next day felt like my entire world was being ripped apart from my heart out. Lots of physical and emotional pain, very difficult day. I know this is all lifetimes of crud releasing and way better out than in, lots of discomfort though. It’s my intention to love every spec of myself by course end so in my opinion this is evidence showing up that the blocks are being removed. YAY! Even tho it doesn’t feel good right now…..it will? Thank you Peter! I have to say this is the most intense work I’ve done to date & I have done tons of work on myself! Your energy is profound & powerful! I am so very grateful!?

March 10, 2016

Ania Stang, Holualoa, HI

Master Class 102. After a slight detox on Wednesday (mostly feeling tired and needing lots of sleep) a full impact of the class hit me like a ton of bricks!
Peter very effectively and with an amazing power and precision wiped clean the imprint of my childhood horrors and gave me back my innocence. My inner child (and I) free of this burden is now full of wonder, joy, love….and mischief 🙂 My heart is wide open and I am ready to give and receive on a depth that was not possible before. I am humbled and speechless by this powerful experience. Peter, I am TRULY GRATEFUL to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

March 10, 2016

Georgia, Festus MO US

Big changes this week! 2nd class, 1st bolt of energy created tears then I felt the expansion of love, ended class wiped out but serene. Woke up next day felt like my entire world was being ripped apart from my heart out. Lots of physical and emotional pain, very difficult day. I know this is all lifetimes of crud releasing and way better out than in, lots of discomfort though. It’s my intention to love every spec of myself by course end so in my opinion this is evidence showing up that the blocks are being removed. YAY! Even tho it doesn’t feel good right now…..it will? Thank you Peter! I have to say this is the most intense work I’ve done to date & I have done tons of work on myself! Your energy is profound & powerful! I am so very grateful!?

March 10, 2016

Ajmal, Islamabad/Pakistan

I have attended 2 Master classes, wao what a amazing trnsfer of energy after first class I felt a lot energy and I felt some changes in me started, a great relaxation and then after 2nd class I am now feeling much much better, and also I am seeing great changes in me and my life, thanks a lot Peter Schenk for these classes

March 10, 2016

Ania Stang, Holualoa, HI

Preparing for the Master Class 102, Inner Light/Inner Healing was emotionally very difficult for me. Telling myself 33 times that I love myself brought me to tears. Many emotions like feeling unlovable, not good enough, ashamed and undeserving to be alive flooded my whole being. I was in pain and unable to take a deep breath. Staring at the eye was surprisingly calming and reassuring bringing me deeper into my process.
Energy during the class was super powerful, loving, softly embracing and at times very gentle. When we finished I wasn’t able to move for 30 mins. Any feelings and thoughts just disappeared. I went totally blank, yet everything was perfect as I was completely immersed in a present moment. For the first time all of me was fully embraced, seen and welcomed.
I don’t know yet how this amazing experience will fully translate into my everyday life, but I am truly excited to be alive!

March 9, 2016

Sandra, San Antonio, Texas

Master Class Course 102 – Inner Light/Inner Healing was very powerful. I have a feeling that it will continue to unfold throughout the week. When you blasted us with unconditional love I felt that every cell in my body came on line and in perfect alignment with the moment. Amazing feeling. Wonderful course!

March 8, 2016

Ania Stang , Holualoa, HI

Master Class 101 DEEP TRUST

Energy during the Master Class 101 DEEP TRUST was truly off the charts! In a very powerful way Peter cleared all my targeted areas. My fear to trust myself, frequent inability to move forward in many life situations, constant second guessing any decision I make and need to always be in control ARE GONE. My limited reality was shattered that day. Where I had blocks, now I only experience vastness, silence and ease. Life is more effortless. The deep space of inner peace and neutrality is now my new home. My relationship with my husband reached a new and deeper level of connection. Everywhere I went this past week people were smiling to me, wanting to help, even gifting me things. My lifelong fear of public speaking is vanished and in its place I experience an incredible ease to express myself and to be in a moment without need to control or judge.
Thank you Peter for this amazing class.

March 7, 2016

B. Lammi, BC Canada

Hi Peter! Master Class 2….VERY POWERFUL! I had a small detox but it was well worth it because on the other side of it was FREEDOM! My fear level could rocket to a 10 with one deviant thought. I have definitely moved from experiencing surges of fear into living with positive expectations and more joyful day to day living. I’m so much more productive and I’m taking on a few challenges in the next few months without any fear twinges. It’s an attitude of, I’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain, approached with anticipation, excitement and possibility! WOW! If this is what happens in one powerful session I can hardly wait to experience the results of 6!!!!! Thank you Peter!

March 6, 2016

SB, Canada

The Deep Trust Workshop was such an amazing experience! Working with sacred geometry and powerful energy blasts from Peter, I released and cleared blocks holding me back from really trusting. I now have so much less fear around making decisions. Choices involving myself, others, and the resulting consequences are now easier, faster and made with more confidence. I am excited as changes continue to unfold.

March 2, 2016
