
Maggie, Minneapolis, MN

My intention a week ago I did during your beta test was for $2,000 to come to me by June 15th. Well, it is June 15th and I received $2,100 and via some very unexpected sources. One was a client payment I was sort of expecting, but I won $500 playing in a golf tournament this weekend and then won $600 from another equally unusual source.

June 15, 2015

Ania Stang, Holualoa, HI

Before my short session with Peter today I thought that my rage was finally clearing and what was left of it was only a mild version of an anger. Right after Peter started to work with me my rage showed its face in a form of a dragon and it was not happy! It was screaming until its voice was gone. It was spitting orange-red fire and thrusting with great power in all directions. I was silently witnessing its misery and its power. It was several minutes later when I finally noticed that the dragon was shackled to me with several heavy chains. As the session progressed and the chains broke one by one, for the first time, I had an olfactory experience. Two very distinctive strong smells lingered for several minutes. They were gone once the beast was liberated from its bondage. Totally exhausted it curled up by my side in peace. I felt immediately at ease, free and relieved. I was speechless and truly grateful for this experience. I had tears in my eyes for several hours afterwords. Never before I felt such deep stillness and calm.
Thank you Peter for your gifts, your amazing Being and your continuos dedication to help us make our lives filled with love, gratitude and abundance.

June 4, 2015

Anon, Australia

During one of Peter’s interviews some time back, it was discussed that as we ingest, then excrete the aquaware water, it continues to positively affect the earth.
Well that was an interesting thought – during a dry spell of very little rain, I noticed for the first time, that where my dog was using the grass (as dogs do), many green patches were scattered all over the yard amongst the dry/dead grass.
How much more proof do you need 🙂 dot on!!!  Anon, Australia

June 1, 2015

Barbara, British Columbia, Canada

Surprizing results! I had a 30 min.session with Peter and requested help with energy blocks for creativity. The morning after the session I had a huge burst of energy and productivity in a very physical way which lasted almost 2 days. It wasn’t what I was shooting for but just before the session I was trying to decide which to choose, back pain or creativity. Prior to this, I had 3 weeks of significant back pain and I also had sciatica day and night. I woke up without pain and sprung into action. I didn’t really notice until it came to my attention that I didn’t need the homeopathic Back Med that I had been using 2-3x/day and which was keeping things manageable. My chronic shoulder pain also diminished. Additionally I got past procrastination in many other areas during the week. It then occurred to me that all the unfinished stuff was stifling my creative flow. Interesting way to hit the point home. Thanks again Peter!

May 26, 2015

Lars, Norge

thank you Peter ! Your software , mmmmmmmm Wonderful !

May 11, 2015

Lars Mentzoni, Nesodden Akershus Norge

I have used Peters software for couple of years ++, and I LOVE IT ! I would never og back to drinking low frq water ,Food or give up the Enhanced everything IT OFFERS ! Lightbody 2.0 are doing its thing making life better, I Love it ! tx Peter ! Kindly LM

May 11, 2015

Gabriela Dominguez, United States

this product is amazing, I tried a few of the fast fix such as hang over, relaxing, and pain relive and they work instantly. I can’t wait to see how much change and how much more my life will will be amazing.

May 10, 2015

Margaret Nadeau, Canada

I used the Aquaware 4.0 recently to develop a 7 intent QLS session for the golfers in my family.
My husband has tried it out with great results. Here are the intents used cool down body (for those hot sticky days ) ,courage ( especially for the first tee off with lots of people watching your first shot for the day ) ,endurance, in the zone,
mental energy (very needed in golf), muscle flexibility, as well as physical energy.
My husband is a casual golfer and he loved it plus it kept him hydrated at the same time.
Have fun and enjoy life
Aquaware 4.0 is awesome and life changing

May 3, 2015

Eva Sandén, Gävle

Last Wednesday I had a 15 minutes Energy Session with Peter and he did a deep clearing on me. The next day I realized I could walk up and down the stairs with no problem. Due to osteoarthritis I had been stiff in my ankles and toes which now is gone. Marvellous! Also my fingers are much better and I think it is getting better every day. I am also much straighter in my back and I feel much lighter in my body! During the session and about 45 minutes after, I felt the energy in my feet and hands and tingles on my upper lip.
I use Aquaware 4.0 every day for all sorts of things and I am a true believer of its/your power. Thank you se very much Peter!
Eva in Sweden

May 3, 2015

Bettina Schwarz, Kindberg, Styria, Austria

Dear Peter!
I wrote you already an e-mail but now I would love it to send you a testimonial for all out the world. As you know I worked with the energy of St. Germain for about one week. Once I was hiking in the forest. It was so nice and I made some pictures of the mountains. At home again I wanted to save them on my computer – but I had a very big surprise – at the first picture there was the mountain, but at the second picture there was just violett color. Like the violett flame of St. Germain. It looks wonderful. I send you the picture, so everyone can see it.
Much love Bettina

May 3, 2015
