

A word of caution about AW4. Listen to peter when he warns about the 100% strength. I had been using AW4 for some time now all at 100% strength at first it did not cause any negative reaction but now I have flu, the problems I was working on with AW4 have been completely eradicated but I paid a price of running program 100% every time. so when my temperature increased to 103
I went to see doctor, doctor could not find any symptoms of bacterial infection, lung infection and he said every thing is working at its best so he could not tell why i have flu, I also had him to check my lungs for any negative effects of acid reflux, he said i don’t see any thing is wrong. so now I have stopped using program completely and fever is down to 99. so what I did just one time
I used AW4 for one more time at 100% and in like 5 min fever shot up to 101
and I was back in bed.but after like two hours it is normalized. so i am going to stop using it for next few day so that detox will completely stop.
I am not sure if what I just said has a negative effect and does it tell you AW4 is a real deal and one should use it carefully and take instructions from the originator of the program, also It cost me one day of work.
Peter if you don’t think this is a good testimonial please you don’t have to post it.
thank you

February 25, 2015

Kelly Lee Tavson, Duck Lake,Sk. Canada

Recently our family experienced a tragedy. When I received the call I wondered what could I do from afar until I received more information? I could sense the shock so Aquaware 4 to the rescue. I charged the humidity in the
air surrounding each of them with the Essential Oil of Lavender – for calming,
relaxing yet mental focus. They were not aware that I did this til much later. Yet I was told that they were all surprised how calm they all were and how during the next couple of days were able to handle the arrangements that had to be made. That was amazing and what a gift Aquaware 4 continues to be daily on so many levels.

February 20, 2015

Heidi Loehrer, Taos, New Mexico

At some point during the seven years that I have been working with Peter, I began calling him my ‘back pocket wizard’. In sessions, a beautiful shift in my Being was inevitable, but when I began to notice my WORLD changing after talking to him, I knew I could count on his help with anything. He sees energy and can move it – that has been proven to me time and time again. He is for real! and his presence in my life has brought with it a much appreciated sense of peace and calm… and cemented my faith in ways that are difficult to explain.

February 19, 2015

Andy, Canada

My dog was given a few weeks to a year to live because of an infection. Antibiotics were not working, but he was to stay on them to stave the infection as much as possibe to prolong his life. I used Aquaware with his water- and he is off all meds and appears to be in perfect health again! Aquaware has also helped me as well- where to start! my gums have healed, my hair is coming back, my appetite is reduced and I have way more energy- and the confidence and groundedness I feel with the Aquaware is priceless! Do yourself a favor and get Aquaware!

February 19, 2015


Jan.1,2015 I started drinking perfect facial skin intent water for a scar on my face about 2″ long next to my ear from skin cancer (removed about 6 years ago)about 3 weeks later I noticed the healing The first thing I noticed was the little nob at the bottom was 90% gone.Today Feb 18th it is about 30% healed

February 18, 2015


OK, I gave a testimonial on ascended state under super potent, so now I have
been working with “Healing of complete human being”, Acid Reflux has affected most of
my adult life, it started in college times and has been progressing slowly as age number has been increasing, I was hospitalized ones due to acid reflux like 7 years ago. I was even thinking that if/when I go it will be some bad disease of esophagus tube, it had been just deteriorating over several years. and I did not think AW4 would help because the lining of tube was all bad.
So one of these days due to bad snow I was feeling very sluggish and down, I though I will use “Healing of complete human being” under super potent to heal myself of winter blues, the blues lifted most definitely, felt light and bright in my mind, so I kept using it for like 3 days and 3 times a day so one night I lay down on bed to fall asleep, and as usual I was hoping acid will shoot up my esophagus tube and after getting hurt enough I will go down to drink iced milk to subdue it.
To my greatest surprise no acid came up. then my attention went to my assuages tube and
it felt like no acid reflux problem has ever been there, felt completely healed in that area, I had not created any intent for acid reflux but source energy from program knew what to do.
For the last one week I have been completely free of acid reflux, and I strongly believe esophagus tube lining is also healed as there is no discomfort, heart murmur is completely gone. I don’t know what to say about this aquaware program, is there some god sitting inside this program, it is very friendly to me looks like. I have also noticed a nice ground effect from running the program, not sure if it is the program or the healing of the acid reflux,
may be peter can tell better since he created this program.

February 17, 2015


Hello readers
I have had two one to one sessions with Peter and been working with Aquaware 3 and 4 as well and I have noticed how things start to smooth up for me in many ways. More energy, clarity and a sense of wellbeing is unfolding for me as days go by. I was shocked when I realized that despite other energy works I had undergone I still had all of my chakras completely blocked but one. Then I realized how fortunate of me to find Peter and being able to work that out for good. I noticed the changes quite inmmediately and after during the following weeks as things started to go better and better in all areas of my life. I am aware there is still work to do but I feel very grateful to have crossed paths with Peter and this amazing line of work, something that really works. I can say he is the real deal! Thank you so very much, Peter and I am looking forward to continuing working and benefiting with your unique gifts and opening to the full potential that lies within for all of us once we are able to unblock that which is preventing it from happening in our everyday life. Much love to you.
Juan C Naranjo. Las Palmas, Spain

February 17, 2015

Meirav, Israel

Today I had a real energetic breakthrough using AW4. I built a QLS session including my own intent “reduce body weight” and rejuvenation intentions for the liver, thyroid, spleen, adrenals, lymph system and reduce inflammation at 60%. The physical response was amazing. I haven’t felt so alive and energetic for so long. I am so happy I finally found the right combo for me and so thankful for this awesome software.

February 11, 2015

Mark, Columbus Ohio USA

Hi Peter, I just ran a particularly powerful custom intention in Aquaware 4. It is to clean out clots plaques, chemical buildups from my blood vessels. I’m used to using high power settings with my custom intentions, so I set this to 100% and put about 9 or 10 dots on the background and ran the program. About 3 minutes after drinking the water, I had the sensation of standing in a large container neck high in water and a giant was carrying this container and walking, so that I was being “sloshed about” from one side to the other in a rhythmic fashion…so cool! It was a great feeling! Just wanted to let you know it’s working!

February 7, 2015

Sandy S., Inman SC

I used this program a couple weeks ago for a killer toothache, the kind where you want to just have your teeth all pulled out. I made up the water for pain and did some direct application and also drank the water. The pain started to subside instantly. In about an hour, the pain was entirely gone and hasn’t been back. I also programmed it the other day to stop biting my nails. I stopped instantly and haven’t bit them since I ran the program.

February 6, 2015
