
The accounts you are about to read about will encompass the first couple of years of my wakeup experience that started on August 8th 2004 at 2:39pm EST.   As you read this you need to understand that these accounts all happened and are very real. Although they may seem like science fiction, I can assure you they are the real deal.

Because of the length of this story it will be broken down into multiple parts that will be uploaded to the site each day.  Also, as mentioned, most of what you are about to read was chronicled by a very  dear friend who wishes to remain anonymous, and you will be reading his account written in first person narration.

My name is Peter Schenk and I AM a Modern Day Mystic schooled in the arts of energy and reality manipulation for and of the light.  Because I don’t classify myself at anything this has allowed me to become whatever I need to be in the moment.  Its quite shocking that many gifted fellow humans classify themselves as something not realizing that they are limiting their true potential and not aspiring to be unlimited as we all are.

For the first 35 years of my life I had always been normal in every conventional sense. Being born and raised Roman Catholic I often wondered while in church why I was always being taught to look outside myself for answers.  My childhood, teens and early manhood were normal as I did everything I was supposed to in the capacity of a father, husband and provider.  A nine to five job, a house with a white picket fence, and mortgage etc.

I had always been interested in UFO and paranormal type things and once day in May of 2004 I was searching the internet and can across a book by Laurence Gardner,  Lost Secrets of the Ark Revelations.  Well I ordered the book and read it through its completion in about three sessions. The book made reference to the Powder of White Gold and how it influenced many cultures and people throughout history.

Well I did an immediate Google search for this substance and came across a website where I could order it. What happens next will come from my anonymous dear friend.

Part One

Written by Anonymous Dear Friend

…that usually triggers something in them and they walk away. The reason I bring this up is because Peter (more on him later) and I found out that the metal plates found by Joseph Smith (founder of the Mormon Church) were in fact a record that was jettisoned from an alien spacecraft eons ago as useless refuse. It was a story that had taken place on another planet and Joseph Smith superimposed it over Earth, Jesus and South Americans. The reason I point this out is that, despite what is being imparted in the Stories, truth is far stranger than fiction, and I guess you could say there are Mormons living on other planets after all!

I started doing alchemy about seven years ago. It seems that it was about six years ago that I started on Etherium Gold. I got a little something out of it. Not too long after that I started on Ascension Alchemy’s products. Never felt a thing, but I knew it was doing something. Nothing I used had nearly the effect as the “rough” products I was making. I “encountered” a man that had a free-energy device that worked. He’d had a dream about it, drew it in the morning, proclaimed “this can’t possibly work,” but built it anyway, and it worked. He “accidentally” shocked some water with it one day and then “accidentally” drank the water. He and I have been a team ever since, and his products were the first available through Zeropoint Technologies.

About four years ago I was going out to the north end of the Great Salt Lake and retrieving water from these beautiful salt shelves. I’d go on a full Moon at night, which made it quite a mystical experience in itself. That water is very special, because it is sourced by springs which on the surface would become extremely salinated and very clean. I was very awake by this time. I understood things on an intuitive level that I knew would be years before I could formulate ways to elucidate them with words.

I was told things about myself by various people that would be extraordinarily difficult to accept by all but the most open minds and hearts. Through this, the alchemy changed. Suddenly it was not doing what it was supposed to do, literally overnight. The long and short of it is that certain reactions started taking place that changed the character of the material being produced. I threw batch after batch out for several days, and then finally I heard a voice. I rarely hear voices. It said, “Now you know what all true philosophers come to know: You WILL make the stone when you CAN make the stone.”

That night I lay in my pyramid with the material in the other room. I tuned into it, asked it what it was. Again, a voice, plain as day in my head. “I am nothing and everything. I am exactly what you want me to be. The only power inherent in me is the power to make it so in you.” Very well put, I thought at the time. It turns out that most of the recipes, processes and information were all deliberate misdirection, designed to make alchemy entirely an instinctive labor for those with a drive “they can’t explain.” The product that came from that switch in characteristics is what became The Portal, and the rest is history. I’ve been led every step of the way by Ascended Masters, and according to them I haven’t missed a step. My greatest tool is that I always know when I’m on the wrong road, quickly, and so make changes in trajectory. It turns out to be a very quick and effective means of self-correction.

I’ve had two conscious out-of-body experiences in my life, about four lucid dreams. I’ve never seen a UFO; angels have never entered my bedroom; voices have never thundered from within a gilded bush; in terms of phenomenology I’ve had zilch. As it turns out, it would have been nothing but a distraction. I’m as grounded as anybody you could ever know, and yet I know things that “other people” don’t know. And see, the thing is that I grew up all the way into my late thirties thinking that everybody knew these things. The design of me is all very deliberate. I’m re-enacting an ancient role, all the way to mythical and archetypal realms, and so in fact are you.

One of the things that I was told about myself by four different beings (actually five, if you count Saint Germain) is that I was one of the seven original Adams built by the Anunnaki. I have vague impressions about this period, and I was in fact involved in alchemy in the Dead Sea, just as I got involved in alchemy in the Dead Sea’s sister, the Great Salt Lake. I mined gold out of the Dead Sea 400,000 years ago, and I’ve recovered gold out of the Great Salt Lake. I was the number three Adam, and Peter and I were told this recently by Enki himself. As it turns out I was the progenitor of the Priest-King line that descended from Sumer, through Egypt, through Israel as the Davidic, down through Jesus and on into Europe with Jesus’ Desposyni children.

A few years ago, I was on an airplane and I realized that I recognized every single face on the plane. I could pick any person out and, given the opportunity to sit face-to-face with them, tell them their history, about their children, their loves, fears, etc. It was my first big-time exposure to what we call Cosmic Consciousness. When I asked what the experience was about, I was told “Because they’re all your children.” It turns out that my human line is one of the only ones to survive. I’m the basis of the genetic strain, and because it’s in me I can therefore trigger it in you. When my DNA changes, so does yours. When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

I hope you enjoyed the story so far. More tomorrow and I promise you won’t be disappointed!


Peter Schenk – Modern Day Mystic

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